Alcohol is my worst enemy :(



  • dannidomer
    dannidomer Posts: 17 Member
    I have the same struggle. I do well during the week, but loose the battle on Friday, Saturday and Sunday! Wine is my weakness. I will join the challenge!
    AJPTRF Posts: 24
    Yep_ I am going through that to! I do drink to much, I don't drink to get drunk. If I have something to do, I am fine, if I am at home, I do it. My husband and I both really need to cut back. Switched to Bud 55 too but a person can still build their tolerance and drink quite a bit of empty cals to! If I have a few, I don't worry and can relax, I feel like my muscles can actually not tense up!
  • spngebobmyhero
    spngebobmyhero Posts: 823 Member
    I recently cut almost all of the alcohol out of my life. I have a beer on occasion, like maybe once every two weeks.

    My husband is moving toward a healthier lifestyle too, but he still drinks and so do my friends. I have found that the trick that works for me is making sure that I have something to drink while everyone else has alcohol. My choices are usually an unsweetened iced tea with lemon or a soda water with lime. If I don't get something like that to drink, I weaken and often order a beer.

    I find that I wake up easier in the morning and have more energy through out the day. You can do it!!!
  • giggles1234
    wow !! someone else that sees drinking as a way of relaxing, i've got 4 kids and work long hours in the day so come the evening i unwind with a glass or two of wine or vodka and coke but as i write this i've just clicked when i was pregnant i always lost weight instead of gaining it and always put it on after having a baby and just realised it could be the fact i did not drink when pregnant, so i want to do join your 30 day challenge of giving the alcohol up if i can do it when pregnant i can do it now lol . good luck to u all x
  • aviduser
    aviduser Posts: 208 Member
    Drinking is killer. You will make it MUCH harder to lose the weight by ruining your healthy habits with drinking. Try to limit yourself to a glass (wine/beer) or 2 per week max.

    I know lots of folks who drink daily and they are all fat. Plus, I would want to examine my motives if I felt like I needed to have a drink every day, just to relax. Don't get me wrong, I like beer, wine, rum, scotch, etc. just as much as the next guy. (Beer used to give me wicked heartburn because of the carbonation, but that is better now that I have lost weight.) And I really do enjoy the feeling of getting a little a buzz on. But not every day.

    Living healthier is about making choices. Do you want to indulge your wicked sweet tooth (a particular issue for me) or do you want to be more active and less chubby? Do you want to drink beer or do you want to avoid having reflux that wakes you up at night? Do you want to be slim and healthy, reduce your risk for diabetes and a host of other weight-related diseases, or do you want to just eat whatever you feel like eating?

    Your diet is like your budget. Everyone knows you can't just buy whatever you want if your budget does not support that purchase. Your daily diet is the same.
  • kgool
    kgool Posts: 177 Member
    I cut my drinking to one day a week and mainly Vodka and diet tonic or Michelob Ultra, close to the Bud Select and tastes better IMHO. I usually drink on Fri or Sat and what I have done is track my calories and add that to the next day's normal workout. 5 or 6 drinks makes for some serious punishment the next day. I know it hardly balances out in the grand scheme of things, but it does make me a lot more selective about how much and when I drink. As far as sleeping on time on weeknights, I have found that tea before bed, no carbs after 5pm, and an early morning workout really helps with that issue.
  • jstrohs1
    jstrohs1 Posts: 66
    After reading these posts I decided to stop having my rum and diet coke or lite I was just staying at one weight and not going anywhere no matter what I ate!......It seems to be working.....I lose 2 pounds this week....very strange, so I try to figure it out.
    What I found is this:

    Alcoholic drinks are full of ‘empty calories’ which means that you’re not taking in any useful nutrients. The other bad news is that alcohol is actually toxic so your body rushes to metabolise it and get it out of your system as soon as possible.

    While this sounds like a good strategy it means that while your body is processing the alcohol it’s not getting to anything else you might have eaten. Wine and cheese tastes great but if your body is processing the wine, the calories from the cheese are being stored for later use. If you keep drinking, these extra food calories need to go somewhere. You don’t get a choice where they go so it’s probably where you least want them, thighs or stomach typically seem to win.

