Anybody slimming for their wedding?!!

I'd love to find others that are getting to skin down and tone up. Having a goal in sight always helps me keep perspective.

I used to with 250 lbs and have maintained around 155 lbs for ther last 5 years. I really want to lose my last 25-30 lbs and I'm getting married ON THE BEACH in September! Time to kick it into gear!


  • geemariep
    geemariep Posts: 21 Member
    Me! Getting married in June. I recently bought my dress and although I love it I did NOT love how I looked in the pictures at the boutique. I really want to lose 20 lbs before the wedding and get my dress taken in a couple of sizes. Of course I want to get healthy as well and keep losing after the wedding but my short term goal is to be happy with the photos and feel and look my best that day. My fiancé is super supportive but he's not necessarily looking to lose any weight and it makes it just a bit more difficult, especially when we're eating together. On Monday I started counting calories and using MFP at 224.6 (ugh). This morning the scale said 220.8. Guessing it's water weight but it's definitely a motivator seeing that number go down. Congratulations on your initial loss and maintenance and on your upcoming wedding! Good luck!
  • jennyloie1
    jennyloie1 Posts: 35 Member
    Good luck!!! Where are you getting married? We're heading to the Bahamas and I want to feel good in a swimsuit. It would be a first!

    My piece of advice for you, which I have to really focus on, is making sure you're drinking half your weight in water. It's so important.

    I would love to lose about 10-12 lbs by June, but also maintain for good at my goal weight.
  • Hey!! Me too!
    I'm brand new on here today!
    Tying the knot on the beach in September, always been huge, never been too motivated before but I've started swimming every day and having fruit smoothies for breakfast and lunch and then a good meal in the eve... Love reading the motivation and seeing the transformations!! X
  • jennyloie1
    jennyloie1 Posts: 35 Member
    You can do this! Just be strong and keep your goals in sight!
  • kmp327
    kmp327 Posts: 97 Member
    I'm getting married in June and hope to look 10 pounds by then (have been working on weight loss for a long time now but have put on a little stress weight recently). I will friend request all of you!
  • jennyloie1
    jennyloie1 Posts: 35 Member
    Stress weight is like my middle name. It's hard to have a high paced, high stress job, a family, schooling, and find time to work out. Oh yeah, and planning a wedding! *FACE PALM!*
  • geemariep
    geemariep Posts: 21 Member
    Thanks, yes I know water is super important. Unless I'm really thirsty I don't love water but I have been adding some fresh lemon wedges into my water bottle and that seems to have been helping. I'm getting married on June 11 here in IL in my parents' backyard, so no swimsuit :) but now that it's just 3 months away I need to kick it into high gear. I will friend request all of you ladies as well! We can do it :)
  • pickyreverb
    pickyreverb Posts: 24 Member
    Getting married in October and hoping to lose 30-40 lbs by then (I don't mind being heavier if it's due to muscle gain). Currently at 170lbs. Down 2 lbs this week! I'm just doing Focus T25 workouts and staying within my calories, avoiding processed sugars or carbs, bad fats, and getting more water in. Going to have to keep my nutrition dialed in since my workouts are limited by multiple injuries.
  • jennyloie1
    jennyloie1 Posts: 35 Member
    Getting married in October and hoping to lose 30-40 lbs by then (I don't mind being heavier if it's due to muscle gain). Currently at 170lbs. Down 2 lbs this week! I'm just doing Focus T25 workouts and staying within my calories, avoiding processed sugars or carbs, bad fats, and getting more water in. Going to have to keep my nutrition dialed in since my workouts are limited by multiple injuries.

    I'd recommend a youtube channel called bikinifitnessmodel. I do their butt and ab workouts and they're AWESOME! They're anywhere from 6-15 minutes, so you can fit them into a busy schedule like mine. I have bad knees from weighing 250 lbs for most of my teenage life, and I also have a fractured foot that never wanted to heal due to the police academy. So low impact workouts are a must for me!
  • bunnerfly
    bunnerfly Posts: 197 Member

    I'm getting married in October. I bought my dress last February, and blew my ACL last March. I packed on a good 15-20lbs and my dress doesn't even fit anymore!! I'm hoping to not only lose that 15-20lbs but I want to lose an additional 20-30lbs before the wedding.

