5ft4 - CW: 186/7lbs GW:? Any 5ft4 girls around?



  • mercedesalden
    mercedesalden Posts: 10 Member
    I am 5'4
    My goal is 130or 135
    Feel free to add me
  • moralestonia
    moralestonia Posts: 9 Member
    Hi I'm from NY I'm 5ft I weighed 147 goal is 115 I'm down to 144 I started 3 weeks ago feel free to add I need motivation
  • arditarose
    arditarose Posts: 15,573 Member
    Hi I'm 5'4"

    I've been as high as 180 or so.
    SW with MFP: 163
    Lowest weight: 128
    Current weight: 142

    I was very small at 128. I kept a lot of muscle by weight training in a deficit. I have actually been bulking over the past 4-5 months and that is why I am as heavy as 142. My profile picture is current. I will probably cut back down to 130-135. Most likely 135 though. I find that the more muscle you have, you don't need to go quite as low as far as scale weight to look well/lean.
  • Livgetfit
    Livgetfit Posts: 352 Member
    i'M 5'3" (and a half, the half is very important)

    SW: 213 (I was a blimp)
    CW: 157
    GW: 140

    Once I get to 140 I'll assess but I have been 147 before and I loved my body at that weight so I doubt I will want to go lower than that.

    I am also taking all of the weight stuff with a pinch of salt these days as I really want to get fitter. I know that this, coupled with eating a deficit, will see me lose so I am not over thinking too much!
  • Chrissya1594
    Chrissya1594 Posts: 9 Member
    Hi all!
    I'm 5'3 and a half.
    I started in August and now I'm down about 50 pounds. I really want to get down to 140 and see how I feel from there. I have been overweight/obese through my teen years so I'm really excited to see how my body changes as I keep losing. Feel free to add me! I would love to have more friends that are around my height!
    Also, I'm in college so it's kind of tough doing this with dining hall food so other college peeps should add me too!

    SW: 227 (August)
    CW: 173
    GW: <140
  • missionYCO
    missionYCO Posts: 31 Member
    edited March 2016
    5'4, 176.4 pounds, and wanting to get to 140. :) I'll add you :smiley:
  • Vmama13
    Vmama13 Posts: 7 Member
    I got pregnant 2014. My baby a year now trying to lose weight. I was( Dec. 14) 213 at heaviest, I'm 5'4", medium framed. My goal is to get to 140. My current weight is 173. , I eat whatever I just watch my portion size an I excerise 2-3 times a wk I can only do cardio . I just wish I could lose faster it's discourging when ur weight finally drops an u plateau again
  • MTgal477
    MTgal477 Posts: 829 Member
    5'3" here! Started at 196 in January, currently 175....working my way towards 130! Feel free to add me, I'd love some friends with similar goals :smiley:
  • BeaUtiful_1413
    BeaUtiful_1413 Posts: 200 Member
    Same here I'm 5.0" SW 193 CW:163 GW 125-130
  • DawnSober
    DawnSober Posts: 17 Member
    I'm 5'4" sw: 196 Cw: 144 gw: 135 would love friends with encouragement for this final leg of the journey!
  • ksutherland677
    ksutherland677 Posts: 16 Member
    I'm 5'3'' CW 160 GW 125. However I want to be 140 by July. I was comfortable at 135 three years ago.
  • meredithdelcastillo
    meredithdelcastillo Posts: 64 Member
    Hi! I am 5'4 too, and I weigh about 150. I am very healthy however, and if you are anything like my shape and my frame 140 would be totally reasonable. That is my goal after my journey as well
  • PAGincroyable
    PAGincroyable Posts: 13 Member
    Your final goal will depend on a number of factors.

    What is your frame?
    Are doing any strength training?
    Will you be happier transitioning to maintenance as soon as you are a healthy weight or continuing on until you have a certain kind of body?
    What size are your boobs?

    - I have a large frame.
    - I have just been doing cardio... :(
    - I haven't decided.. I think continuing until I get a certain type of body.
    - My boobs have now come down to a 38GG

    Help! p x
  • ghouli
    ghouli Posts: 207 Member
    5'4", my starting weight before MFP was around 165. Currently at 147-149 with a goal of 115.

    This is one of my favorite threads for motivation and inspiration for all the 5'4" women >>> http://community.myfitnesspal.com/en/discussion/1238509/women-54-5-5-with-results-pictures/p1
  • jlemoore
    jlemoore Posts: 702 Member
    There's a lot of us around. 5'4" is the average female height after all!

    CW: 152.5 GW: whatever makes me feel good that I can maintain.
  • jaynee7283
    jaynee7283 Posts: 160 Member
    I'm 5'5".

    My goal is 155, but I'm going for 145 so I have some wiggle room.
  • ScoobaChick
    ScoobaChick Posts: 185 Member
    Another 5'4" Canadian here.

    My starting weight was 135lbs. My goal weight was 125lbs. I bounce between 120 and 125lbs between cutting and bulking. I'm pretty active on MFP and with working out. I'm always happy to get new MFP pals so feel free to add me :)

    I also have open diaries if you are interesting in getting food and exercising ideas :)

    Enjoy your MFP journey. It is so much more than simply seeing the scale numbers go down!
  • gfrado
    gfrado Posts: 23 Member
    I like to say I'm 5'3" and a half ;)
    Recently ballooned from 155ish lbs in the summer to 177 now. =(
    135 is my ultimate goal, but trying to strive for little milestones along the way.
  • SWellz
    SWellz Posts: 62 Member
    I'm 5'5'', 165lbs. My eventual goal is 132, but really I'd just like to lose 15lbs before my wedding in September. Feel free to add me!
  • shrcpr
    shrcpr Posts: 885 Member
    5' 4", SW 153; CW 135; GW 125

    Hoping to hit 125 by mid-July. I'm losing slowly. 0.5/week.