    The other significant downside of alcohol is that it’s very dehydrating. You know what it’s like, after a few alcoholic drinks you keep having to go to the bathroom. Your body is desperately trying to flush out the toxins you’ve introduced into your system. The kidneys go into a bit of a panic and also try to retain any available water to dilute the poisonous by-products from the alcohol.

    Their more on this here: How alcohol stops you from losing weight and getting fit.......
  • XFitMojoMom
    XFitMojoMom Posts: 3,255 Member
    Ok this is more of a vent than anything. I exercise every day of the week, and sometimes the weekend. I usually burn about 600 calories per day and eat very healthy. I like to drink, I have two small children and drinking at the end of the day relaxes me. I don't drink to get drunk... anyways.

    I am at that point that no matter how I exercise, the weight it staying the same and I have quite a bit to lose!!! AHHHH anyone else going through this? I even add my alcohol into my daily food and don't go above my calories. I really think its holding me back. I'm personally going to try doing yoga at night to replace my drinking, but it just sucks because I love drinking. lol

    That was me to a tee... I have a 5 year old and a 3.5 year old, both girls. They love to screech and bicker, ALcohol was like my nightly unwind, and a bit of a sleeping pill too. Wine my most favorite...

    Then I did a personal challenge of 30 days no alcohol, no grain, no dairy... lost 6 pounds and maintained muscle mass.

    Today I only have a drink on Friday and Saturday (I usually overdo it a bit on Friday, so Saturday will maybe allow for a beer). No, or very little wine as it just turns to sugar and fat for my Insulin Resistant self. Vodka, Perrier with Lime, Blueberi Vodka and Perrier, or the occasional beer - weekends ONLY.
    I've since lost another 9 pounds. :glasses:
    Also keeping to zero grains, but allowing dairy since I love cheese so much.

    So yeah, it was really hard giving up that delicious chocolatey glass of carbernet, but the results yielded a much better taste in my mouth so I'm okay with it.

    (PS - I have a 900 bottle wine cellar in my house... this was an ABSOLUTE challenge for me... and still is on a regular basis!!)
  • RubyA2011
    RubyA2011 Posts: 66
    Im the same... i can go monday to thursday without even thinking about having a drink but friday hits and im gagging to hit the bar! then saturday afternoon/evening im bound to be in my local having a few and sunday starts all over again.

    Its the social aspect for me i hardly see grown ups all week so the pull of having the chance to go out and have a conversation with an adult and a few drinks is too much for me to fight off!
    I do drink vodka (or brandy) & diet coke mainly or i occasionally have red wine or champagne.

    I keep saying i need a month off but each time i think yep lets do it a party/function appears in my calendar and i fall at the first hurdle.

    This coming weekend ive got a friends 50th birthday Champagne lunch to attend.

    But im definately going to try harder to cut down
  • silhouettes
    silhouettes Posts: 517 Member
    Yes, everytime I drink I can't loose weight until about a week after it's out of my system. Even if it's only a drink or two.. so I don't drink very often... because even if I just drunk on the weekends I would never loose at that rate :(.
  • earickm
    earickm Posts: 11
    I feel so much better knowing I am not the ONLY one! I too drink to unwind at the end of a busy day! I am Celiac, which means no beer! I couldn't figure out why my clothes were getting tight...figured out it is the wine!!! I have been trying very hard not to drink during the week! This has been kind of hard becasue we like to sit outside and enough the evenings with a glass...or two!!!!! After reading all of your post, I am really going to try to buckle down and get this done! Thanks so much!!:smile:
  • jpooley1988
    jpooley1988 Posts: 119 Member
    I knew it was harder to lose weight when you have a drink, but I never knew how much!!!!

