Best beach body workout? Insanity? T25?

Hi all! I've hit my goal weight so now it's time to build some muscle!!! Or try to at least! What are some of the best workouts for getting that bikini body (mostly the dreaded tummy area) ?? Does anyone have experience with insanity or t25? Is there a preference ? Thanks guys!


  • Soundwave79
    Soundwave79 Posts: 469 Member
    Well for "building muscle".. Body Beast is the go to.If you are looking for all around fitness like cardiovascular health, endurance, flexibility then insanity is my go to. T25 is like a baby version of Insanity. I have alot of the BeachBody programs but I'd need to know some more details about what you want to accomplish before I could suggest one that is right for your goals. Like you said you hit your goal weight but if you want to "add muscle" you'd have to eat at a surplus and put on muscle and fat "bulk" and then do a cut phase. Or if you are at your goal weight and you just want to recomp you'd need a structured resistance program with some cardio built in I'd suggest P90X. So I'll leave it at.. need more details :)
  • liftsalltheweights
    liftsalltheweights Posts: 73 Member
    I did Insanity quite a few years ago and screwed up my foot from all the jumping. :( I also didn't lose a crazy amount of weight or inches.

    In all honesty the cardio that really gives me the most bang for my buck are the Billy Blanks Tae Bo workouts. Seriously. I've been doing them 4 times a week since the beginning of February and have seen a significant change in my body. I've lost inches and I'm starting to see some abs. I also lift 5 days a week as well but I've seen more changes body-wise since adding in the cardio.
  • Soundwave79
    Soundwave79 Posts: 469 Member
    Yea Insanity and T25 are alot of jumping and hopping. Shaun T is like an energizer bunny. It can be quite an all out assault on the lower body with all the impact. If you have any sort of knee/ankle issues I'd avoid his programs. But when it comes to cardio he is king in my book. I tried doing the Chalean vids a couple of times but she's just too darn hectic for me. The HIIT transitions are really fast and I just can't keep up with her. Kudos to you if you can do it, some of her moves I just feel like I have two left feet. :s