PCOS Soul Cysters Unite



  • lisateachawa
    lisateachawa Posts: 166 Member
    Hi! I was dx with PCOS when I was 23. I also have endometriosis, and the dr's basically said it would be a miracle if I could have kids with no intervention like IVF. It took us 3 years to get pregnant with my son. I had lost 50 lbs, and was at my lowest weight ever, and was able to not take metformin anymore. Then 3 years later, I got pg with my daughter pretty much instantly.

    Currently having a hard time losing. I am exercising and trying to eat as good as possible and nothing! I am on metformin 2000 mgs a day, extended release. I also take fish oil 3 times a day, and caltrate because I am low in vitamin D.

    Acne for me is a problem if I am not on birth control. Otherwise with taking Yaz I have been able to keep it at bay.

    Feel free to add me!

    I have endometriosis too. I also take fish oil - and I am having a difficult time losing also. Would love some support with someone who understands
  • kristin335
    kristin335 Posts: 26
    Thank you!! I will definitely try Ziana
  • AmeChops
    AmeChops Posts: 744 Member
    Heya, I was diagnosed with PCOS a few years ago (I was about 24/25) although I now know all the cr4p I had when I was 12-15 was probably down to that. Anyway I had pretty much doubled in weight over 6 years (8 stone to 15.7 at my heaviest) and I'm now on a mission to lose those yukky wobbly bits and get happy again :-))

    After attempting every diet under the sun and several exercise regimes my doctor has given me Xenical (which I am using with extreme caution!!) and I have managed to drop 2 stone this year.

    With the weight loss though I am noticing that my symptoms are getting worse...I really hope they don't go back to what they were 10 odd years ago :-((
  • DrAJ84
    DrAJ84 Posts: 117 Member
    Thank you!! I will definitely try Ziana

    Go online too, a lot of the time the company has coupons you can use when you go to get it at the pharmacy. My doctor often gave me coupons and sample tubes. I wish I had my before and after photos to post, not sure where they are but in about 1 month it cleared a lot.
  • Zappa5
    Zappa5 Posts: 7 Member
    I was diagnosed with PCOS about 11 years ago. I've always been overweight and when my husband and I decided to star our family I was at my highest ever of 265. When we didn't conceive in 6 months my doctor told me to lose weight and I would get pregnant. Well, I lost 110 lbs in a little over a year and when I still didn't conceive my doctor said, "You lost to much weight and your body is in shock." At that point I switched doctors. My new doctor diagnosed me with PCOS and put me on metformin. We eventually moved on to a reproductive endocrinologist but after a few years of fertility treatments we did conceive twin boys. Unfortunately my little boys were born too early and died in my arms. From that point on I started gaining the weight back that I had lost.

    Happily, 4 years ago I did give birth to a healthy baby girl and last year a healthy baby boy, both with the help of fertility treatments. Now that my family is complete and my youngest is almost 1 I find myself motivated to get back in shape and work toward a healthier lifestyle for me and my family. I have a long road ahead of me (90lbs), but I know I can do it and I hope I will make some friends here along the way.
  • murphysraven
    I was diagnosed 2 years ago although I've had the symptoms for much longer than that. I've always been the heavy girl and I know a lot of my weight is my fault. Too much fast/processed food and too little exercise. I yo-yod on a bunch of different diets and recently decided to see a nutritionist to help with my eating plan. So far I've lost about 13 lbs in about a month and my weightloss has stabalized to a 1-2 lb drop per week.

    My blog is open and has some of the advice my nutritionist sent me under the principles of healthy eating sections. My plan is pretty simple. I eat 3x a day with 2 additional healthy snacks. I cut out almost all processed foods and all fake sugars. All my meals and snacks have a small amount of protein in them to help with blood sugar control and I watch my portions. I don't really calorie count, I just use MFP tracking as a sort of guideline. I am working on eating healthy whole food, my portions and when I eat. As well as trying to exercise more often, even if it's just walking 45-60 min a day.

    I also take 1000mg of metformin a day and BC pills to help with my PCOS symptoms. I've got about 100lbs total to lose and my goal is to be 150 or less within the next 2 years.

