how do you say NO to delicious food in the moment?

My basic diet is very healthy. I do not buy junk food for home. But it seems at least twice a week there is a birthday or party or holiday or other occasion with delicious desserts. Not store bought crap, but homemade with pride by the giver. And I find it so hard to say NO in the moment. And I am not ladylike with just a bite, but usually have seconds, or more. I would love to hear any tips or tricks to say NO in the face of high sugar treats. It really ruins my diet.


  • Jbell0213
    Jbell0213 Posts: 189 Member
    I won't deprive myself, I would just have a small piece of something.
  • CalorieCountChocula
    CalorieCountChocula Posts: 239 Member
    Jbell0213 wrote: »
    I won't deprive myself, I would just have a small piece of something.

    Sounds great on paper and this is the stock feel good answer but if your day well planned out is this really always the answer, especially if it's something frequently like office parties, etc. And where do you draw the line? There are basically 9 billion reasons to eat and everything is an occasion these days. At some point you just need to draw a line in the sand and not stray from your plan because you've decided not to.
  • bendis2007
    bendis2007 Posts: 82 Member
    That's a pretty exciting life - twice a week birthdays and/or parties!
    If you think you can manage a little bit then you can always make a request for a very very small piece, or half a piece. Eat that and then walk away.
    If you have a significant other/family member you can sometimes split desserts. I make my boyfriend do this all the time. That way I get a little bit, and don't feel inclined to finish the entire thing.
    I also keep baggies and the like on hand at work so if I have a dessert I cut it in half and put half in a bag and put it away so that I only have a small portion.
    Lastly, if you don't think you have the willpower to have a little bit and walk away you will have to build up confidence saying "that looks delicious, but I will have to pass on that dessert" and walk away. At my office I always keep some healthier snacks around - I have some grapes, I do have little 100 calorie chocolate pudding cups, and I bring a single piece of chocolate from home each day. It's hard - I stared a cheese pizza in the face the other day, and a box of cookies yesterday, but I just politely decline - remind myself that I'm working for my health and happiness then eat my little baggy of grapes.
    P.S. It does get easier with time being able to say no to the overwhelming amount of cookies and cakes there are out in the world. Best of luck!
  • amyepdx
    amyepdx Posts: 750 Member
    Knowing that 1) I've eaten it before and 2) it will always be there again if I don't eat unit today.
  • Smccabe8
    Smccabe8 Posts: 129 Member
    I just look up the calorie count in everything and that usually makes me not want to eat it.

    Today someone brought Girl Scout cookies into work, and offered them to everyone. I looked up that 2 Girl Scout (Lemonades) cookies have 150 calories. Are those 2 cookies worth giving up a portion of my dinner later? Probably not.

    I also usually say, "I'm good right now," if someone offers me something. It's not a outright no so they don't feel bad or ask me why, they usually just assume I'll get one later and drop it. I do that when I'm out with friends and not planning to drink. If I say I'm not drinking, I get annoying questions. If I say "I'm good right now," they just assume I'll grab a drink later or have a drink from earlier.
  • concordancia
    concordancia Posts: 5,320 Member
    If it were that often, I would just say no. Walk away and find something to keep you busy.
  • Jruzer
    Jruzer Posts: 3,501 Member
    Just like how you get to the Met: "Practice, man. Practice."
  • cbelc2
    cbelc2 Posts: 762 Member
    COMPLIMENT it. Take a picture of it. I pat my tummy and whisper to the host or maker that I'm on a diet. Then talk to yourself. How important are your goals? If all else fails, imagine it's full of salt, grit, mold, bugs, etc. I'm one slice of pie away from my highest weight.
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,874 Member
    edited March 2016
    At my work, people tend to do the cake thing in the morning and I just really can't do cake in the the whole notion of eating a desert item for breakfast goes against everything my parents taught me growing up and really, I don't feel right the rest of the day. Admittedly, I get a little judgey too...watching people eat cake for breakfast...

    If it really looks good and it's homemade and I want some, I'll usually have a small piece for desert after my lunch...I just can't do cake first thing in the morning...gross.

    My co-workers don't pay me too much mind anymore...I've been at this for about 3.5 years now...there was a time when some people would get a little "offended"...but I was pretty honest and just said I can't eat cake two or three times per week and accomplish what I want to accomplish.
  • harrybananas
    harrybananas Posts: 292 Member
    Say no.
  • Packerjohn
    Packerjohn Posts: 4,855 Member
    edited March 2016
    Just say no thanks. There are enough people watching their intake of that kind of stuff nobody should be offended.
  • emdeesea
    emdeesea Posts: 1,823 Member
    My daily calories are like my bank account. I figure if I have enough to cover this "purchase." If I don't, I can't afford it so don't "buy" it. Maybe save up for something special.

