-20 lbs by 30th June

chetna1975 Posts: 44 Member
I want to lose 20 pounds by june end but while eating healthy clean food and exercising. Would you like to join me? The journey would be much more fun with friends and sharing experiences.


  • bimomma1211
    bimomma1211 Posts: 1 Member
    Id lovelove to join you!
  • IronDawson
    IronDawson Posts: 11 Member
    I'm in! I have the same goal in mind, if not 30.
  • chetna1975
    chetna1975 Posts: 44 Member
    Perfect.....lets do it. How do you plan to do it?
  • chetna1975
    chetna1975 Posts: 44 Member
    I suggest we all share our plans on how we mean to arrive at -20 & motivate each other with each pound that is gone.
  • rnurse82
    rnurse82 Posts: 94 Member
    May I join? I want to be down at least 20 more lbs by 6/30. We go on vacation (to the beach) 2nd week in July.

    I am down 20 lbs so far since Nov with nov-Jan not being very consistent and I lost about 5 lbs. Mid Jan I started over strictly. I actually started with the WheatBelly diet at that point and gradually moving to clean eating with an aim of no added sugar (only 1-2 tsp of agave) a day. I try and keep my carbs to veggies with the occasional oats and quinoa. I love CleanFoodCrush and all her tips.

    I am walking daily. At least 10,000 steps with 2-3 mile walk in the morning. I do the occasional BowFlex Max max trainer about 1-3 days a week depending on my walks. Trying to add strength training in now that I've started daily exercise. I take one day off from all activity for exercise other than just the daily steps throughout the day.

    I try and drink at least 100 oz of water a day. Limit my coffee to 16 oz a day. I love coffee. So that's hard.

    This would be my first challenge, so unsure how to join?
  • ksandacz
    ksandacz Posts: 7 Member
    I'm in!! Can you all friend me? I don't know how to friend request, lol. Even though MFP helped me lose the weight, I just started now to go to "Community" and I don't know what I'm doing, haha. I'm on an old smart phone that needs to be replaced! Lol
    My story is that I'm 49 years old and have lost 43ish pounds since April 2, 2015 but I have plateaued and can't seem to loose any more. I am eating clean and working out & am training for a 5k for May 29. I'm looking for a challenge to be accountable to!!!!! :)
  • emilyvictoria7
    emilyvictoria7 Posts: 102 Member
    Can I join? My app says I've gained 40lbs which is the saddest thing to see every day. Way back when I started using MFP probably about 6 years ago I went up and down and at one point lost 20lbs. Now I've skyrocketed back up that 20lbs plus 20lbs more. Sitting around 250lbs these days and the heaviest I've ever been.

    My goal really is to just watch the calorie count and cut down the bad sugars. I always go over on my sugars because I'm trying to replace the junk I normally would have eaten - I could easily eat a bag of triscuits or chips in a sitting - with fruits so there's the sugar right there. I've really trying to cut back on my salt intake which is tough because I love it!

    Making small changes like switching from white to brown rice, milk to cream in my coffee etc. And I've recently started walking more frequently - trying to do anywhere between 4.5km to 6km every day.
  • rnurse82
    rnurse82 Posts: 94 Member
    Oh and I am 33. I had my 2nd baby last April and I just kept eating like I was pregnant. I only lost about 8 lbs after delivery. Already being over weight this wasn't good.
    Start weight 248lbs
    Current 228lbs
    Goal for this challenge is 208 (really want 199) lol
    Oh and I have recently as of last week started calories counting. Trying to stay under 1700-1750 per day.

    I don't know how to add friends or join a challenge. So help would be nice! :)
  • jennyrn08
    jennyrn08 Posts: 3 Member
    I'm all in with this challenge.
  • cevatkerim
    cevatkerim Posts: 4 Member
    I'm in. Not sure how to join this challenge though.
  • MishelleRoss
    MishelleRoss Posts: 3 Member
    Same here! I'm in :)
  • KaellaSamm
    KaellaSamm Posts: 14 Member
    I'm in ! How do we join? Do we add each other as friends?
  • IronDawson
    IronDawson Posts: 11 Member
    KaellaSamm, I just "friended" you. I'll send some requests to folks on here but please feel free to add me and let's get this thing going! :)
  • rnurse82
    rnurse82 Posts: 94 Member
    So we just come back here with daily or weekly updates? Is that the plan?
  • Jojobee11416
    Jojobee11416 Posts: 1 Member
    I would like to join!! I want to lose 30 the end of june. How do I join?
  • Svstewart14
    Svstewart14 Posts: 4 Member
    How do you join challenges
  • BluePlum
    BluePlum Posts: 1 Member
    I'd like to join too, please. I'm adding you all as friends, so let's do this. Been stuck fluctuating up an down my current weight for years now. Time for change.
  • IronDawson
    IronDawson Posts: 11 Member
    BluePlum wrote: »
    I'd like to join too, please. I'm adding you all as friends, so let's do this. Been stuck fluctuating up an down my current weight for years now. Time for change.
  • rnurse82
    rnurse82 Posts: 94 Member
    I am assuming the challenge is to come to this post and update with our stats? Or will she create a challenge? I am not sure how challenges are created ect. I am thinking the creator of this post is a few hours time difference.
  • IronDawson
    IronDawson Posts: 11 Member
    Anyone know why I'm not able to comment or congratulate some of the successes I'm already seeing from some of you on the newsfeed? I get an "unknown error" message when attempting to comment. Hmmmmm......