Back after a 2.5 year hiatus

Hey y'all! I was here a couple of years ago and lost over 40 lbs. Then a my marriage ended and depression set in. I didn't do a good job of working out my emotions, I ate them instead. After gaining all of my weight back and hitting rock bottom in the process, I'm now holding my head up again and seeing the light in life again. So now, it's time for me to refocus and do and be better than I was before. In a little over a year I'll be turning 40, so today I start my fierce by forty mission!


  • sumr0luv
    sumr0luv Posts: 2 Member
    Good for you! I'm back also, I've used this app to loose over 70 lbs and now I'm looking at 100, so I'm just going for it. I hope I can keep the eating changes and regular exercise going for a lifetime, this go around. I haven't worked the exercise in yet. Ugh!
  • busyblkgirl
    busyblkgirl Posts: 264 Member
    sumr0luv wrote: »
    Good for you! I'm back also, I've used this app to loose over 70 lbs and now I'm looking at 100, so I'm just going for it. I hope I can keep the eating changes and regular exercise going for a lifetime, this go around. I haven't worked the exercise in yet. Ugh!

    Thank you.
  • nimc2
    nimc2 Posts: 16 Member
    Im back as well, i have had 2 children sence i was last here. I hoping that i can stick with it this time because i have over 120 pounds to loose. I find it a little difficult to eat healthy and get excersize in with four kids two of them under 15 months.