Weight loss pills



  • ladyhawk00
    ladyhawk00 Posts: 2,457 Member
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    MyFitnessPal Forum Moderator
  • binary_jester
    binary_jester Posts: 3,311 Member
    I am a fan of thermogenics. I do my research. I also know the limitations of the same. Personally I prefer my own therogenic stack. I shy away from all-inclusive pills because you can't be sure of you are getting the correct dosage.

    Here is the problem you are facing. With most thermogenics, you have to up the dosage slowly to let your body acclimate. For example, caffeine/ephedra/aspirin is normally started once in the morning for a week. Then 1 at breakfast and lunch. Finally I went with breakfast, lunch then 1/2 hour before my workout. Be too aggressive and you can run into the side effects others have mentioned (racing heart, increased bp, etc). Also you need to cycle off because the body grows accustomed to the caffeine and ephedra. That's what got people in trouble and got ephedra pulled off the shelves. And while it is extremely effective (the best of any fat burner), I am not sure it will give you the results you are looking for.

    ...and while Oxyelite seems to be the burner of choice, I have yet to see clinical support it actually works. From what I have seen, it is all testimonial and sales spiel.

    As for GNC, I would do my own research before going in there. I am not saying they are purposefully misleading, but they work on commission and they can't possible research every supplement they sell, so they rely on marketing from the company. Not necessarily your best source of information.
  • vaughny
    vaughny Posts: 145
    I use oxyelite I do work at Vitamin shoppe (we don't make commission we recommend based on what we like and what works) but i just started using Oxyelite in may and I lost 13 pounds and I am losing inches like crazy right now. I can't keep this stuff on the shelves so that is why I reccomended it.
  • healthychelsea
    Alli is the only fda approved weight loss product on the market, just make sure you read the side effects on the side of the box first. Its not a miracle pill, its supposed to help you lose about 25-50% more than diet and exercise alone

    careful taking this. My moms took it and was rushing to the bathroom quite often, even when she was eating healthy/non-greasy foods. I'm sure everyone's bodies are different, but she had painful/cramping diarrhea after taking these even when following the diet correctly (or so she claims..) she's a sneaky one. Good luck!
  • RozeGod
    RozeGod Posts: 118
    I am beginning to take Mega-T (half a tablet as opposed to recommended 1 a day) and see how it goes. Its supposed to be a good appetite suppressant. Be careful though- it does sound like too much to lose in that period of time.
  • RozeGod
    RozeGod Posts: 118
    Oh- the Mega T is very inexpensive too-

    MEGA-T contains the following ingredients and what each could help provide:
    Green Tea: Curb appetite to improve fat metabolism
    Chromium: Reduce body fat
    Garcinia Cambogia: Reduce food cravings and increase metablism
    Guarana: Boost energy levels, stimulate metabolism
    Eleuthero: Increase stamina and energy
    Bladderwrack, Fo-Ti and Gotu Kola: Metabolize fat, eliminate excess fluids
  • Slinkybaz
    Slinkybaz Posts: 312 Member
    All I will say is Be Careful. I once tried diet pills from the Doctor and they had a really bad psychological effect - after only a little more than a week I felt really depressed and absolutely awful - the weight was coming off but it wasn't worth it. I stopped them and did a healthy diet instead and lost 2 1/2 stone.

    Good luck with whatever you do, but listen to your body.
  • CassieLEO
    CassieLEO Posts: 757 Member
    All I have to add is this-

    I worked with a woman who was in great shape, a runner, who was taking diet pills Ephedra was the base of that pill. She had a heartattack. She survived thankfully and now her heart is scarred and she has cadiac Arrythmia from the scar tissue which required her to get a pacemaker.

    I am so anti-diet pills that I wont even go there, but please remember, if it isnt FDA Approved, and if you cant go in yoru doctors office and tell him you are taking it without feeling guilty than there is probably something wrong with it.

    There is nothing more rewarding than hard work to really know you are doing this and you, yourself are making yourself better. There is nothing on the market worth your life or your quality of life. These side effects happen. Maybe you will be lucky, but dont forget that you are literally gambling with your life by taking something all to lose 20 pounds? Is 20 pounds and a pretty outfit worth it????
  • liam_mccaff
    Have you ever tried any weight loss pills before?
  • CassieLEO
    CassieLEO Posts: 757 Member
  • netgirl224
    netgirl224 Posts: 64
    I currently take OxyElite Pro as well - though this is truly a supplement for me, I use it in conjunction with counting my calories and working out daily. I typically stay away from "diet pills" but I was to the point where I was eating limited calories, working out, and not getting anywhere at all so I tried this as a way to get things started. Today is day 10 for me, and personally I haven't had many side effects..no racing heart or anything. I only use 1 pill, in the morning, and I take it with a small amount of food. I drink (or even exceed somedays) the recommended 91 ounces of water for women each day. My appetite is supressed which is nice, however I still do get hungry - I have taken phentermine in the past, under supervision of my doctor, and while it worked I gained almost all my weight when I came off of it. With the phentermine I had no desire to eat whatsoever, so I am glad that the OEP still allows me to be hungry as I still have to exercise some willpower ;-) The only side effect that I do have with the OEP is that I run warm "like a shifter" lol But it doesnt bother me, and definately helps me to sweat more when I work out.

