Bristol uk

Ariaf Posts: 4 Member
edited March 2016 in Introduce Yourself
Hi, from Bristol (England), have lost 15lbs over the last four weeks and wanting to lose more but wouldn't mind some advice on diet and exercise that doesn't make me go back to the bad old ways!!


  • Candida83
    Candida83 Posts: 23 Member
    What are your old ways? I can try to help. :)
  • Ariaf
    Ariaf Posts: 4 Member
    I still want to lose more weight (fat)...I think it's just that I start eating easy foods...things with sugar etc and stop exercising...what do you do to stay on track?
  • Candida83
    Candida83 Posts: 23 Member
    Push push push!!! You can't let yourself get down because you had a brownie (or a bunch of Oreos like I did last night) lol! We are harder on ourselves than anyone else. Keep yourself motivated by giving yourself a pep talk. You can always work off those calories! :smile: And if you log your food and end up going over on your calories, tomorrow is a new day. Don't get down, because you might not be able to pick yourself back up. Good luck sweetie! :smiley:
  • Ariaf
    Ariaf Posts: 4 Member
    Did just have a couple of chocolates!!! It was easier to give up smoking!!! I think that's why I reloaded the app as i can/could undo all the effort snd yes, no need to be down...after four weeks just need a little pep talk. Thank you, another day tomorrow and will be on it :)
  • Candida83
    Candida83 Posts: 23 Member
    Very excited for you!!! :D This is a new beautiful beginning for you! I quit smoking March 31, 2014, so I can relate to quitting the cigarettes to being easier than this lol. Stay focused, I have faith in you! :)
  • Ariaf
    Ariaf Posts: 4 Member
    Hey buddy, another 2lbs this week!! Thanks for the other day....starting to up the exercise and watching what I am eating a lot more carefully..the food log is helping. Hope things are progressing well for you