    I would love to have other pcos women friends to share strugles and success with.
  • ladygloria
    ladygloria Posts: 279 Member
    Zappa, I can't begin to imagine such loss and applaud your spirit!
  • fitfreshfierce
    I'm 16 and was actually just diagnosed earlier today. I'm not on anything right now, but I have to go back to the doctor next week to see the plan of action.I'm 5'7 and at my highest weight right now, which is 155. It's truly inspiring to see all of your success stories as far as having kids. That was my first fear when I found out. I have definitely put on some weight recently, I was around 125 just two years ago. I've attempted every diet in the book, but now I'm just getting down to basics: healthy diet and exercise. I'll be sure to come to you guys if I have any questions! :)
  • mialsya
    mialsya Posts: 188 Member
    I was diagnosed in 2000. Every pill they put me on (and there were a lot) made me sick or left me unable to lead a normal life (due to constant doctor's appointment for blood tests and ultrasounds and such). I'm now 31, almost done with college (FINALLY!) and my husband and I would like to start having children before I turn 35. I went for 4 years without a period followed by 4 years of constant bleeding and now I am always either spotting or bleeding. BC pills do nothing for my cycle so I just deal with it and make sure I am always wearing a pad. My heaviest documented weight was 293 and I am down 20lbs from that now. I am trying to lose weigh for me, but if it helps my PCOS issues, that would be great too. Feel free to add me.
  • courtneyheidemann
    courtneyheidemann Posts: 6 Member
    I am also trying to have kids. I was on metformin made me really sick. I rarely get a menstrual cycle, but this last month i had one so i'm hoping that is good news. My doctor says if i dont ovulate on this next round of clomid he will be sending me to the infertility doctor. I'm very scared i'll never be able to have children and I want to be a mom more than anything.
  • mgravy
    mgravy Posts: 47
    I was diagnosed with PCOS & insulin resistance last month...but I've had symptoms for as long as I can remember. I've been on Ortho-tri-cyclen-lo for years and started Metformin when I was diagnosed. My highest weight was 275, I'm currently 224, but my lowest weight was 199. Now that I'm fully aware of what's going on in my body the battle for weight loss has been a bit easier...but it's still a battle, nonetheless. I've been kicking around on MFP for a while, but I haven't added any friends yet and this is my second forum post, add me if you need another cyster. :)
  • ladygloria
    ladygloria Posts: 279 Member
    I am also trying to have kids. I was on metformin made me really sick. I rarely get a menstrual cycle, but this last month i had one so i'm hoping that is good news. My doctor says if i dont ovulate on this next round of clomid he will be sending me to the infertility doctor. I'm very scared i'll never be able to have children and I want to be a mom more than anything.

    Fertility docs can be very helpful. They helped me have my first child and I'm working on a second. If you need support during this time, feel free to contact me. Like you, my lifelong dream was to be a mommy and nothing was going to stop me.
  • mamieblueeyes
    mamieblueeyes Posts: 36 Member
    Hello all. I am trying to get together as many women with PCOS as possible to create a support network for our condition and discuss our battle with weight loss, infertility and body image issues. Please join me by "friending" me and other ladies who wish to be a part of the group. I am fairly new to the site although I have been working on weight and wellness for quite some time. As an icebreaker if you would like: talk about your goals, some of your successes, issues with medications, inspirational stories etc.

    I persona,ly at my highest weight was 260 ( ahhhh ):explode: and I am now 219. I was diagnosed with PCOS in January and take BC, metformin and Byetta. My goal weight is 160-165 right now. I work in healthcare and enjoy cooking and danceworkouts (Zumba, bellydancing and pole dancing).I do not have any children yet but hope to wed and have some in the future with the help of a good reproductive emdocrinologist.
    My doctor just brought up taking Byetta to me!! I have never heard of it. He said it might help lose the stubborn belly fat that comes along with pcos and insulin resistance and help control insulin levels. What is your opinion on it?????
  • mamieblueeyes
    mamieblueeyes Posts: 36 Member
    I am another CYSTER here!! If I haven't already added you please add me!! I have been TTC for four years now and yet still nothing. The doctors won't put me on anything until I am under the 200 pound mark :O( I need all the support I can get to meet my goal!!!
  • DrAJ84
    DrAJ84 Posts: 117 Member
    Hello all. I am trying to get together as many women with PCOS as possible to create a support network for our condition and discuss our battle with weight loss, infertility and body image issues. Please join me by "friending" me and other ladies who wish to be a part of the group. I am fairly new to the site although I have been working on weight and wellness for quite some time. As an icebreaker if you would like: talk about your goals, some of your successes, issues with medications, inspirational stories etc.

    I persona,ly at my highest weight was 260 ( ahhhh ):explode: and I am now 219. I was diagnosed with PCOS in January and take BC, metformin and Byetta. My goal weight is 160-165 right now. I work in healthcare and enjoy cooking and danceworkouts (Zumba, bellydancing and pole dancing).I do not have any children yet but hope to wed and have some in the future with the help of a good reproductive emdocrinologist.
    My doctor just brought up taking Byetta to me!! I have never heard of it. He said it might help lose the stubborn belly fat that
    comes along with pcos and insulin resistance and help control insulin levels. What is your opinion on it?????

    It curbs your appetite and has helped to control weight. It slows digestion so you end up fuller longer. I lost about 35 pounds while taking it with metformin in the last 3- 4 months. I was taking met first progressing from 1000 to 2000 mg for several weeks then I went back to get the byetta. They both can make you nauseated etc so he had me progress on the meds. I need to take vitamins to keep my energy up since the meds can drain you.
  • starfairy411
    starfairy411 Posts: 37 Member
    I just got diagnosed with PCOS last week. I have a son who will be 13 months on Friday and we have been TTC #2 since he was born. I have been charting and not ovulating, so I went to the my OB and she told me I had PCOS (I suspected it from my symptoms, but had no problems getting pregnant w/DS, so IDK what to think). I am trying to lose at least 15 lbs by the end of summer to be below the weight I was when I got pregnant before (that would put me a few lbs under). KMFX'd to be ovulating on my own then and not have to do crazy meds! I want another little one so bad!

