Is hunger necessary?



  • slong12041989
    slong12041989 Posts: 21 Member
    First of all, don't be ashamed of your current numbers, we're all here to better ourselves and everyone is starting at a different point with a different goal. I thought I'd comment on some of my methods since I find myself at somewhat of a plateau as well!

    Cocktail drinking was also one of my weaknesses, now I only allow myself one if I have the calories left for it. If I know I'm going out with my girlfriends later that night, I'll add my drinks in at the beginning of the day to make sure I can afford them. :)

    Also try a higher protein diet and always choose complex carbs over simple carbs... That has helped me a lot to stay under my calorie goal without feeling like I'm starving!

    Lastly, strength training or HIIT (high intensity interval training) can help boost your regular cardio workout. For example, if you currently walk the treadmill, pick up some Dumbbells and do some overhead presses or bicep curls while walking. You're still spending the same amount of time, but putting in a little more effort to burn more calories and build muscle. Or if you want to go the HIIT route, rather than walk 20 minutes at a consistent rate, alternate speed walking for two minutes and a more casual pace for one minute for 20 minutes...

    I hope some of those tips can apply to you and help you get off of that plateau!
  • SezxyStef
    SezxyStef Posts: 15,268 Member
    Your eating more than you think.

    I looked at your diary:
    I'm guessing here, but your " Generic - Shredded Chicken" , are you just shredding chicken breast? If so, 100 g is 165 calories and you have 99 g logged as only 52 calories. That's a really big difference.

    "Homemade - " entries from the database should be avoided. There is no way to know if you are using the same stuff that the person who created the entry is. You could be using more or less oil or adding something that they didn't. The list goes on, those entries will rarely be correct for what your actually eating.

    That sounds to me like a failure of the app! I didn't catch that. I did weigh my shredded chicken breast on the scale, and the app only goes up to 99 grams. I actually ate 122 grams on my salad.

    Yes, I know not everything is logged exactly the same way, because I find myself in different situations where it's difficult to. Still, I wonder it 1560 is too high for consistent loss.

    Yah not it's not a failure of the you ate 122 grams and logged 99? why not log it 2x then? 1x99 then another entry 1x21...or better yet see this post.

    As for your goals I am 5 ft 7 and currently at about 153 or so (need to weigh myself) and when I was heavier I ate 1800 gross calories and lost weight consistently. Consistent and accurate logging will get the weight off and keep it off.

  • karmelpopcorn
    karmelpopcorn Posts: 77 Member
    SezxyStef wrote: »
    Your eating more than you think.

    I looked at your diary:
    I'm guessing here, but your " Generic - Shredded Chicken" , are you just shredding chicken breast? If so, 100 g is 165 calories and you have 99 g logged as only 52 calories. That's a really big difference.

    "Homemade - " entries from the database should be avoided. There is no way to know if you are using the same stuff that the person who created the entry is. You could be using more or less oil or adding something that they didn't. The list goes on, those entries will rarely be correct for what your actually eating.

    That sounds to me like a failure of the app! I didn't catch that. I did weigh my shredded chicken breast on the scale, and the app only goes up to 99 grams. I actually ate 122 grams on my salad.

    Yes, I know not everything is logged exactly the same way, because I find myself in different situations where it's difficult to. Still, I wonder it 1560 is too high for consistent loss.

    Yah not it's not a failure of the you ate 122 grams and logged 99? why not log it 2x then? 1x99 then another entry 1x21...or better yet see this post.

    As for your goals I am 5 ft 7 and currently at about 153 or so (need to weigh myself) and when I was heavier I ate 1800 gross calories and lost weight consistently. Consistent and accurate logging will get the weight off and keep it off.

    No that's not it at all. I ate 122 grams and logged 99 and 23 (because on my phone it only goes up to 99, so then I added 23 to make 122). The inaccuracy is in the calorie content of the food. It was way under what it should've been in the database.
  • SezxyStef
    SezxyStef Posts: 15,268 Member
    SezxyStef wrote: »
    Your eating more than you think.

    I looked at your diary:
    I'm guessing here, but your " Generic - Shredded Chicken" , are you just shredding chicken breast? If so, 100 g is 165 calories and you have 99 g logged as only 52 calories. That's a really big difference.

    "Homemade - " entries from the database should be avoided. There is no way to know if you are using the same stuff that the person who created the entry is. You could be using more or less oil or adding something that they didn't. The list goes on, those entries will rarely be correct for what your actually eating.

    That sounds to me like a failure of the app! I didn't catch that. I did weigh my shredded chicken breast on the scale, and the app only goes up to 99 grams. I actually ate 122 grams on my salad.

    Yes, I know not everything is logged exactly the same way, because I find myself in different situations where it's difficult to. Still, I wonder it 1560 is too high for consistent loss.

    Yah not it's not a failure of the you ate 122 grams and logged 99? why not log it 2x then? 1x99 then another entry 1x21...or better yet see this post.

    As for your goals I am 5 ft 7 and currently at about 153 or so (need to weigh myself) and when I was heavier I ate 1800 gross calories and lost weight consistently. Consistent and accurate logging will get the weight off and keep it off.

