Anyone else on 1200 cals a day with 10lbs to lose?



  • meggonkgonk
    meggonkgonk Posts: 2,066 Member
    Thank you for creating this thread!

    I'm 5'2" and 116-120 lb. I want to be 110 or 105 lb. I'm trying to eat 1200 calories but people on MFP keep suggesting for me to eat my exercise calories back. So I'm pretty confused right now. I tried to eat my exercise calories back for a few days and I ended up binging. =(


    Controlling your exercise calories is likewise about planning - instead of trying to eat all the calories back at once, you add a little to each meal, and possibly a snack or two. If you work out in the AM, it's easiest, because you see what you've burned before you've eaten much. BUT if you workout at night or in the afternoon you can still make this work- you generally know roughly how much you will burn at your workouts- just add in 100 or so calories to your main meals (or more if you burn significantly higher than 300 cals) and have an extra snack.

    Just a thought from an outside observer- You are very slim already, you may be at a point where your body would be best served focusing more on fitness goals and nutrition goals rather than active weight loss (at 105 in particular you would be pushing the "underweight" side of the BMI category).
  • healthyandthin
    healthyandthin Posts: 104 Member
    Thank you for creating this thread!

    I'm 5'2" and 116-120 lb. I want to be 110 or 105 lb. I'm trying to eat 1200 calories but people on MFP keep suggesting for me to eat my exercise calories back. So I'm pretty confused right now. I tried to eat my exercise calories back for a few days and I ended up binging. =(


    Controlling your exercise calories is likewise about planning - instead of trying to eat all the calories back at once, you add a little to each meal, and possibly a snack or two. If you work out in the AM, it's easiest, because you see what you've burned before you've eaten much. BUT if you workout at night or in the afternoon you can still make this work- you generally know roughly how much you will burn at your workouts- just add in 100 or so calories to your main meals (or more if you burn significantly higher than 300 cals) and have an extra snack.

    Just a thought from an outside observer- You are very slim already, you may be at a point where your body would be best served focusing more on fitness goals and nutrition goals rather than active weight loss (at 105 in particular you would be pushing the "underweight" side of the BMI category).

    I definitely don't shred pounds easily like larger people anymore. I'm lucky if I even lose a pound a week nowadays. I read that to lose the last 10 lb, strength training is more important than doing a ton of cardio. That's what I've been doing lately. I want to tone up and get rid of my tummy fat.

    I also wouldn't worry too much about going to 105 lb. I'm lucky if I can even get it down to 110 lb. I haven't been losing weight lately... Or at least I don't think I am... It's hard to tell. I'll get on the scale once I'm home from college in May. I have been noticing slimmer legs and bony hands and feet though.
  • LaMist
    LaMist Posts: 9 Member
    HI all!
    I have between 5 to 10 lbs to lose. I am 5'5 and currently at 130. I am doing Insanity home video workouts and can burn up to 600 calories in 45 minutes. I am new to tracking my food, counting calories, etc. My cholesterol is way up (poor genes) and doing this to see if I finally get my LDLs down. I worry that 1200 may not be enough, but per the tracker this is what I'm getting.
    I am looking for friends to help me out...I enjoy exercise and don't have a problem with following through with this piece, but nutrition is a whole other beast for me.

  • LORR79
    LORR79 Posts: 55
    Hi there,

    I'm 5ft 3 and 136 pounds so its another 10lbs or so that I want to lose too.

    I find all the info on here so confusing! MFP had put me on a calorie goal of 1200 but I'm thinking of upping it which is scary and I also find the idea of eating exercise calories really daunting as I dont have a HRM and am worried that the estimates are wrong. I dont want to put on weight but want to lose it as healthily as I can.

    Its good to read about people in a similiar situation:smile:
  • pinksherbert
    pinksherbert Posts: 38 Member
    Hi - it's good to see that there are so many of us in the same boat!

    I am not suggesting anything in particular - apart from eat well and exercise! I just thought it would be good to get us together - it is different losing those last few compared to having multiples of 10 to lose.

    I've found some of the tips on here interesting. I definitely believe in eating your exercise cals back - I would pass out otherwise.

    I have been keeping my cals under 1100 for the last few days and will today, but that is only because I am planning on going out for a thai curry and some wine tomorrow night, so hopefully they will net out.

    I also read somewhere once that it's good to keep your body guessing - ie have lots of cals one day and then restrict them the next - so say 1700 one day, then 1200 the next - apparently the body on the first day thinks oooh yes, lots of fuel to burn must burn it quick, so raises your metabolism to a faster pace so it's still burning fuel quickly the next day when you take less in. It did only say to have one or two 'peak' days a week though. I am not sure if its true, but I am yet to prove it wrong - and I find it easier to manage without feeling like I am really depriving myself.

    I am 5' 4'' and 134lbs by the way.

  • dubaigal
    dubaigal Posts: 10
    im in the same boat 5'4 131... only 8 more to go and ive tried everything...zig zagging, excercising 6 days a week....nothings working!! getting married in 72 days.........................
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