Aclohol calories Help

kathryn84 Posts: 25 Member
Ok question! When i go out with friends and I want to have a few drinks, should I eat less so the alcohol calories makes up for the rest of my day? So if I usually eat 1200 cal a day, should i eat 800 calories then be able to drink 400 calories worth?? I know I should stay away from drinking period, but lets be honest, its gonna happen every now and then. Thanks!!!


  • Shannmarrs
    Shannmarrs Posts: 117 Member
    Instead of eating few calories, I would make a point to work out that day. Get some extra calories from working out, then you won't have to worry about a cocktail or two.
  • kathryn84
    kathryn84 Posts: 25 Member
    That is the best idea I would say. Eating too little would probably result with me getting sick. Thank you!!!
  • prtykekedd
    prtykekedd Posts: 48 Member
    It's best to stay away from the drinks, but keep in mind mixed drinks are high in cals and wine is low cal. I stick to Moscato when I drink.
  • hooma
    hooma Posts: 124 Member
    Instead of eating few calories, I would make a point to work out that day. Get some extra calories from working out, then you won't have to worry about a cocktail or two.


    Your body needs the nutrients from the food you eat, so don't deprive it! Hit the gym that day or early the next, sweat through the hangover!
  • jonikeffer
    jonikeffer Posts: 218 Member
    If you're set to only 1200 calories in a day, it's by far better to earn extra cals through exercise and use those for the booze than to only eat 800 cals (which isn't enough for anyone in a day, even tinies like me at 5'0"). As long as you eat 1200 cals of actual food, you can booze it up a little. ;)
  • dad106
    dad106 Posts: 4,868 Member
    I like the workout earlier in the day idea.

    Also make sure that you have a glass of water too so that you drink the cocktail slower. The slower you drink it, the less likely you are to order more then one.
  • JekJekums
    JekJekums Posts: 32 Member
    i've been struggling with this issue as well. one thing that i've considered (though i havent actually tried) is splitting the drinking calories over two days (since i'm usually doing my drinking late at night) so i eat less the day before and the day after to accomodate them.
  • heathersmilez
    heathersmilez Posts: 2,579 Member
    I did that in University a couple times. I gained 2 lbs, yea just 2 and panicked that the frosh 15 was inevitable and photocopied my mom's WW points books on Christmas break..

    I only did it once or twice but I distinctly remember eating a Subway 6-inch ham sub for lunch, 6-inches for dinner (it was on the Food Card and and free delivery) and that left me with enough points to have 6 shots of vodka a total of 22 pts for the day, perfect for people under 150 lbs.

    Hey you could do that but in general it’s not the healthiest or most mature thing to do.
  • Morganjannelle
    Like others are saying- workout and use your extra calories on booze but don't eat less than 1200 that day!

    Also, I'll drink a rum or flavoured vodka (around 60 calories for 1oz) and flavoured water. So for a double it's about 120. For me to 'good night out' would only be about 240-360 extra calories in a day.

    But remember- drinking will slow down your metabolism!!! So make sure you do lots of dancing and water drinking when you have a night out. :)
  • squigglypuff
    squigglypuff Posts: 279 Member
    I try to kill two birds with one stone by drinking flavored vodkas. Pinnacle has Whipped Cream, Cake, and Cotton Candy flavors and I think they're about 60 calories per shot. I mix it with diet Sprite or diet Cream Soda and it's AMAZING! I think the Cake flavored vodka might be my favorite -- mix it with strawberry lemonade, and it tastes like strawberry cheesecake with a fraction of the calories.
  • kathryn84
    kathryn84 Posts: 25 Member
    I try to kill two birds with one stone by drinking flavored vodkas. Pinnacle has Whipped Cream, Cake, and Cotton Candy flavors and I think they're about 60 calories per shot. I mix it with diet Sprite or diet Cream Soda and it's AMAZING! I think the Cake flavored vodka might be my favorite -- mix it with strawberry lemonade, and it tastes like strawberry cheesecake with a fraction of the calories.
    Those sound AMAZING! THanks for the ideas
  • imnotyourpal
    imnotyourpal Posts: 162 Member
    I'm going to drink. Just like I'm going to have chocolate. Everything in moderation. Here's one of my new favorite sites:
  • emmyvera
    emmyvera Posts: 599 Member
    Yes, definitely workout that day or extra for sure. AND always have water along with the drinking.
    I sip on water the entire night. The water keeps you hydrated and that is important.

    Also, opt for a light beer or a low cal mixed drink.
    My go to cocktail is gin and diet tonic with lime.

    Good Luck! :glasses:
  • jnnyc
    jnnyc Posts: 25
    I hear ya on the "having fun once in a while" I have cut out all booze during the week- espcially wine with dinner.

    When I do drink here is my go to cocktail (I stole it from my old roomie that was a nutritionist)
    Club Soda- Flavored Vodka and one teeny tiny splash of cran juice.

    Or stick to white wine.

    I agree with the previous posters that said that you should work out. My trick in college was to strave all day, have a light dinner then drink my brains out and do keg stands (because that's attractive for a girl to do....) but thinking back that was what caused me to not be able to maintain my weight and also be extrememly hung over and hten binge on food the next day.

    I try to keep around 1400 calories a day but sometimes go over. I know Instead of depriving myself the next day, I have to work off those extra calories.

    Working out early in teh day will help. also, for every cocktail you have, the next one have some water with fruit. This still looks like a "cocktail" so you don't have people asking you "what's with the water" but then can moderate your drinking. It also helps with a hangover :)
  • squigglypuff
    squigglypuff Posts: 279 Member
    I try to kill two birds with one stone by drinking flavored vodkas. Pinnacle has Whipped Cream, Cake, and Cotton Candy flavors and I think they're about 60 calories per shot. I mix it with diet Sprite or diet Cream Soda and it's AMAZING! I think the Cake flavored vodka might be my favorite -- mix it with strawberry lemonade, and it tastes like strawberry cheesecake with a fraction of the calories.
    Those sound AMAZING! THanks for the ideas

    They have a ton of recipes on their site, but most include sugary juices and grenadine syrups. Let me know if you come up with any mixes yourself.

    As for the original poster, another thing I loved to do in college was drink & walk. Fill up a water bottle with your drink of choice then set out on an adventure. I studied in NYC so I had a ton of places to visit on foot. Not only are you getting buzzed, but you're burning some calories and exploring the area. Try to enlist some friends on your walks so you don't feel silly or vulnerable -- obviously getting hammered alone in an unfamiliar area is not the safest thing.