Eat what you love and lose

I just started tracking on here. I am from the dieting deprivation mindset that you have to cut out everything you love to lose weight. It comes from years of weight loss through low carb dieting that did not agree with my body and . Do you feel like you eat whatever you want and lose with MFP?


  • nfpswife
    nfpswife Posts: 63 Member
    I think that I learned to love what is "better" for my body. I used to love eating 1/2 a supreme pizza...Needless to say, I don't love that anymore. I still love the pizza, but I'm happier when I stop at 2 slices. I've found new foods that are much better to my body, and that taste good and I don't feel like sludge afterwards. I still allow myself a small treat once or twice a day, but I also know that in order to treat myself, those calories need to come from somewhere, whether it be from exercise, cutting from another meal, or taking "the hit" from my deficit. I think that in order to eat whatever I want, I need to mentally shift to wanting new things and having an open mind...

    If that makes sense. I feel like there was some rambling involved.
  • bmayes2014
    bmayes2014 Posts: 232 Member
    edited March 2016
    yes and no. A caloric deficit is what attributes to weight loss. In my personal experience, I am most successful when I preplan and pre-log (log it in MFP the day before) and stick to it - making an effort to hit my macros for fat, protein and carbs. This works for me and makes me feel awesome! I still eat cookies and ice cream etc but within my deficit. I had girl scout cookies yesterday and stayed in my deficit. Now, the no part of this is that sometimes I try to 'wing it' ends so so badly. I don't lose well that way. I think most people here on MFP will say that flexible dieting or a well balanced diet is the most sustainable and thus, the most successful. I would agree. No deprivation. That's no way to live. So, whatever I want - yes, but not how much of it I would usually want B)
  • ClosetBayesian
    ClosetBayesian Posts: 836 Member
    Yes, I do. I had ice cream the other day; I had wine last week; we're ordering pizza tonight; I'll have beer on Thursday. I have learned to budget these into my calories for the day, and learned to be mindful of portion sizes.
  • Alyssa_Is_LosingIt
    Alyssa_Is_LosingIt Posts: 4,696 Member
    Of course you can fit in foods that you love and lose weight. It's all about balance. Of course, it takes time and experimentation to find the mix that works best for you. But as long as you're eating an otherwise varied and healthy diet, there's no reason why you can't enjoy things like pizza, ice cream, burgers, doughnuts, or anything that suits your fancy.

    I fit sweets in just about every day, and wine or beer many days. Yesterday I had Chick Fil A. Tonight we're grilling burgers. I try to hit my macros and eat lots of veggies daily, too. It's working just fine for me.
  • OhMsDiva
    OhMsDiva Posts: 1,073 Member
    What I have learned and am learning from the good people on MFP is that you do not have to stop eating the things you like. I don't think you can eat whatever you want, but maybe some people do. What works for me is to stay within my plan 90% of the time and I allow myself a treat when I want it. I also make sure I am within my calorie goal and I try to know ahead of time what I will be eating so I know how many calories I will be consuming. I also watch my proteins, etc for the day to make sure I get my fiber and protein in.
  • lemurcat12
    lemurcat12 Posts: 30,886 Member
    Basically, although of course I occasionally want to eat something that doesn't fit in my day or more than my calories. Also, what I want to eat is influenced, in part, by what meets my goals for nutrition, as well as taste.

    That said, I'm very much against the deprivation approach, and realizing that I could lose weight while still eating a normal, varied diet that is delicious and not feeling hungry or deprived was important to me. I do love lots of foods that turn out to be helpful for creating lower calorie meals (vegetables, fish), and I also explored different ways to cook things and checking out what's locally available at the farmer's market (not much currently, of course) and stuff like that, to get excited about my options. But I also rarely eat boneless, skinless chicken breast (I roast it with skin and bones and eat lamb and steak and pork chops too, among other things), and I fit in chocolate and ice cream. The main thing is that with a calorie budget I find myself much more picky as to what I will spend calories on -- no eating something mediocre at the office just because it appears in the break room or I'm procrastinating so raid the candy jar!
  • katej37
    katej37 Posts: 56 Member
    I eat whatever I like so long as it fits in to my calories - sure some days I go over, others I may be under a little but it balances out over the week. Its portion size thats my problem. x
  • kommodevaran
    kommodevaran Posts: 17,890 Member
    edited March 2016
    I was in the low fat camp, but that was just as sad. Thanks to MFP - the community and the food diary - I have learnt to balance what I like with what I need, and even though I don't really eat that differently from what I used to, my eating habits, attitude and preferences have changed, so I enjoy food without the anxiety as a condiment now.
  • jrline
    jrline Posts: 2,353 Member
    As long as you track everything accurately you can eat any thing and lose weight.
  • debtay123
    debtay123 Posts: 1,327 Member
    we have to be mindful of what choices we make to eat and how much we decide to eat- we CAN still lose weight and enjoy life!!!!!!
  • tulips_and_tea
    tulips_and_tea Posts: 5,715 Member
    If I had to give my diet (daily way of eating) a name it would be just that: "Eat What You Love!". I have very strong and specific tastes so I make sure the things I eat are the flavors and textures that I like and that they fit my nutritional needs.

