
Looking for weight loss buddies that are in the same boat. I had a total Thyroidectomy in June 15' due to thyroid cancer. I'm just trying to get back on track.


  • kadams333
    kadams333 Posts: 1 Member
    I would love to support. I had TY in January
  • teachermeaghanhunt
    teachermeaghanhunt Posts: 3 Member
    I had a thyroidectomy 3 years ago due to large tumors. You can add me if you want.
  • stephy0605
    stephy0605 Posts: 3 Member
    I had a total thyroidectomy back on Feb 26, 2016. I'm still trying to lose the weight. My endo thinks we may finally have my meds right and wants me to start eating Ketogenic. Its going to bee a long ride but feel free to add me. I'd love to support you.
  • marymickaela
    marymickaela Posts: 190 Member
    I'm in a little different group, but also the same. I'm 66uo and I had my total thyroidectory due to papillary cancer in 1976. The tumor was discovered at my 1st prenatal visit. I was 26. I had a 3 hr surgery in my 5th month of pregnancy and all I cared about was the baby. I would love to help and support you or any of you and can speak of it in long term perspective. In the past 40years I've been hyper and hypo many times over. Have had 3 body scans. They were all rough, but after the 1st they said a tiny piece the size of a pencil eraser was still there and probably nothing would happened, but if it did come back it would kill me. So back then in 1982 I was rendered hypo with a TSH of at least 50 and quarantined in an isolated room for over 3 days.

    So please feel free to add me. I've had good docs, bad ones, gone to Mayo and presently have a great endo. You need an endocrinologist for sure. I won't go on, but you need support as this is something most people don't get. It effects every single organ in our bodies. My H says I've never been the same since I had it.

    Good luck!!!
  • artanis50
    artanis50 Posts: 96 Member
    edited August 2017
    I haven't had a thyroidectomy but basically my thyroid is non existent. At one point my tsh was over 200! My doctor basically told me they had no idea how I was still alive with that level. I don't currently see an endocrinologist, but probably should. My family practice doctor is working with me to control my levels which never seem to be within a normal range - very frustrating. Always welcome more friends so feel free to add me!