Losing weight right after having surgery

I have been under my calorie intake. But I go over on carbs and sugars. I have to have a higher salt intake to keep my blood pressure up. Any suggestions or recipes that can help me lose weight while in recovery. Since exercise is out of question?


  • ClosetBayesian
    ClosetBayesian Posts: 836 Member
    TTVanLue wrote: »
    I have been under my calorie intake. But I go over on carbs and sugars. I have to have a higher salt intake to keep my blood pressure up. Any suggestions or recipes that can help me lose weight while in recovery. Since exercise is out of question?

    Be meticulous in your logging. Calories is what matters most for weight loss. What type of surgery? Depending on the surgery, you might even consider eating at maintenance until you recover.
  • TTVanLue
    TTVanLue Posts: 13 Member
    I had surgery on my back it is a Spinal cord stimulator trial. I will have another surgery in a dew weeks.
  • wrenak
    wrenak Posts: 144 Member
    After surgery is not the time to be in a deficit as far as I know. Your body needs the energy to heal. And you will probably go up immediately following due to swelling and fluids from the IV. I'd suggest eating at maintenance for awhile.
  • TTVanLue
    TTVanLue Posts: 13 Member
    TTVanLue wrote: »
    I have been under my calorie intake. But I go over on carbs and sugars. I have to have a higher salt intake to keep my blood pressure up. Any suggestions or recipes that can help me lose weight while in recovery. Since exercise is out of question?

    Be meticulous in your logging. Calories is what matters most for weight loss. What type of surgery? Depending on the surgery, you might even consider eating at maintenance until you recover.

    I had a Spinal cord stimulator trial.
  • ElizabethOakes2
    ElizabethOakes2 Posts: 1,038 Member
    Post surgery, especially spinal, your body is really stressed, and if you're gearing up for a second one, you probably shouldn't be trying to lose, but to maintain. :)
    Talk to your doctor and your surgeon and see what they recommend, and if they have ideas. Hope the stimulator works well for you. I've heard good things about the new ones!
  • Linzon
    Linzon Posts: 294 Member
    I had surgery at the beginning of February (knee) and am just starting to eat at a deficit again. A couple of weeks after the surgery I began tracking again and started losing weight, even though I was eating at maintenance, so I upped my calories and maintained until last week. My body definitely needed more fuel than usual while it was healing!

    I'd definitely talk with your doctor about restricting calories but maintaining is probably the way to go when healing, especially with another surgery coming up. You'll be able to get back to it soon enough!
  • Colorscheme
    Colorscheme Posts: 1,179 Member
    After my heart ablation, I couldnt exercise. I was so fatigued and having chest pain as a result of burning areas of the heart, so I had to take it easy. Best thing to do is to create a deficit from eating until you feel well enough to resume exercising.
  • TTVanLue
    TTVanLue Posts: 13 Member
    Post surgery, especially spinal, your body is really stressed, and if you're gearing up for a second one, you probably shouldn't be trying to lose, but to maintain. :)
    Talk to your doctor and your surgeon and see what they recommend, and if they have ideas. Hope the stimulator works well for you. I've heard good things about the new ones!

    Thank you!
  • TTVanLue
    TTVanLue Posts: 13 Member
    Linzon wrote: »
    I had surgery at the beginning of February (knee) and am just starting to eat at a deficit again. A couple of weeks after the surgery I began tracking again and started losing weight, even though I was eating at maintenance, so I upped my calories and maintained until last week. My body definitely needed more fuel than usual while it was healing!

    I'd definitely talk with your doctor about restricting calories but maintaining is probably the way to go when healing, especially with another surgery coming up. You'll be able to get back to it soon enough!

    Thank you!
  • TTVanLue
    TTVanLue Posts: 13 Member
    After my heart ablation, I couldnt exercise. I was so fatigued and having chest pain as a result of burning areas of the heart, so I had to take it easy. Best thing to do is to create a deficit from eating until you feel well enough to resume exercising.

    Thank you!
  • TTVanLue
    TTVanLue Posts: 13 Member
    Thank you all for the advice I will talk to my doctors. All good advice thank you all again!
  • TTVanLue
    TTVanLue Posts: 13 Member
    wrenak wrote: »
    After surgery is not the time to be in a deficit as far as I know. Your body needs the energy to heal. And you will probably go up immediately following due to swelling and fluids from the IV. I'd suggest eating at maintenance for awhile.

    Thank you!
  • RodaRose
    RodaRose Posts: 9,562 Member
    Usually, a person needs to eat at maintenance or above for a few weeks. Check with the docs of course. :)
  • amyk0202
    amyk0202 Posts: 667 Member
    I agree to eat in maintenance while healing & also make sure you eat enough protein.
  • TTVanLue
    TTVanLue Posts: 13 Member
    RodaRose wrote: »
    Usually, a person needs to eat at maintenance or above for a few weeks. Check with the docs of course. :)

    Thank you!
  • TTVanLue
    TTVanLue Posts: 13 Member
    amyk0202 wrote: »
    I agree to eat in maintenance while healing & also make sure you eat enough protein.

    Thank you!
  • TTVanLue
    TTVanLue Posts: 13 Member
    Thank you everyone! Great advice! My doc said to eat in maintenance. So I have been but I bought a food scale to at least have portion control.