Maybe I'll ACTUALLY hit my goal this time?

milkyudders Posts: 24 Member
edited March 2016 in Introduce Yourself
Hiii!! About 2 years ago I woke up a 287 pound girl, in pain, numb limbs, miserable, and afraid I was going to die. About 2 weeks later I was at Walmart trying on work pants, when I discovered I was in a size 26!! I cried. The next morning when I painfully got out of bed I made the decision to change my life!

I weighed myself that morning and was 280. I downloaded MFP and began my journey. In the next 10 months I lost 99.5 pounds!!! I felt so good about myself and was so proud. I still had about 30 pounds to go, to reach my goal.

Then I met my BF. Yep, got comfortable and fast-forward a year... I'm back up to 204 pounds. My first goal is getting back down to where I left off, at 180.5. My long term goal is reaching my ULTIMATE weight loss goal of 150.

I can do it this time, right?

I began about 3 weeks ago working out 4+ days a week with my body building BF. He works me like a man in the gym. I'm not losing weight, but hoping it's just due to severe muscle swelling. I never lifted before in my life, now I'm working out 2 and a half to 3 and a half hours a day!! It's been hard on my weak, chubby body. I'm seeing gains tho, so I'm not quitting.

Can't wait to see how far I can take it this time around. I know I can do it, and have faith in you too!!

Best of luck to you all!!!


  • cmriverside
    cmriverside Posts: 34,121 Member
    You sound like you're in a really good place to reach your goal! Congrats on taking back your life. :)
  • milkyudders
    milkyudders Posts: 24 Member
    You sound like you're in a really good place to reach your goal! Congrats on taking back your life. :)

    Thank you so much!!! I sure am trying!!! Getting back on the wagon after falling off almost a year ago is no easy task tho... But I'm very stubborn, so I trust that I will do it, and do it well!
  • GeekOnADiet
    GeekOnADiet Posts: 12 Member
    Keep trying! That's the key, we all slip back to old habits sometimes but you got to keep getting back on that horse, and trying until you find what works.
  • milkyudders
    milkyudders Posts: 24 Member
    Keep trying! That's the key, we all slip back to old habits sometimes but you got to keep getting back on that horse, and trying until you find what works.

    You're SO right!!!
  • DeeDeeC541
    DeeDeeC541 Posts: 6 Member
    I keep looking at my pants when I Get the cravings for something unhealthy.. I am eating more veggies.. and more salads with meals (espically lunch) and I am feeling better.. but even doing my food diary, it's amazing how many carbs are in things you think are healthy.. but I am only doing oil and vinegar for dressings as well as no breads.

    I just hope I can keep it up another two weeks.
  • Toneloe
    Toneloe Posts: 292 Member
    Don't lift to much you'll gain muscle weight. Cardio,cardio,cardio is all you need right now. Good luck!
  • milkyudders
    milkyudders Posts: 24 Member
    Good luck @DeeDeeC541 !!! We can do this!!
  • milkyudders
    milkyudders Posts: 24 Member
    Toneloe wrote: »
    Don't lift to much you'll gain muscle weight. Cardio,cardio,cardio is all you need right now. Good luck!

    My BF will not let me... Lol. He makes me lift, so I literally shadow him... I push him to do the cardio part tho (he's a wuss with cardio), so good for me, huh!?!? Lol
  • arditarose
    arditarose Posts: 15,573 Member
    Toneloe wrote: »
    Don't lift to much you'll gain muscle weight. Cardio,cardio,cardio is all you need right now. Good luck!

    This is completely false. Gaining muscle in a deficit is not really what happens. Even if you do experience newbie gains, you will generally still be losing fat and getting smaller. Cardio, cardio, cardio does nothing for the physique. Great for the heart and for creating a larger deficit, but cardio is not even needed for weight loss.

    OP, keep lifting heavy but I would advise more of a 3x per week full body workout for a beginner, something like SL 5x5.
  • MegSchuy16
    MegSchuy16 Posts: 189 Member
    Feel free to add me! Could use some motivation. Looking to lose about 65lbs and get back to my goal weight of 150lbs