    Once in a while I'll splurge and go over but I usually don't. Anything I get in the short term isn't worth it in the long term.
  • Jruzer
    Jruzer Posts: 3,501 Member
    I gave a somewhat flippant response above, but let me give a more concrete piece of advice. Usually I'm not someone to go in for "tips", but here's one that did seem to work for me.

    Start saying, and thinking to yourself, "I don't eat a lot of XXX" or "I'm not a big YYY person." I know this sounds silly, but it is something I still do. It doesn't rule out eating XXX or YYY sometimes, but it takes it a little out of the "every day" realm.

    Today we had donuts at work. I cut off about an inch of a Long John and had that as a little snack. Fat Jruzer couldn't imagine doing that. It gets easier as you do it more often.
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,874 Member
    Jruzer wrote: »
    I gave a somewhat flippant response above, but let me give a more concrete piece of advice. Usually I'm not someone to go in for "tips", but here's one that did seem to work for me.

    Start saying, and thinking to yourself, "I don't eat a lot of XXX" or "I'm not a big YYY person." I know this sounds silly, but it is something I still do. It doesn't rule out eating XXX or YYY sometimes, but it takes it a little out of the "every day" realm.

    Today we had donuts at work. I cut off about an inch of a Long John and had that as a little snack. Fat Jruzer couldn't imagine doing that. It gets easier as you do it more often.

    I will also tell this to others and it usually works well...
  • xKoalaBearx
    xKoalaBearx Posts: 181 Member
    Paiger816 wrote: »

    I also usually say, "I'm good right now," if someone offers me something. It's not a outright no so they don't feel bad or ask me why, they usually just assume I'll get one later and drop it. I do that when I'm out with friends and not planning to drink. If I say I'm not drinking, I get annoying questions. If I say "I'm good right now," they just assume I'll grab a drink later or have a drink from earlier.
    Jruzer wrote: »
    Start saying, and thinking to yourself, "I don't eat a lot of XXX" or "I'm not a big YYY person." I know this sounds silly, but it is something I still do. It doesn't rule out eating XXX or YYY sometimes, but it takes it a little out of the "every day" realm.

    I like these! I'll be sure to use them when talking to others! Thanks!
  • cross2bear
    cross2bear Posts: 1,106 Member
    I think you really have to do the mental math as well. You know, the discussion about will having some of this very tempting and probably delicious food really move me closer to my goals of losing weight, or how far back will I allow myself to go in reaching my goal if I decide to have some of this very tempting and probably delicious food. Or will it be the discussion around can I fit this into my calorie allotment and feel no guilt or shame or uncomfortable feelings that make me feel as if I have failed some important test if I do have some of the very tempting and probably delicious food. Or will it be the internal self talk about how you get more satisfaction and pride from overcoming the very tempting and probably very delicious food, or how you are making progress toward disallowing food to control your emotions and behaviour? Or why would I allow my politeness toward another person overshadow my considerations for myself?

    All these things and more have gone through my mind as I make these critical decision. Do what is right for you.
  • masdec7
    masdec7 Posts: 166 Member
    If you do want a piece, keep peppermints on hand. Eat one piece, or a half piece, then pop a peppermint in your mouth. It will clean the sweet taste away and help you not go back for that second piece. Helps me. For me, sweet food tastes that linger in my mouth make me want more, so... cut the sweet with mint!
  • tulips_and_tea
    tulips_and_tea Posts: 5,714 Member
    OP I think the main point of your question was learning HOW to say "no" when someone directly offers you or hands you a dessert. Or if it's just sitting out all day. First, use the other posters examples and formulate practiced answers in your head so that you have them ready "in the heat of the moment" as you say.

    Take a moment, take a deep breath and ask yourself how you will feel after you eat whatever it is that is available that day. Worth it? Take the time to decide first. Taking control of the situation and of the food will make you feel more empowered overall. Keep working at it. It takes practice.

    Also, teach yourself that you do NOT have to eat food simply because it is available. If you are hungry and you would be eating at that time then partake of whatever you truly enjoy, but not just for the sake of eating food that is out or handed to you.
  • zyxst
    zyxst Posts: 9,134 Member

    Tonight has a great example. ILs are cooking a pepperoni pizza for their supper and will offer some to me. I might take a slice to have for lunch tomorrow or just not have any at all.
  • Jruzer
    Jruzer Posts: 3,501 Member
    BZAH10 wrote: »
    Also, teach yourself that you do NOT have to eat food simply because it is available. If you are hungry and you would be eating at that time then partake of whatever you truly enjoy, but not just for the sake of eating food that is out or handed to you.

    Yes yes YES! This was a huge change in mindset for me.