    No that's not it at all. I ate 122 grams and logged 99 and 23 (because on my phone it only goes up to 99, so then I added 23 to make 122). The inaccuracy is in the calorie content of the food. It was way under what it should've been in the database.

    I agree that the database needs cleaned up...but now that you know it's not always correct read the post I linked.

    they have tried to make it easier with "verified" entries but that is bs too...

    Still not a failure of the app is up to us to ensure what we are logging is correct...if it looks too good to be true it probably is..

    As well once you get entries that you use consistently (after you have verified them) they show up in your most recent entries anyway...way easier.

    I am sure MFP will eventually get to the point where the database is clean for premium members and as soon as that happens I will pay for it.
  • karmelpopcorn
    karmelpopcorn Posts: 77 Member
    I will definitely have to work on this. Thanks for your input.
  • brb_2013
    brb_2013 Posts: 1,197 Member
    Your eating more than you think.

    I looked at your diary:
    I'm guessing here, but your " Generic - Shredded Chicken" , are you just shredding chicken breast? If so, 100 g is 165 calories and you have 99 g logged as only 52 calories. That's a really big difference.

    "Homemade - " entries from the database should be avoided. There is no way to know if you are using the same stuff that the person who created the entry is. You could be using more or less oil or adding something that they didn't. The list goes on, those entries will rarely be correct for what your actually eating.

    That sounds to me like a failure of the app! I didn't catch that. I did weigh my shredded chicken breast on the scale, and the app only goes up to 99 grams. I actually ate 122 grams on my salad.

    Yes, I know not everything is logged exactly the same way, because I find myself in different situations where it's difficult to. Still, I wonder it 1560 is too high for consistent loss.

    Honestly if you weren't aware of the error in your chicken log, how many more are there? If you have a difference of 100 cals on one food item, imagine an error on most of them and you'll see the problem. Your calorie amount could be perfect but you won't know unless you make 100% sure the entries are correct. For chicken I look up "USDA chicken breast grams" and then match to a secondary site. Once you have confirmed the entry keep using the same one and you won't have to double check each time you use it. Also be sure you're weighing foods correctly. For a long time I had been weighing frozen veg once cooked but found it needed to be done while still frozen. There are lots of small errors everywhere, once you find them THAT'S when to worry about the deficit.
  • guacamole1
    guacamole1 Posts: 6 Member
    I recently lowered my calorie goals by 200 to account for the errors I am probably making. Of course, if I make mistakes, it's always going to be by low balling the number and not attributing a higher calorie count. I've lost about 7 lbs over the last 2 months since I've been shooting for that lower daily calorie number, so I must have been underestimating before.
  • hamstertango
    hamstertango Posts: 129 Member
    No, no, no! Hunger is not necessary especially on your current calorie intake. For example I've been on 1200 for nearly three months and rarely experienced hunger, certainly nothing a load of water and banana or Apple as a snack could not cure until the next meal. I just try and choose filling foods that fit in the daily goal.
  • gemdiver00
    gemdiver00 Posts: 77 Member
    This is a very useful site to get calorie info when it may not be available, you're weighing your food in grams which is awesome, and double check the calorie info in MFP matches with the info on the packaging.
  • AnnPT77
    AnnPT77 Posts: 32,898 Member
    +1 to the threads folks have suggested - there is a lot of helpful information in those, and in other posts under the "most helpful posts" heading at the top of the "General Diet & Weight Loss" forum. It sounds like working on logging accurately is a good place to start.

    In my experience, it hasn't been necessary to suffer in order to lose weight (this is not some kind of spiritual pilgrimage - LOL!). I've rarely been unpleasantly hungry except when I was late eating for some logistical reason. I'm 5'5", 60 y/o, SW 183 April 2015, CW 120, homing in on maintenance calorie level.

    If you're finding yourself suffering/hungry, you might want to try experimenting with the timing or composition of your eating, to see if you can achieve more satisfaction from a different mix. Though pretty much everyone loses when they manage to get Calories In < Calories Out (CICO), it seems that people differ in what keeps them feeling most full and satisfied.

    When I say "timing of eating", I mean things like splitting your calorie budget into 2 vs. 3 vs. 5 meals a day (etc.), including snacks or no, and which meal(s) are the largest.

    When I say "composition of eating", I mean what mix of foods/macronutrients/fiber you eat (keeping within a healthy range, of course). Some people feel fuller if they get relatively more healthy fats, some do better with relatively more protein. Some people need carbs to feel satisfied, while others find that carbs make them crave more carbs. Some people need to eat high-volume foods routinely (typically higher-fiber, lower-calorie veggies).

    Personally, I found I needed a solid breakfast with a decent amount of protein, and good protein throughout the day (a challenge sometimes, since I'm a vegetarian), and quite a volume of high-fiber veggies & fruits. But that doesn't work for everyone.

    Consider trying a new variation for a couple of days, see if you feel more satisfied; if not, try another.
  • Christine_72
    Christine_72 Posts: 16,049 Member
    Every time I've plateaued I've been able to trace it back to sloppy logging. Which can mean adding incorrect entries, not entering everything I've eaten into my diary or not weighing everything i eat..