    I was cleared to start my normal workouts (sans hard running) about 6 months after surgery. I'm 9 months out from surgery now, and I'm doing mostly weight lifting. I've lost 8 lbs and a full pants size since the end of January. :)
  • MrsLeonard2016
    MrsLeonard2016 Posts: 50 Member
    Add me!!! Want to lose 10-15 more lbs by my wedding in August :)
  • pearception
    pearception Posts: 9 Member
    Sweating for the wedding---October 2016 here! Hoping to lose 2-3 pant sizes. Not concerned about my weight...please feel free to add me!
  • ProvenceBelle
    ProvenceBelle Posts: 38 Member
    My wedding is in May 14. I want to loose 6 lbs. I'd love to share my diary or get feedback
  • jennyloie1
    jennyloie1 Posts: 35 Member
    I think I've added all you ladies!
  • aisth00j
    aisth00j Posts: 15 Member
    Yep would love to lose another 6 pounds for my wedding 7th May...Finding it super tough as traveling from UK to Germany most weekends to see my Fiancé so no established routine. Good luck ladies x
  • ilybilmm
    ilybilmm Posts: 10 Member
    Not for my own wedding but for bachelorettes, wedding SEASON (6 this year!!), and a month long Eurotrip with my husband. I've been as high as 128lbs and as low as 105. Half a year ago I was 107lbs for my own wedding and a few months after got up to 120 (I blame all the sweets at my office/ Thanksgiving/ Christmas). I'm back down to 114, but would like to get back to 107 before the end of the month.

    It took me ~3 weeks to go from 120 - 114. My job entails sitting at a desk but I started exercising 45min a day (barre or spinning) and am *working on* cutting out ALL sweets with the exception of fruits. I've also been reducing how much beef/ pork/ chicken I eat, and stick to salmon and veggies as often as possible.

    Good luck everyone - adding you all as friends! :)
  • Kkelso1119
    Kkelso1119 Posts: 13 Member
    Me! Dec 2016 bride to be want to lose about 20 more lbs (down 6lb in the last month to six weeks) to be about 125-130lbs which is the weight I was when I met my fiance. Feel free to add me!
  • lorenfie
    lorenfie Posts: 5 Member
    I'm getting married in September and trying to lose about 20 pounds, any advice is welcome! I'm dress shopping this week and nervous about how I'm going to look in them, would love to see a difference by the first fitting.
  • Songofsusannah
    Songofsusannah Posts: 9 Member
    I was looking for a thread like this!! My wedding is on August 26. I don't have a lot to lose - right now I'm 5'4 about 116. I'd love to get down to 110 or so, but these last few pounds are not really coming off.
  • holly23cali
    holly23cali Posts: 27 Member
    CONGRATS TO ALL YOU LADIES AND YOU CAN DO IT!!!!!! I got married Oct 13th 2012 at Pajaro Dunes in California and had gone from a size 20 to a 12 in 10 months! We had to rush order a totally diff size dress and do more alterations to it. It was awesome madness! Hahaha i was doing weight watchers at the time (pre proposal actually). Then i got pregnant on our honey moon. Lol and morning sickness then after with breast feeding i gained EVERY POUND BACK plus 10. So now im starting my weight loss (throw away) journey again! First week i lost 7lbs and im excited to weigh in again on friday!

    Happy wedding season ladies :smiley:
  • bbop10
    bbop10 Posts: 59 Member
    jennyloie1 wrote: »
    I'd love to find others that are getting to skin down and tone up. Having a goal in sight always helps me keep perspective.

    I used to with 250 lbs and have maintained around 155 lbs for ther last 5 years. I really want to lose my last 25-30 lbs and I'm getting married ON THE BEACH in September! Time to kick it into gear!

