Hey All!!!

Ordnassela4 Posts: 2 Member
edited September 28 in Introduce Yourself
I'm new this site...I heard about it on theknot.com so I figured I'd give it a shot. I have roughly 3 months, to lose at least 30lbs! I keep hearing "you can do it" or "that's ridiculous you'll never lose the weight". Although I have the support of my fiance and my family, I really would like to meet people going through the same thing. I need to lose this weight or else my wedding dress will not fit!!:sad:

It's day 2 of my diet...and I'm already craving chocolate!!! I'm hoping this all gets better!!! I welcome any advice or words of wisdom!

Lastly, good luck to everyone on this site! Here's to the "happy & healthy" selves we all truly deserve to be!


  • I'm fairly new too, and I realized that after a week the cravings get better. There are still nights when I wish I could just open the twizzlers and go nuts lol, but I resist.

    Nothing is impossible, and I know that you can lose the weight. And I'm sure that you can lose it in 30 days. There are a lot of exercises that will help with losing the weight.

    Feel free to add for motivation and support. I feel like if you can get a strong bond with someone that is motivating, that it makes it easier to log on every day and make sure to eat smart!

    Good Luck! I know you can do it!!! :bigsmile:
  • billsica
    billsica Posts: 4,741 Member
    yeah, eat the chocolate, but make it fit in your plan.
  • Jennical
    Jennical Posts: 219 Member
    Hey, I never thought I could lose 8 pounds in 1 month but I did it!! And I don't do much exercises.. I mostly walk on treadmill for 30-45 mins per day for at least 6 days per week. So...give it a go!! You have nothing to lose...BUT THE POUNDS!!!
    Welcome to MFP>> and good luck! Add me as a friend if you'd like...
  • Heatherbledsoe
    Heatherbledsoe Posts: 106 Member
    hey! I lost about 30 in 4 months ish =) anyways, just excercise everyday, no excuses. eat CLEAN. shop only around the outside of the grocery store!
    Also, whenever you have a craving, drink a glass of water and go on a walk if you can.
    It should help stave off teh cravings! it gets better once you finish detoxing, lol.
    good luck!

    also, i reccomend a protein shake or drink in the am for breakfast, you can eat a banana with it or something as well.
  • karona313
    karona313 Posts: 37
    We all fight this battle... :) Please feel free to add me. I feel your pain!! Word's of wisdom..hmmm.. most cravings only last 15 minutes. Or...brush your teeth :) That helps. Lastly, I wanted Chocolate tonight too so I had some! I just logged it. I also had a cupcake. This method isn't about deprivation, its about balancing what you eat...good and bad. I've had pizza, fried chicken, chocolate and cookies in the fifteen days I've been logging and I've lost 4 pounds. I believe, firmly, its because I log EVERYTHING, whether its good or not. And I try to make sure I stay below my calorie limit. I have gone over, but not too many times. Also, I made my food diary public, so everyone can see and I'm accountable. Be honest with what you log and be consistent.

    :) You can do this....We all can.
  • mwatson23
    mwatson23 Posts: 18
    First congrats on your upcoming wedding...I'm assuming that's the motivator? I was on here about a year ago but fell off the wagon :) and never really got involve on the boards then so I consider myself new(ish). Just wanted to say hi as we have similiar goals and time frame so thought we could keep one another going. Feel free to add me as a friend and look forward to getting to know you.
  • Ladyfish777
    Ladyfish777 Posts: 1 Member
    This also is my second day and it was killing me at work because I wanted chocolate as well. Try and go for a 8oz glass of light silk chocolate soymilk. It has helped me to drink it slow or add it with 1/2 cup of low fat plain greek yogurt and a banana, and some ice if you like, in the blender and make a smoothie! You then get high protein and a fruit! Good luck!
    BRANDYLYNETTE Posts: 192 Member
    You can do it. I started in April....and it is June...and I have lost 31 pounds. Im not a big exerciser.....just been buying the weight watcher smart ones meals..... Strange that the weight just keeps falling off. I think I must have use to eat like 4000 calories a day! lol Now I keep track. I take b12....chromium picolinate and a multi vitamin each day.....try to have 1 cup of special k in the morning....and cheat every weekend with mexican! I eat the nachos and salsa at the restaurant every weekend. lol I think Im fooling my body by cheating....and then going right back on it the next day. lol It is working....that is all I know. Congrats on the marriage and lots of luck to you girl! : )
  • Ordnassela4
    Ordnassela4 Posts: 2 Member
    First of all, all of you are AWESOME! I truly did not expect to get responses this fast! I feel like this site and people like all of you will really help me with this weight loss! As many of you have said the cravings go away, and after writing my first post I realized that I really didn't want chocolate anymore! I think this is the first time I've felt serious about my dieting and getting healthy again.

    All of the things you all have said really does help me and makes me feel like I can do this! It feels good to talk to people that are going through, that have gone through it! as I said in the beginning you guys are awesome! And if I'm ever feeling down and low about this, the responses that you've all given in just a matter moments will really help!!!

    Thanks everyone!!!!
  • Purcellio
    Purcellio Posts: 5
    I ended maternity leave at the end of January hooked on my 4 year olds fruit snacks, pop tarts and her lil boxed juices.....I also decided to put an end to it and lose my baby weight for good. I was able to get rid of my sugar cravings, especially late at night while feeding my infant, by drinking a protein shake after dinner and keeping sliced apples and my favorite flavored water called ICE on my bed stand. Slowly I began to need less and less of these items and never wanted my tots snacks or juice again. I began to workout in a personal training group at 530 am which held us accountable for weekly weigh ins and kept me motivated to get back into exercising and working out again. I also started to pack a food bag and LOG everything that went into my mouth and opened my diary to public. I measured everything as well and always took my food bag with me on the weekends while busy with the kids to ensure healthy eating. My a.m and pm protein shakes have always kept me eating less unnecessary craving foods and decreased hunger significantly. I fired up my old body bugg and began to wear it 24 hours a day and learned which exercises and cardio machines burned the most calories for me. Weighing yourself daily and using this info as a tool will definitely keep you on track as well. Do a lot of cardio and strength training and you will lose those 30 pounds!
  • Try 30 day shred by Jillian Michaels you can lose up to 5 pounds a week. Or biking and swimming.
    BRANDYLYNETTE Posts: 192 Member
    Glad you are feeling better and are more encouraged! I know I coulc not have had the success I am continually having without this site. LOVE IT!!! : )
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