Healthy work lunch

Any suggestions on healthy meals to have at work for lunch?


  • SonyaCele
    SonyaCele Posts: 2,841 Member
    i just had a giant bowl of broccoli garden veggie salad, and a slice of turkey.
  • livelovebbg
    livelovebbg Posts: 45 Member
    Tuna on a whole wheat flatbread with veggies and sriracha sauce - yum!
  • khhregister
    khhregister Posts: 229 Member
    When I worked in an office, I liked to make my meals for the week ahead of time and pack up 5 tupperware containers. I bought a big batch of disposable ones I could use a few times and then throw out if they got nasty.
    One thing I really liked to do was rice bowls - if you have a rice cooker, make ~ 2 cups of rice, split it amongst the 5 containers. Then I'd cook up a couple pieces of meat, chopped into pieces - so for one day I'd have chicken breast, the next day shrimp, the next day back to chicken, the next day shrimp, and then maybe the last day a piece of beef for a treat. Then I'd make a pan full of roasted vegetables, and divide those amongst the 5 bowls. I had a microwave at work so I'd be able to heat it up - I usually did maybe 2 minutes at 70% power so it wouldn't get overcooked.

    It made lunchtime really simple, and it was super cheap compared to eating out.
    The other thing I would do is if we ever ate out for dinner, I'd save half of my dinner for lunch the next day.
  • jgnatca
    jgnatca Posts: 14,464 Member
    I had leftovers; a beef and vegetable stir-fry and some blueberries. Weird combo, I know.
  • rainbowbow
    rainbowbow Posts: 7,490 Member
    Honestly? I hate doing stuff for lunch specifically and will always bring leftovers from last nights dinner if possible.

    If i'm bring a convenience food i will bring an amy's organic frozen meal, a pitabread sandwich with hummus and veggies, a flat out wrap with hummus and veggies, along with an apple/banana/carrot sticks, etc.

    There's also some products like dr. mcdougal's tortilla soup, annie chun's udon noodles, etc. that are pretty tasty. Again though, i almost ALWAYS have leftovers.
  • yasminosman1992
    yasminosman1992 Posts: 2 Member
    I try not to take leftovers to work. So i end up buying a sandwich and have a yogurt on the side and a banana. I do have some tomato soup sometimes which doesn't fill me up as much. What you suggested sound like a good idea (Khh1138) i did think about preparing meals for the week but never got around to doing it. Its just me being lazy. I will give it a try though. Maybe try it out for a week and see how it goes.
  • btinghutch
    btinghutch Posts: 26 Member
    I like making my own turkey wraps and cut veggies. I cut up salad veggies on my days off, and I mix low fat sour cream with a ranch dressing packet and it lasts all week,,and makes all the veggies taste SO much better!haha
    I also like tuna, with feta cheese and crackers, and with cottage cheese and fruit on the side. I will also pre-make turkey burgers and have it either on a whole wheat bun or break up the burger on a tortilla wrap with lettuce, tomato, spinach, and shredded cheese. I get really really hungry at lunch time, so I work the breads into my lunch and balance it with protein.
    Some days I'll eat lunch..AND a protein bar on the way home!haha before dinner.
  • bmayes2014
    bmayes2014 Posts: 232 Member
    I also prepare meals for the week when I am on top of it. I get lazy (or maybe Im just tired) too @yasminosma but try finding fast meal preps like using the oven for all three of the following: veggies (carrots, zucchini, squash, cabbage, anything you like), protein (chicken or fish), and a sweet potato. separate them on foil and set the timer. It may take the chicken and potato a bit longer to cook. on average 375 degrees for 40 or so minutes - depending on how you like your veggies. Be sure to check the protein is done.

    This week I am having a salad for lunch everyday. Boiled egg, tuna or chicken, cucumbers, lettuce. easy peasy
  • rivim
    rivim Posts: 11 Member
    A big salad with lots of veggies is my favorite choice for lunch.
  • willworkoutforwine
    willworkoutforwine Posts: 64 Member
    I keep a stash of Lean Cuisine, SmartOnes and Healthy Choice meals in the freezer at home to take when I don't have leftovers. I know that many of them are "processed" and there are better choices, but they keep my calorie intake in check and prevent me from going out to lunch. I usually have fruit or raw veggies, too.
  • Queenmunchy
    Queenmunchy Posts: 3,380 Member
    edited March 2016
    I don't prepare for the week, but I just prepare in general. I have probably at least 15-20 varieties of individually portioned meals in my freezer, and probably at least 60 servings. Soups, stews, curries, chilis, stir fries, etc of all varieties. I just grab one and go. Making one dish and portioning it for the freezer isn't very daunting. If you make one every weekend, you have quite a stash in no time, and since they're frozen, you have months to eat them and you don't have to have the same thing every day. I usually don't repeat meals in a week.

