
So.. After a couple of years well and truly off the bandwagon I decided to lose some weight at Christmas (of all times I know!). I've lost a stone so far which felt amazing and I've had lots of those lovely comments from people saying wow you look great.. Unfortunately for me with compliments comes complacency and I have been TERRIBLE these past few weeks. I suffer from hypothyroidism and have noticed such a difference in my symptoms since I've been in a unhealthy eating slump. My skin for one is so so dry and itchy it's driving me crazy, my sleeping is all over the place.. wide awake at night & dead to the world on the mornings, which as you can imagine makes me late for work & constantly feeling guilty that no have no energy to see friends or do any exercise. My motivation & attitude towards being healthy has been at an all time low these last two years as I've been quite down & unconfident in my own skin. People that know me would disagree & tell you I'm happy go lucky & always smiling or cracking a joke but inside I feel vulnerable & uncomfortable with my appearance. I'm hoping that now I can set myself some steady goals & achieving these will give me a focus, some confidence & ultimately improve my hypothyroid symptoms & overall health.
I would love to hear from anyone else starting out, achieving their goals or coping with losing weight with hypothyroidism as it can be such a misunderstood condition & I'd like to know how others are challenging it!
Love Chloe xo


  • julieistead
    julieistead Posts: 16 Member
    Hi Chloe! I can totally understand what you are going through. I've had hypothyroidism for 10 years and generally its' been under control but it's been a struggle to keep it controlled the last year. I'm now seeing an endocrinologist, figured it's actually Hashimoto's and seem to have it under control the last month or so. I've been so tired, have little motivation after work to do anything, and soooooo tired. My skin is still super dry and itchy and my joints are so sore. About 6 years ago I lost a bunch of weight and felt good. I kept it off for a few years. And then gradually over the last 2 years, I've put 30 lbs back on . YUCK! I decided a week ago to get back on the wagon and start counting my calories. I've lost 4 lbs already so am feeling good. I'm trying to eat less processed foods, more fruits and vegetables and smaller portions. It's so hard to get used to not being full. At the slightest twinge of hunger, I'm usually looking for a snack. I'm trying to find foods that are protein-dense so I feel fuller longer with fewer calories. Greek yogurt is working really well, low fat protein granola, boiled eggs (I take out the yolks). I'm trying to stay away from too many carbs because a) i love them so much that I eat way too much b) they make me feel yucky afterwards. Thanks for your post! It`s nice to know there are others struggling with it too! Julie
  • newjeans140
    newjeans140 Posts: 50 Member
    Hi Chloe and Julie! I thought I would pipe in with my 2 cents. I have Hashimoto's and have lost 6 lbs. so far, but, most of it I believe has been sodium and water weight (usually the case when I lose weight). I have struggled for years with my eating and weight so I have decided to be proactive. My belly just keeps getting bigger and I am so sad about it. I just bought the book THE HASHIMOTO'S COOKBOOK AND ACTION PLAN and in about 2 or 3 weeks I will start. It is a 31 day plan. I figured I needed to put an end to my symptoms and I know that diet plays a key role in health in general.I would start this right way but I am going to visit family for a week, then after that, I have company coming and I know that I dont want to be cooking 2 separate meals for us. Makes sense to wait. You can google the book, Amazon has where you can read a little bit of the book. So, I just thought I would throw this out to you both and see what you think. To be honest, I want to get to the bottom of this...my skin gets worse all the time and I know if I don't control this disease through diet and my meds, that I will battle this forever, i have already done so for almost 30 years. About time I take charge. So, good luck to you both (and to me, too!) I am nervous to start this but I think it is for the best! You may want to try this too.
  • julieistead
    julieistead Posts: 16 Member
    Hi Jean, I'm going to check out that book! Thanks for the recommendation. Julie