Late Night Eating

Anyone else have this issue? I am fine all day, and then at night, all bets are off. I have a very rough time keeping my nose out of the refrigerator and cabinets. I LOVE a big bowl of cocoa krispies at night. Comfort food, I guess. I may need to start going to bed by 8:00 pm to counteract this...:smile: Any suggestions from anyone welcomed!


  • faerygirl33
    faerygirl33 Posts: 16 Member
    YES! Especially when its hot, I dont want to eat. Then, the sun goes down, the kids are settling down, and its like the munchies from hell set in. I have started popping my own popcorn and using sprinkle butter. My 3yr old loves to unwind with popcorn and tv with mommy, so we have a healthy snack and tv/downtime together. And I also "close" my kitchen at 9pm. After that, its definately a NO. I have even put signs on my frig "IF ITS AFTER 9, KITCHEN IS CLOSED, YOU EAT IT YOUR, HIPS WILL WEAR IT".
    I have also started texting friends or getting on computer if I feel the need to munch.
    :smile: I hope this helps. Also, make sure you drink enough water, I have also been told that sometimes when you feel the need to munch, you just need to hydrate yourself. The more water I drink, I frequently flavor it with sugar free drink mixes-the single use packs, the less I want to munch. I take a bottle of plain water to bed with me every night also.
  • leighton1245
    leighton1245 Posts: 125
    typically you can eat any time of the day or night sometimes i wake up at 1am and drink a protien shake because im hungry. You body still burns cals whille your sleeping. So the best advice to help keep yourself out of the kitchen is stay busy until right before bed and if you cant do that I would select a PM snack carfully for me it would be something not loaded with refined sugars or complex carbs because they will have adverse effects on progress. Hope that helps this is just my opinion.
  • phatsoslim
    phatsoslim Posts: 257 Member
    Drink LOTS of water to help out with this. It will fill you up and you won't reach for the snacks. Once you start seeing results from the 30 Day Shred, it will get easier to keep your nose out of the cupboards.
  • deedee3732
    deedee3732 Posts: 52 Member
    LOL, I love the idea of closing the kitchen, I might post that note on my own fridge.