    I'm shedding for a September wedding too... in Hawaii!! Congrats to you! Let's be friends! :smiley:
  • Gilmoregrl7878
    Gilmoregrl7878 Posts: 1 Member
    I am! My wedding is June 3rd and I started exercising in January and have lost 13 pounds so far. My lowest weight ever was 173 at 5'10" and I was so happy at that weight.. However, after being on 2 medications, being an antidepressant and birth control, I rapidly gained 60 pounds in 9 months. My ideal goal is to get back to the 170's, but I'm doing little goals like 20 pounds at a time to seem less intimidating than saying I want to lose 60 pounds! I'm trying to stay motivated but it is hard because I only lost 1 pound in the last 2 weeks, so I get discouraged! Hope to hear some good stories from you guys to keep up the motivation!
  • JordannaLynne
    JordannaLynne Posts: 2 Member
    Hi everyone! I'm so grateful this thread exists; I figured some people out there must be feeling like me! I'm getting married June 11th; I bought my dress last summer because I fell in love with it, but instead of losing weight I gained weight! So while it fit when I bought it, I'm now too big for it. It's definitely the result of stress eating, so I'm hoping using MFP to track what I put in my mouth will help me lose that 15 lbs I put on! I also got a Fitbit, so I'm hoping that will help motivate me to keep moving throughout the day. What keeps you ladies motivated each day? The wedding is a good end goal but I feel like I need something on a daily basis to force me to make good choices and break all the bad habits I've gone back to this year.
  • jennyloie1
    jennyloie1 Posts: 35 Member
    I loved reading all your posts! ♡♡♡ yay for love and weddings!

    Here are some things that help me:
    1. MEAL PREP!!!! I hate doing it, but it's a must.

    2. Setting small goals to male the journey seem more obtainable.

    3. Learn that the scale is your friend, but it's kind of a two faced *kitten*. Understand your weight fluctuates because of water, hormones, stress, etc.

    Some things that are pissing me off!
    1. My fiance is already in great shape and his first week back to the gym from a surgery, he's lost 3 lbs and gained 1.9 lbs of muscle. This week I've gained 1.5 lbs and my period is veiling up next week.

    2. Sometimes staring at myself naked makes this whole process feel overwhelming.

    3. My work schedule works against me. I'm a police officer and between the high stress calls, constant adrenaline dumps, and graveyard schedule, it's hard to have a healthy lifestyle.

  • geemariep
    geemariep Posts: 21 Member
    Hi everyone! I'm so grateful this thread exists; I figured some people out there must be feeling like me! I'm getting married June 11th; I bought my dress last summer because I fell in love with it, but instead of losing weight I gained weight! So while it fit when I bought it, I'm now too big for it. It's definitely the result of stress eating, so I'm hoping using MFP to track what I put in my mouth will help me lose that 15 lbs I put on! I also got a Fitbit, so I'm hoping that will help motivate me to keep moving throughout the day. What keeps you ladies motivated each day? The wedding is a good end goal but I feel like I need something on a daily basis to force me to make good choices and break all the bad habits I've gone back to this year.

    June 11th here too :) I'm going to add you. We can do it!
  • cyndlynn
    cyndlynn Posts: 9 Member
    I'm getting married in July! I weigh 148, but would LOVE to be 130-135 when I take those vows! I'm looking for friends, and I have a fitbit too!
  • tyra619danielle
    tyra619danielle Posts: 1 Member
    Getting married in late October (: trying to lose around 15-20lbs and continue on to my ultimate goal of 140(currently fluctuating between 170-175) Feel free to add me (:
  • CarpStylist
    CarpStylist Posts: 24 Member
    Sweating before the wedding! I am trying to lose 15lbs before the wedding. I'm in decent shape so these 15lbs are HARD to let go! I need to cut out the wine and go hard on my nutrition.
  • nsides0427
    nsides0427 Posts: 56 Member
    I'm getting married June 8th and would absolutely love to lose 10 more pounds by then. I'm lifting right now and I seem to just be losing and gaining back the same 3 pounds. So frustrating!! We can do it!!
  • geemariep
    geemariep Posts: 21 Member
    cyndlynn wrote: »
    I'm getting married in July! I weigh 148, but would LOVE to be 130-135 when I take those vows! I'm looking for friends, and I have a fitbit too!

    add me :) my Fitbit is gpontarelli@gmail