P90x tips

I am starting P90X on Saturday. I weigh 210 At 5'10". I am 38 years old and used to competitively swim through college. If you have any advice or warnings about it I would love to hear about it. Feel free to include any before and afters to share your success.


  • Sweet_Heresy
    Sweet_Heresy Posts: 411 Member
    I loved it. Lost 17 lbs by the end...but still couldn't do a pull up. For me anyway, I didn't think it was as hard as everybody made it out to be, but it was tough enough to challenge me and keep me interested.

    Tony Horton is also rather entertaining with his stupid jokes.
  • dwygtd
    dwygtd Posts: 19 Member
    I loved it, I did it when I was 33 in 2013 I was 202 pounds 6ft I was to sacred to go to the gym because I had never been to the gym before and I was so out of shape, with p90x I did the doubles routine and I got down to 175 at the end of 90days it was amazing for me, that being said I wish I would have gone to the gym as a newbie I would have gotten better newbie gains at the gym but again I was to scared and nervous about how fat I was to go there 1st,
    tips.... form form form kept good form or u can get hurt easily. Your diet is way more important than the p90x workouts if you want results. If u get tired and cant do any more pushups keep doing them on your knees till u cant do anymore. Get the pull up assit it really helps.. and last don't buy any of there shakelogy or other products they are a scam... beachbody has great workouts but they also do a mutli marketing scam trying to make u think u need there shakelogy and recovery drink to get there faster sooooooo not true don't fall for it. Good luck and enjoy.