5ft4 - CW: 186/7lbs GW:? Any 5ft4 girls around?

Hi, hi, and hi :)

Stats: SW:203 CW:186

I'm new to myfitnesspal and would like to make some friends with other ladies who have similar stats to me!

My initial goal weight was :120-125lbs but I think 128-140lbs is ok. I would like to lose between 50-60lbs before August.. Ambitious but doable! I just don't want to be the fat girl I the office.

I currently wear a UK size 14/16


  • PAGincroyable
    PAGincroyable Posts: 13 Member
  • jmpaterno
    jmpaterno Posts: 47 Member
    edited March 2016
    Hi! I'll friend you. I started at 203 and am now 183 with a goal of 130ish. Im also 5'3". I probably won't be done by August--I'm moving pretty slowly--but it'll be fun to be friends!
  • kksmom1789
    kksmom1789 Posts: 281 Member
    yes add me i'm 5 foot nothing i started at 212 back in 2013 but then got pregnant with my 2nd I rebooted my weight loss Oct 2015 and have lost 14lbs since then I am currently 183.6 and would like to lose about 55ish pounds.
  • PAGincroyable
    PAGincroyable Posts: 13 Member
    jmpaterno wrote: »
    Hi! I'll friend you. I started at 203 and am now 183 with a goal of 130ish. Im also 5'3". I probably won't be done by August--I'm moving pretty slowly--but it'll be fun to be friends!

    Hi!! I would love to be friends! Doesn't 203lbs seem so far away now? Whenever I look at my goal weight and I realise that I don't need to lose 80lbs+ because I'm not 200+ my heart skips a beat!!! We've come so far.
  • nadel2016
    nadel2016 Posts: 25 Member
    Hello :)
    I started with 204 pounds now I have 184 .
    Still a long road to go! I started in January .
    I am 5 feet 3. Would love to get 140 pounds .
    Feel free to add me
    Cheers from Canada
  • noelslp
    noelslp Posts: 52 Member
    Hi! I started at 200 after giving birth to my son, and am at 183 now. I got down to 112 several years ago with MFP, but aiming for around 125-130 this time. 5'4 as well :)
  • concordancia
    concordancia Posts: 5,320 Member
    Your final goal will depend on a number of factors.

    What is your frame?
    Are doing any strength training?
    Will you be happier transitioning to maintenance as soon as you are a healthy weight or continuing on until you have a certain kind of body?
    What size are your boobs?
  • Shells918
    Shells918 Posts: 1,070 Member
    Hi. I'm 5'4. I started in June at 194 and am now 176. I am quite sure I won't lose 50 lbs by August. I'll be happy with another 15 since my average is 3 pounds a month.
  • SweetestLibby
    SweetestLibby Posts: 607 Member
    Hi! Started at 215 a looong time ago. Got down to 135 before joining MFP. Joined and got down to 115 (US size 0, even 100 pounds lost!). Didn't like it so I did a body recomp and found my happy spot at 120, 16% BF (US size 2/UK size 6).

    Started a new my dream job about 2 years ago and pick up 30 pounds. I realized I can't eat like I train 6 days a week, 1.5 hours a day if I don't actually! I'm trying to get back to 120 by finding what works for me (and my career) now.

    CW (a week ago): 145 (weighed myself the day I got back from a 8 day, 4 island cruise to the Bahamas. Yikes!), US size 4/UK size 8
    GW:120, US size 2

    Feel free to add me!
  • Alarae21
    Alarae21 Posts: 171 Member
    I'm 5'3, with no idea on a final goal weight as I genuinely do not know what looks good on my body! I have never been 'skinny'. I have a large frame so even though I'm short, I can carry weight a bit better.

    CW: 166.6

    Hoping to get to 145 by Mid-June. It's probably unrealistic, but I'll be happy with a pound a week, which is another 14 pounds down. That would put me around 152.

    Just want to look the best I can for my future husband at our wedding in August!
  • Lounmoun
    Lounmoun Posts: 8,423 Member
    I'm 5'4". I started at 179 lbs and currently 154. My ultimate goal is 125 lbs. I will be happy to be below 145 though. I don't have a deadline.
  • ElizabethOakes2
    ElizabethOakes2 Posts: 1,038 Member
    5'4 here.
    Like Lounmoun, I started at 179!
    Currently at 158, with an ultimate goal of 135-130.
    No real deadline; this is for life. But I'm kind of hoping to be at 150 by my doctor's appointment in the end of May. (My doctor gave up on me losing the weight, and at my last appointment, after explaining that my cholesterol was high, said, "At least you haven't gained any more weight this year." but that he wanted to put me on meds for my blood pressure and cholesterol. I told him I could fix it, but it was clear he didn't believe me. :)
  • MelissaLimeKiwi
    MelissaLimeKiwi Posts: 121 Member
    I'm 5'3
    SW: 146
    CW: 142
    GW: 125
    The numbers can fluctuate as long as I'm working out hard and have good muscle tone- I can be and have been happy between 120-130.
  • andi012
    andi012 Posts: 24 Member
    I'm 5'4. My starting weight was 200 on Jan 17 this year. My current weight is 189 and I've set my goal weight at 135. Haven't seen that weight in a long time:) I'm aiming to lose 10 lbs a month. Also from Canada.
  • ElphabaWeasley
    ElphabaWeasley Posts: 47 Member
    Hi! I'm 5'0'' I've been hovering around 185 for a while and would like to get down to 140. At that point I'll reassess and decide if I want to lose more. I am sending you a friend request. Congrats on your current success and good luck with the rest of your journey!
  • Maxematics
    Maxematics Posts: 2,287 Member
    • 5'3.5" but I usually just go with 5'3"
    • Starting weight was 139 pounds.
    • Got down to 109 pounds in February and now I'm bulking for a while up to 118 pounds before I do a final cut. I'm 113 pounds right now.
    • My final goal weight after my next cut is somewhere between 105 and 110 pounds.
  • veliia
    veliia Posts: 70 Member
    We have similar goals. I would love to lose at least 35-45lbs by July or August
    Im 5'3"
    Cw: 187
    Gw: 135
  • yourfriendlaurie
    yourfriendlaurie Posts: 32 Member
    edited March 2016
    I'm 5'4" (and a half haha). I started at 250 but have been as low as 125. I've spent most of my adult/teenage life between 135-150. Right now I'm 210. My ultimate goal is 125 but the last weight I remember feeling confident and getting lots of compliments at was 175 so I will be happy even when I get there! Feel free to add me if you want!

    Oh, and I've been losing on average 1 - 1.5 lbs per week for the past eight months. I expect to be at 175 by this fall and goal weight by next fall.
  • runjennierun2
    runjennierun2 Posts: 2 Member
    Just sent a friend request! We are in about the same boat. I'm at 190 and going to 140. It's so tough.
  • michellemurphy16906
    michellemurphy16906 Posts: 15 Member
    Hi I am 5'2 and currently 179. My goal is 140lbs by July. I quit smoking a year ago and gained 30 lbs. Now that I chased the cigarette monkey off my back I want to lose the excess weight. Feel free to add me. Also from Canada.