    And jfyi: in the first 7 days of trying OEP, I lost 3.4 lbs :)
  • liam_mccaff
    You Cassie? : )
  • Cdcaldwe
    Cdcaldwe Posts: 189 Member
    I started Alli last year. It makes you not want any fats in your diet because of the resulting consequences. I did loose more weight taking it. I also developed a 5mm kidney stone. That is starting to be listed as one of the possible side affects of alli. It did help me loose and i lost a lot on it one other time before. The problem i have is i put it back on real quick. This time i am using this program and trying to burn calories.
  • liam_mccaff
    Sorry I ment cynthia, a lot of my female friends take grenades and with a proper diet plan and regular exercise you can lose pretty much as much as you want.

    I have taken USN Xdra cut CT and that works well but im currently taking T5 max strength which also work but a female friend of mine said they made her feel a bit sick?
  • missy_1975
    missy_1975 Posts: 244 Member
    I have two words to describe Alli : Anal Leakage

    Not for me thanks! I'll stick to good old fashioned hard works thanks lol! Good luck whatever you decide to do.
  • Schwiggity
    Schwiggity Posts: 1,449 Member
    Is weight loss/how you look that important to put your health in jeopardy? What if you just loose 10lbs or 5lbs but are lots leaner and in general healthy looking? Is a number that pivotal? I would get a good program like insanity and follow the meal program they give you... That I think you will have the best and healthiest results (also lasting)!

    Good luck!

    The typical side effects of those medications are no worse then most prescribed antibiotics and meds for other conditions. And there are plenty of people out there where the FEW side effects are much less then the risks of staying at the weight they are at. As long as you adopt healthy habits you can continue to maintain AND LOSE after a medication. I am proof of that

    I don't remember ***edited by moderator*** when I've taken antibiotics.

    Or having heart palpitations (I believe it was either Stacker 2 or Hydroxycut that had this as a side effect).

    High doses of tetracycline (commonly used when you have an infection in a tooth needing a root canal) causes severe diarrhea. High doses of Penicillin can do that as well. Heart palpatations can happen with anti-seizure meds as well as ADD and ADHD meds. Feeling shakey or light headed is a common side effect of pretty much any medication to treat Type 2 Diabetes

    Yes and diet pills are just as necessary as anti-seizure, ADD, and diabetes medication. =|
  • KelliH729
    KelliH729 Posts: 208 Member
    oxyelite pro by usp labs

    This is what I am using and I really like it. I do not get the jitters from it (but I also gave up coffee while I am taking it to balance out the caffiene). I have to make myself eat lunch because I am otherwise just not hungry. But it helps control my "snack habit" that I have during the day at work! Plus it MAKES me drink a ton of water (I am drinking like 2-3 liters/day) which is awesome!!! Plus I get all that exercise walking all the way across my building at work going to the restroom ;)
    BUT I also make sure I work out and eat right. It is not a magic pill, you have to put the work in still.
  • KelliH729
    KelliH729 Posts: 208 Member
    I currently take OxyElite Pro as well - though this is truly a supplement for me, I use it in conjunction with counting my calories and working out daily. I typically stay away from "diet pills" but I was to the point where I was eating limited calories, working out, and not getting anywhere at all so I tried this as a way to get things started. Today is day 10 for me, and personally I haven't had many side effects..no racing heart or anything. I only use 1 pill, in the morning, and I take it with a small amount of food. I drink (or even exceed somedays) the recommended 91 ounces of water for women each day. My appetite is supressed which is nice, however I still do get hungry - I have taken phentermine in the past, under supervision of my doctor, and while it worked I gained almost all my weight when I came off of it. With the phentermine I had no desire to eat whatsoever, so I am glad that the OEP still allows me to be hungry as I still have to exercise some willpower ;-) The only side effect that I do have with the OEP is that I run warm "like a shifter" lol But it doesnt bother me, and definately helps me to sweat more when I work out.

    And jfyi: in the first 7 days of trying OEP, I lost 3.4 lbs :)

    Oh YES, the sweating is INSANE!!!! I sweat buckets now when I am working out!!! That is a definate side effect for me :).
  • TheKitsune6
    TheKitsune6 Posts: 5,798 Member
    Is weight loss/how you look that important to put your health in jeopardy? What if you just loose 10lbs or 5lbs but are lots leaner and in general healthy looking? Is a number that pivotal? I would get a good program like insanity and follow the meal program they give you... That I think you will have the best and healthiest results (also lasting)!

    Good luck!

    The typical side effects of those medications are no worse then most prescribed antibiotics and meds for other conditions. And there are plenty of people out there where the FEW side effects are much less then the risks of staying at the weight they are at. As long as you adopt healthy habits you can continue to maintain AND LOSE after a medication. I am proof of that

    I don't remember ***edited by moderator*** when I've taken antibiotics.

    Or having heart palpitations (I believe it was either Stacker 2 or Hydroxycut that had this as a side effect).

    High doses of tetracycline (commonly used when you have an infection in a tooth needing a root canal) causes severe diarrhea. High doses of Penicillin can do that as well. Heart palpatations can happen with anti-seizure meds as well as ADD and ADHD meds. Feeling shakey or light headed is a common side effect of pretty much any medication to treat Type 2 Diabetes

    Yes and diet pills are just as necessary as anti-seizure, ADD, and diabetes medication. =|

    ^^^ Aahahahahaha
  • XoCynthiaXo
    XoCynthiaXo Posts: 78 Member
    no i have never tried any pills before besides herbalife, but that gets exoensive. Thanks everyone for your input!