    For example, yesterday it was jalapeno popper soup, today spicy blue cheese tomato soup, tomorrow is Asian turkey stir fry with ginger cilantro cauli-rice. Next week might be Thai beef broccoli and jicama curry, turkey/veggie chili, cream cheese cauliflower soup, and so on.
  • _lyndseybrooke_
    _lyndseybrooke_ Posts: 2,561 Member
    This is pretty much the only salad I'll eat - baby spinach, strawberries, raspberries, blueberries, shredded chicken, feta cheese, roasted almond slices, and lemon juice instead of dressing. So many delicious flavors and they all blend nicely. It's pretty filling and, of course, you can use as much or as little as your calorie/macro goals allow. I typically do 2 oz spinach and chicken, 50g of each fruit, 1 oz feta, and 10g almonds, which ends up being under 300 calories.

    Another good one while I'm cutting is an English muffin with a slice of Canadian bacon, cheese, an egg or egg whites, and some spinach. Add butter to the muffin if you have the fats and have fruit or something on the side. The sandwich itself with no butter and egg whites only is about 225 calories. And soooo good.

    I don't do soup or boring salads. I don't do frozen meals because I'd need 5 of them in order to feel like I ate anything at all. I'll occasionally do sandwiches with pita or regular bread, tuna patties, oatmeal, toast with fun toppings, anything involving peanut butter, etc.
  • jgnatca
    jgnatca Posts: 14,464 Member
    Today it is home-made coleslaw with purple cabbage and local carrots, with a half-cup of cottage cheese. Banana and baby pita pockets on the side.
  • Afura
    Afura Posts: 2,054 Member
    Whatever you want! I prep on Sundays (chicken or hamburger, and veggies) for my lunch and a side salad, freeze what I won't eat within the next few days, then just throw it in my lunch bag and go. If I'd actually cook food for dinner, I'd also take leftovers. Please be kind to your coworkers and avoid seafood, we continually have people heating it up, and it's so gross. :unamused:
  • kelli_rie
    kelli_rie Posts: 4 Member
    Today I'm having turkey and cheese rolled up together, salad, yogurt, and an orange! Yum! Easy peasy.
  • stang02
    stang02 Posts: 75 Member
    I prep on Sunday. I'll usually roast/bake a 5 pieces of chicken (one for each day). Bake enough starch/carb for the week (halved sweet potatoes or acorn/butternut squash). And (I am lazy) portion frozen veggies into 5 small containers and grab one for each day. You can bake the starch/carb in the oven with the chicken so that kills two cooking birds with one stone.
    - So lunch is a piece of chicken (or protein of your choice)
    - Carb/starch - sweet potato/squash
    - Big portion of frozen veggies.

    That keeps me very satisfied. Then I always bring some of mandarin oranges AND string cheese for snacks.
  • cross2bear
    cross2bear Posts: 1,106 Member
    Today for lunch is broccoli slaw with a hard boiled egg. Tonight I will be at work past 8pm, so I brought dinner too, and that is couscous and a meaty pasta sauce and an apple. I also have a cadbury creme egg waiting for me as a treat when I get home!
  • melissa6771
    melissa6771 Posts: 894 Member
    I usually like to have a sandwich and fruit for lunch at work. I cut chicken breasts in half and pound them, marinate them, grill them so they're ready to go. i also make turkey burgers in my grill pan. Mix ground turkey with half ground turkey breast, make 4 oz patties, grill, heat for lunch with a .5 oz slice of low fat cheese. Either of those on a sandwich thin with mustard, lettuce tomato. Then strawberries or clementines or whatever with it.

    Here's a fantastic marinade for chicken. Cheap because I make it at home and it makes great grilled chicken. I marinate it on Friday and grill it on Sunday. Great for sandwiches, or over salad, rice or pasta.

    Greek dressing

    1/2 cup olive oil
    1-1/2 teaspoons garlic powder
    1-1/2 teaspoons dried oregano
    1-1/2 teaspoons dried basil
    1-1/4 teaspoons pepper
    1-1/4 teaspoons salt
    1-1/4 teaspoons onion powder
    1-1/4 teaspoons Dijon mustard
    3/4 cup red wine vinegar

    The vinegar I put 1/4 cup and then adjust to taste. 3/4 is too much for me. Sometimes I mix in some balsamic too.

    If I don't feel like a sandwich, I do brown rice or pasta with vegetables and a protein. I do it all at the beginning of the week and put it into containers to grab in the morning. It makes things so much easier and easier to stay on track.

    One of my favorites used to be to cook a whole bunch of zucchini, mushrooms onions and peppers with ground turkey in a red sauce then split it up onto a serving of pasta. That was very satisfying and keeps well in fridge.
  • brb_2013
    brb_2013 Posts: 1,197 Member
    I either cook a big batch of chicken on Sunday or I buy precooked if I know I have a busy week ahead. But my lunches are all basically the same
    Pick One:
    1. Chicken (weighed at home)
    2. Tuna Fish (in the packets)

    Pick One:
    1. Broccoli
    2. Peas
    3. Salad

    Pick One:
    1. Italian salad dressing
    2. Alfredo sauce
    3. Peanut sauce
    4. Lemon juice/sriracha mixture

    I grab one from each category, weigh at home, heat at work. It makes my days really simple, and I prefer to save carbohydrates for dinner anyway.
  • Rachel0778
    Rachel0778 Posts: 1,701 Member
    My slow cooker is my kitchen best friend. I make a huge batch of something (this week was chicken curry) and portion it out for the week. That way meals are planned and it seriously only takes a couple of minutes to throw everything in the slow cooker and let it do it's magic.