    It's become somewhat of a hobby of mine to replicate the flavor profiles in dishes that I love but to make them fit into my low carb diet. Most things I have been successful with, others are still a work in progress.
  • Beaner63
    Beaner63 Posts: 69 Member
    I'm not really into the macros and micros. For me it's about the CICO. If I have the calories for it and want to eat it, than I do.

    The main thing though is it forces me to budget my calories, so I know if I blow a ton of calories on something, I will end up eating less of something else later on.

    Like if I eat a 250 calorie brick of rice cripsy treat for a snack during the day, it will mean that come dinner time I will have a bit less than normal and I either eat a smaller dinner, or find some extra low calorie items to eat, say like pickles.

    So far 30 pounds down since the first of the year.

    One thing I have found that I am less inclined to go to fast food now because most fast food is high calories and I can "spend" those calories for much bigger amount of food.
  • victoria_1024
    victoria_1024 Posts: 915 Member
    I'm 85 lbs down and recently started maintenance. I ate candy and cookies everyday. Ate out a lot. Didn't affect my weight loss. The difference is that I didn't eat a pound bag of m&ms in one day. I weighed out a serving of them or half a serving and was satisfied with a smaller amount. I also focused on meeting protein goals which sometimes meant I needed a hardboiled egg for snack instead of candy. Sometimes I could eat both! This has been the first diet I could actually stick with long term because I didn't cut out the foods I love.
  • dubird
    dubird Posts: 1,849 Member
    Eat what I want? Yes.

    Eat how much I want? No.

    You don't have to cut ANYTHING out of your diet unless you've developed a medical reason to do so. You just have to make sure you're not getting too much. Now, this does have the effect of you swapping out some high-calorie/low-nutrient options to low-calorie/high-nutrient options that you can have more of, like eating more veggies instead of french fries or what have you, but you can still have the french fries. Just need to account for them in your diary.

    Remember, 200 calories of candy is much less food in terms of BULK than 200 calories of peas. Nothing wrong with having the candy, but if it doesn't fill you up very full and you end up eating more later because of that, might want to adjust that snack to something that will keep you full for longer, and save the candy for dessert or something.
  • size102b
    size102b Posts: 1,370 Member
    No I don't think everyday we can eat what we like in the way of processed junk foods only because it won't fill you up as note healthier foods do

    I love crisps (chips in US) so I have a small pack 25g a day otherwise it's healthy foods so I don't get hungry

  • Asher_Ethan
    Asher_Ethan Posts: 2,430 Member
    To a certain extent, yes I can eat whatever I want with MFP and lose.
    Sometimes certain foods will send me into a binge and I've learned the best thing to do, for the rest of those days, is to cut out carbs and sugar or I won't stop eating.
    But other days, I'm completely content with 1 piece of pizza, half an order of French fries or 8 sour patch kids.
  • Need2Exerc1se
    Need2Exerc1se Posts: 13,575 Member
    I don't really give MFP any credit for my weight loss since I only tracked for a month or so before deciding that I didn't have time for all the hassle.

    But, whether losing, gaining or maintaining my weight, I've always eaten foods I enjoy. I can't understand why anyone would eat something they don't enjoy, especially when on a reduced calorie diet.
  • Francl27
    Francl27 Posts: 26,371 Member
    Yes and no. I eat foods I like, but I don't eat the high calorie stuff every single day (or very small portions).
  • Orphia
    Orphia Posts: 7,097 Member
    I eat whatever I feel most like eating, within my calorie limit.

    I prioritise. I don't just eat on a whim. But I eat what I love.
  • Christine_72
    Christine_72 Posts: 16,049 Member
    The foods I really love are all calorific, so I have to really scrimp and save to be able eat the amount i want. I'd rather go without then eat a tiny sliver of mud cake or a 35g bowl of froot loops, or 12.333555666 chips that will just leave me wanting more... When I eat these things I go all out, or I don't bother at all.