    I am not going to join the 30 day no alcohol group, because I know I will break my promise! I am going to visit my friends in Nottingham and seeing some other girls I met in Ghana the weekend after next and I will have a drink but apart from very special occasions like this I have been put off alcohol!!!!!!!!!!!
  • C1559
    C1559 Posts: 1

    Alcohol is broken down in the body by certain enzymes into Acetaldehyde, Diacetic Acid, Acetone & then finally into more familiar things water, sugar & carbon dioxide. From this the water goes through the usual way, carbon dioxide through our lungs and then we are left with the sugar. This sugar (and other sugar from carbs) is burnt by our bodies BEFORE fat. Therefore the more carbs that go in the less fat that will be burnt so we hold on to it. I have done quite a bit of research into this as I've had too much weight for years! Food has been a comfort to me for many years as well as other not very healthy things. I've dealt with the other stuff but food has been like my achilles heel. Since recently receiving a shock from my Dr (underactive thyroid, high cholesterol & heading towards diabetes) I've found the required willingness to do something about it! This research has suggested hypoglycemia & my symptoms of this are widespread with lots of people I know who are also overweight. It's funny how we are told that we should be eating low fat when the fat is replaced by sugar (or its substitutes) which cause further craving for MORE FOOD! We turned our bodies from fat burning furnaces into sugar producing factories!
  • mommyJto3
    mommyJto3 Posts: 139 Member
    once i gave up caffiene and alcohol, that is when i started dropping the weight and getting out of my plateau. it was hard but now i dont even rely on it at all.
  • Kimdbro
    Kimdbro Posts: 922 Member
    Drinking is killer. You will make it MUCH harder to lose the weight by ruining your healthy habits with drinking. Try to limit yourself to a glass (wine/beer) or 2 per week max.

    I know lots of folks who drink daily and they are all fat. Plus, I would want to examine my motives if I felt like I needed to have a drink every day, just to relax. Don't get me wrong, I like beer, wine, rum, scotch, etc. just as much as the next guy. (Beer used to give me wicked heartburn because of the carbonation, but that is better now that I have lost weight.) And I really do enjoy the feeling of getting a little a buzz on. But not every day.

    Living healthier is about making choices. Do you want to indulge your wicked sweet tooth (a particular issue for me) or do you want to be more active and less chubby? Do you want to drink beer or do you want to avoid having reflux that wakes you up at night? Do you want to be slim and healthy, reduce your risk for diabetes and a host of other weight-related diseases, or do you want to just eat whatever you feel like eating?

    Your diet is like your budget. Everyone knows you can't just buy whatever you want if your budget does not support that purchase. Your daily diet is the same.

    WOW! Thank you for posting this, I needed to read this today. I had never thought of diet like budget. Perfect analogy. Thank you again for this wonderful motivation toward giving up the things we seem to think we simply cannot.
  • Kimdbro
    Kimdbro Posts: 922 Member
    I feel so much better knowing I am not the ONLY one! I too drink to unwind at the end of a busy day! I am Celiac, which means no beer! I couldn't figure out why my clothes were getting tight...figured out it is the wine!!! I have been trying very hard not to drink during the week! This has been kind of hard becasue we like to sit outside and enough the evenings with a glass...or two!!!!! After reading all of your post, I am really going to try to buckle down and get this done! Thanks so much!!:smile:

    I'm relieved as well... tho' terribly saddened to read all of this and realize I absolutely am going to have to give up my wine at night. I have a terrible time losing weight even when staying within the caloric alotment. The only thing I can think of is it must be the drinking. **sigh**
  • maddymama
    maddymama Posts: 1,183 Member
    I can so relate. It's hard for me to sleep at night so a couple of glasses of wine do the trick. I think I may need to go to the doc for sleeping medicine because Im pretty sure the wine is hindering my weight loss. Your not alone.

    OK, so I'm going to preface this by saying, I love red wine. Wine actually hinders your sleep at night. It may help you fall asleep, but you actually sleep lighter and wake up more times in the middle of the night if you drink alcohol.
    Two, before you try sleep medicines, try to drink chamomille tea at night before bed. It's a calming herbal tea which may help you fall asleep naturally without any side effects from a sleep aid.