Need help with macros!

My daily calorie intake is 2500 calories. I want to know what is a great fat, carb, and protein macro nutrient breakdown for me that would help me lose weight? I am morbidly obese so for right now I am going to be working out maybe 10 minutes a day at a low impact.

Should I even be worrying about macro nutrients if I am morbidly obese or just be worrying about hitting 2500 calories of healthy food per day and getting a little bit working out in each day?


  • Katiefitmarie
    Katiefitmarie Posts: 28 Member
    Hi! I would definitely still monitor your macros. They go hand in hand with your calorie intake. Making sure you are hitting your macros ensures that you are getting the right kinds of calories that your body needs. Stay dedicated and motivated and it will pay off. Keep up the hard work! ☺️
  • kimny72
    kimny72 Posts: 16,013 Member
    My daily calorie intake is 2500 calories. I want to know what is a great fat, carb, and protein macro nutrient breakdown for me that would help me lose weight? I am morbidly obese so for right now I am going to be working out maybe 10 minutes a day at a low impact.

    Should I even be worrying about macro nutrients if I am morbidly obese or just be worrying about hitting 2500 calories of healthy food per day and getting a little bit working out in each day?

    Calories are for weight loss. Macros are for health and satiety.

    The easiest way to go would be to start with the balanced macros MFP gives you and see where you usually land. Consider protein and fat as minimums, and fill in the rest with carbs or more of the other two if you want. Protein is important to shore up your muscle mass and to help with satiety, so if anything, maybe bump that up a little. But honestly, macros are personal preference - some people will swear by low carb/ high fat, others by moderate carb, others by worrying about nothing but higher protein.

    But at this point, priority #1 is calories! You will figure out the details that work for you as you go. Best of luck :drinker: