Right knee pain

xbowhunter Posts: 1,027 Member
Well I am only in week 2 of stronglifts 5x5 & I have developed right knee pain.

I am going to have to stop squatting for a while until it subsides.

I had a trainer start me off checking my form & it was all good when I started. I have been following all the tips to keep the stress off my knees but it didn't help.

I think this is an old running injury coming back to haunt me.

I will keep doing the upper body weights & light knee strengthening to hopefully get things back to normal.

Frustrating when you have the drive but the body let's you down ... :(


  • jimmmer
    jimmmer Posts: 3,515 Member
    I would either suspect a form issue, some type of imbalance or something not firing.

    Can you air squat pain-free?

    When you squat with the bar, are you screwing the feet/active feet to engage the glutes and making sure the knees track the toes?

    Are you a high-bar squatter or low bar? What kind of depth do you hit? Have you tried varying stance widths and foot angles? Have you tried releasing your IT Band, glutes, tfl?

    You probably need to film yourself squatting from the front to establish you are centred and also from the side. It's all guesswork without see the squat itself.
  • annleg83
    annleg83 Posts: 23 Member
    Make sure that when you are squatting that you are keeping your hips squared (facing forward) that may be throwing you off - most people look at the area the pain is in, instead of looking at the joint above (learned that from my chiropractor).

    If you can air squat with out trouble, then watch your hips and I would try to find a good chiropractor, you may be out of alignment.
  • xbowhunter
    xbowhunter Posts: 1,027 Member

    I did a bit of research & rested the knee for a few days. Returned back to lifting & feeling much better now. I have cut out the intense stair master cardio. I think it was sore from over-use.

    Less intense body pounding cardio + more strength training = no more sore knee.... :)