    Anyone w/PCOS (especially those TTC!!!) should add me as a friend! Good luck ladies!
  • nothereanymore
    I am 26 years old and my husband and I have been trying to have kids for 5 years now. When we first started trying my doctor told me that I had high cholesterol and need to see a nutrutionist and had to lose weight be cause he didn't like the age I was then (22) and that I already had high cholesterol. The nutrutionist told me nothing I hadn't learnt in Biology in high school, but when I told him about my menstral cycle being way off he told me that I was a young woman and I should give it a few years. I thought 'yeah OK, screw you I know that is not right'.

    So on to the next doctor it was, and he said that my cholesterol was fine and that the other doctor was just being cautious, and then he told me about a bunch of test he wanted to run before sending me to see anyone else but most importantly he wanted me to lose weight. This doctor at least had some ideas in his head but he was always off climbing mountains or biking cross country so that wasn't good for me either, so on to the next doctor it was and this is already 4 years later.

    This time I got a female doctor, who took one look at my file and actually listen to what I was saying before she told me that she couldn't help me and that she was sending me to see a speciallist. I was so relieved! Now after a 1.25 yrs of dealing with a specialist and doing all his test, I went for surgery,

    and yesterday he told me that I had PCOS and that while I was in surgery he drilled holes into my ovaries to help get me pregnant! First of all that was a surprise but he didn't really explain what PCOS was but I thought that drilling in my ovaries was a drastic thing to do especially since he didn't explain that before surgery. He told me he was looking for pyolps, cysts, and endometriosis because I had a blocked fallopian tube. So hearing holes drilled into my ovaries is scary, but he made PCOS sound like nothing until I got home and started to research it especially since he told me to wait 6 months before trying any type of fertility drugs. Why don't more people know about this PCOS it affects about 10% of women that is huge! Glad to see that there is something of MFP to help me learn more about it.
  • ShannonBas
    ShannonBas Posts: 101 Member
    I was diagnosed with PCOS a little over a year ago. My doc put me on ortho-tri-cyclen-lo. I've always had irregular periods, but only after I started the Depo shot during my junior year in high school did my cycle REALLY go haywire! I'd go without a cycle for a year (sometimes longer), then have a period for about a month. That got old QUICK! I was noticing extra hair growth as well. We were able to get pregnant & have a healthy girl, then, 2 years ago, I was noticing a lot of abdominal pain in my ovary area. Went to the doc, finally, and he diagnosed me, put me on BC to control my cycles, & told me to loose weight. Yeah, thanks.

    At my heaviest, I was 232 lbs. I'm currently 214 lbs. My pre-pregnancy weight was 186 lbs. My goal weight is around 135 -140 lbs. I was around that weight when I graduated high school. I hope to get my weight down enough to get rid of the PCOS. I prefer to do as much as possible with diet & exercise alone, so I'm trying. I need to schedule another appt. with the doc to see what he says, since I've been taking BC for a year now. I'm due for a pelvic exam anyway. LOL!!
  • Mommyoftwo727
    Mommyoftwo727 Posts: 18 Member
    I was diagnosed with PCOS March of this year. It was a shock, because I got pregnant with my son aug 2009 the first time we tried. I have never had any problems until after my son was born. I was bleeding in between periods so went to my OB in March. He did an ultrasound seen several small cyst in each ovary and also my testosterone was slightly elavated. I have gained 35 pounds since my son was born. Since finding this out we have had some problems with our insurance so I have not been able to follow up with an endocrinologist or my OB. I was suppose to go back to my OB at the end of this month for another ultrasound. He told me the most improtant thing was to lose weight he also put me on prometrium for 3 months to stop the bleeding. I started that late the first month then had to lower the dosage from 200mg to 100mg. The 2nd month the nurse did not call it in to walgreens so I was a few days late taking it but it did stop the bleeding and my cycle was 29 days. I was not able to take it this month and I did not have a period so worried about that :( I have never went a month with out a period. Not sure if it is stress or the PCOS that is causing me to not have a period so anyway that is what I am doing trying to lose weight and praying that will fix things since I can't go to a doctor right now. I also have PPD and since I found out about the PCOS I have been more depressed and some other things have happend so I am just now starting to work out and trying to be happy again :) Hopefully I can get pregnant again once I lose weight. Feel free to add me!
  • fabys74
    fabys74 Posts: 1
    Hi my name is fabi and I'm from Brazil , I'm new here and I'm trying to find some support to deal with my condition.
    Well I find out that I had pcos when I got my first period at just 9 years old, awful, really . Since then, I struggle with weight gain, hair growth and to be honest a low self steam. Thank God, I didn't had any problem to conceive and had 2 precious little boys but put on 25 kilos. My doctor prescribed me metformim 500, I just start it and I hope it works. I tried every possible diet on the planet , went to the gym 5 days a week ,sometimes for 2 hours , just to lose 100 grams, 200 grams, I tried Hypnosis and the last one, the Atikins diet but I fell so miserable that I had to stop, Some days I just want to give up! it's so hard !