getting back on track and need friends thats have the same goals

Hi, my name is Taylor but everyone calls me Tay. I'm a mother of 3 and I'm trying to get my body back. I'm a stress eater and I have been really stressed out sense the beginning of the year.... I have tried everything out there and I'm not getting anywhere. My goal is to get make down to a size 5 I'm a size 11 now


  • Nillabeaners
    Nillabeaners Posts: 34 Member
    You can add me. Mom of 4 and working hard at losing weight. I understand!
  • adriennez26
    adriennez26 Posts: 4 Member
    Me to, when I'm stressed I can't tell you how many calories I eat. This is nee for me and I'm hoping joining a community with people dealing with the same issues will be helpful. I am 46, run a very busy pet salon and have an active social life. I think the social life is a lot of the problem. I am excited about taking weight loss serious. I have a goal to loose 90 pounds.
  • TaYtAy5190
    TaYtAy5190 Posts: 13 Member
    My goal is 20-30lbs. And I'm a stay at home mom
  • prov3v5n6
    prov3v5n6 Posts: 1 Member
    Me too! No matter what the emotion, I eat! I have done Weight Watchers so many times over the years. It definitely works, but I can't keep paying $45/month. I know what to do. It's just a matter of making the decision to do it. I think I finally realized that I need to choose between the instant satisfaction of sweets (or whatever) or choose to look and feel good. I want to lose 20-30 pounds more. I've lost about 17 so far, this last time around.
  • kmmykietiuk17
    kmmykietiuk17 Posts: 28 Member
    Hi Taylor I study Wellness and health promotion and i minor in nutrition, and although i have struggles of my own as we all do, id love to help motivate you and support you!! Weight loss is such a process and i think the hardest thing is we all want that instant gratification. What has helped me the most with progress is getting to know my downfalls. For instance i CANNOT buy cheezit's or ice cream. I know ill eat a whole box or an entire carton in 2 days. So buy cutting out those foods all together from your grocery list while you know you do not have the willpower yet to say no or control your eating, it gives you no choice but to eat somthing healthier. Anyone feel free to add me the more merrier!!
  • newtounsis
    newtounsis Posts: 1 Member
    Hi, I too am a mother of three with a 6 months old little one at home. I have very similar goals, currently a size 12 and would like to go back to a size 6 or 8. I need to loose 35 pounds.
  • TaYtAy5190
    TaYtAy5190 Posts: 13 Member
    Man I wish my youngest was still 6 months. Thanks guys it means a a lot to me knowing there are people out there just like me. I hope we all can help each other out