What was YOUR defining moment to get healthy?

I'm sure for many of us here there was a reason why we decided to lose weight and get healthy. So, what happened to make you want to start living healthier and how are you doing today?


  • TammerTammer
    TammerTammer Posts: 25 Member
    My defining moment came when my husband bought me a gold necklace for Christmas and I had to return it because my neck was too fat. I wanted to die. I had been thinking a lot about it. Been afraid because last time I tried to get healthy it put me in the hospital for 10 days. I lost too much too fast. My husband was diagnosed type 2 diabetes this year. Same thing with my partner at work(just added insulin to his daily routine). I wazs starting to struggle walking. Things were adding up fast. Had to do it. Stuck with it, now they are both on board. Over 100 lbs gone between the three of us.
  • Froggymcconnell
    Froggymcconnell Posts: 92 Member
    my moment was when my size 16 (uk) work trousers were too tight and going round shops to find a new pair but refusing to go into a size 18 at the age of 28/29 - now few years on I am so glas I reached that point because I am now size 10/12 depending what shop I buy from and feel so much happier!
  • mamadon
    mamadon Posts: 1,422 Member
    I don't think I really had a defining moment, at least not in the beginning. I was just going to try again for the umpteenth time. When I realized that doing nothing but counting calories was actually working THAT was my defining moment because I realized I could actually finally do this. Two years in maintanance, around 120 lost.
  • Shells918
    Shells918 Posts: 1,070 Member
    When I realized that literally none of my clothes fit me. I lived in sweats or leggings and big shirts and that was it. No dresses, jeans, bathing suits ....had to go get new bigger sizes which killed me. Saved all the smaller stuff because it will fit me again.
  • Doin_it_4me920
    Doin_it_4me920 Posts: 25 Member
    For me it was finally getting sick of my knees and feet hurting all the time. And my husband being whole heartedly concerned for my health since heart problems and diabetes runs in the family! Time to change!!
  • ritzyswish
    ritzyswish Posts: 16 Member
    My boyfriend said 'don't you want to look attractive?' Which translated as you are ugly because you're fat....