Anyone else doing 5X5 & C25K simultaneously?

I just finished my 3rd week of a 5X5 Strength Training Program and just started my 2nd week of the Couch to 5K program... so far it's the C25K that is the toughest challenge... sore shins for days... as of now I'm alternating 90 sec. runs with 2 min. of walking for 20 min.... it seems impossible to me that next week I'll be running 3 min. and in less than 4 weeks (at the end of the 5th week) a 25 minute run? I guess I'll have to trust this proven program.
Anyone else started the C25K program from zero and made it through the whole 9 weeks alive?


  • lorrpb
    lorrpb Posts: 11,464 Member
    I did w3 d1 Fri, having never run before. I've not had probs so far, but I'm sure my time will come. I've been walking 3-5 miles per day for almost 2 years. I also strength train & circuit train a few times per week, but not 5x5. Everyone starts at a different place & has different abilities. Part of the c25k program is to repeat any weeks that you need to. Don't push too hard too fast. You'll get there. I've read lots of amazing stories about c25k. You can add me if you want.

    I used to get shin splints when walking. Lots of good stretches for that. Absolutely no probs with that now.
  • StealthHealth
    StealthHealth Posts: 2,417 Member
    Stronlifts 5x5 and C25K are both respected programs in their field and generally I don't think that there would be an issue with both if:
    • You are not interested in getting the absolute maximum benefit form SL 5x5
    • You are eating at maintenance or calorific surplus
    • you are getting sufficient rest (plenty of sleep and not hours of gardening and dog walking)

    But, SL 5x5 + C25K + calorific deficit = illness and/or injury and/or poor performance in strength and running.
  • hansmdude
    hansmdude Posts: 111 Member
    Thanks for your responses and suggestions.
    I ran stairs for months... 5 minutes at a time, 5X during my workday, but apparently that just makes you good at running stairs as it didn't translate into running on the track or in the park... although I'm sure it helped cardio wise.
    5x5 I'm using to build some strength back before moving onto another program... I am eating at maintenance or above on most days, I keep a lousy diary, I just use it to see how much more I can or cannot eat at the end of the day, keeping an eye mostly on my protein target.
    I definitely get 8 hours of sleep at night, plus I chill one hour before bedtime and after my Sunday Morning run there's no strenuous physical activity until Tuesday Afternoon, besides normal family activities, cooking, cleaning, etc...
    Thanks again
  • briscogun
    briscogun Posts: 1,135 Member
    I alternate C25K and a YAYOG program day to day. I just finished Week 6 of the C25K and I'm on week 3 or 4 of the YAYOG. I haven't had any issues alternating between strength training and running. I usually take one day off each week just to relax and recoup.

    As far as what C25K holds in store, trust me. It actually works. I would've never thought I could do more than a few minutes at a time at best. I just ran 22 minutes straight without stopping this morning. You can do more than you think you can. A lot of this is mental. You're body can do amazing things. But don't be afraid to repeat days or weeks. I just repeated Week 6. It's okay if you need to. Just take it slow and you'll be fine.

    Remember that your gains are made when you rest, too, so sleep and days off are critical.

    Good luck!
  • hansmdude
    hansmdude Posts: 111 Member
    Thanks Brian, very encouraging.
  • hazleyes81
    hazleyes81 Posts: 296 Member
    For the shin splints, try different shoes. I had to try about six before I found some that didn't cause shin splints or calf pains (most usually cause one or the other for me, even with stretching and strengthening).
  • AigreDoux
    AigreDoux Posts: 594 Member
    I'm not doing Stronglifts, but I'm doing the book "Strong" by the authors of NROL, and C25k on alternating days.

    I'm halfway through Stage 3 of Strong and did the first run of week 4 of C25k. I haven't had any issue with injury.

    The run this morning was tough, I had to drop the speed a bit, but I made it through. I think because I was lifting at 4 pm yesterday and then running at 5 this morning, it was too close together and I think that affected my running "performance". I may repeat week 4 if it doesn't get easier later this week, we'll see.

    But I'm in it for the long haul, and not for any competition, so it doesn't really matter to me if one affects the other or takes longer than it should as long as I end up in good shape at the end.
  • hansmdude
    hansmdude Posts: 111 Member
    I'm not even thinking about speed yet, I don't think I could go any slower though, I calculated my pace at just below a 10 minute mile... but I'm only running 90 seconds at a time so far.
    Hopefully I'm in it for the lang haul also, but I also have my daughter's beach wedding in Aruba in June to work towards.
  • nordlead2005
    nordlead2005 Posts: 1,303 Member
    I did SL5x5 while losing weight (and a decent amount) and I increased my running to 5k (not C25k though, as I had already been running prior to wanting to increase my total distance and my intervals didn't match up with C25k and I didn't want to jump over to it). While I can't consistently run a 5k (I don't run for weeks on end during the winter), it is more to do with my knee than with my cardio endurance. My knee doesn't like the pavement so I have to build up my distance.

    Anyways, eating in a deficit will not cause illness or injury. Losing 0.5lb/week while lifting and running is fine. Even 1-2lb may be OK depending on your size (lots of fat means you have lots of spare energy). You may not perform as well as someone maintaining or even eating in a calorie surplus, but it is all about your goals and realistic expectations. You may have to repeat weeks or deload weights when others would just continue on, but that is ok. Eating in too significant of a deficit is more likely to lead to illness or injury if your body can't provide the energy, but that will happen even if you aren't exercising.
  • hansmdude
    hansmdude Posts: 111 Member
    Thanks Nordlead... my weight is going down (except this week), but I don't focus on that... I've lost 2 inches on my waist so far and it's going down every week, no matter if I lose weight or not.
  • danimorton
    danimorton Posts: 9 Member
    You can do it! I did the Couch to 5K almost 2 years ago (crazy!). I was never a runner and couldn't run 1 min without DYING before the program. I remember thinking I would never be able to do the 20 min run without stopping but when that day came I could do it! The program really works. The key is to follow it and not skip any days. In the end it's all in your HEAD you body can do it! Good luck! :)
  • hansmdude
    hansmdude Posts: 111 Member
    Thanks Mrs. Morton... I hope so
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,871 Member
    Have you been properly fitted for running shoes...likely would clear up the shin splint issues.