Mama of twin girls..... Help me loose the baby weight

Hey I have twin girls that just turned a year old at the end of February just wondering how any other mamas lost their baby weight mine just seems to stay ... Want to loose 20-30. Please help me loose this so I can get back in jeans.


  • KNK1988
    KNK1988 Posts: 27 Member
    I have an 8 month old! need to lose about 50! Do you know how to add friends? I seem to be having issues
  • ginamcy
    ginamcy Posts: 74 Member
    Oh i feel you when i had my first i lost my weight quickly even more but when i had my twins took me after 2 years to lose weight and Still was struggling now after 6 years im losing weight not because the years passed so i lost weight but because i started eating healthier so i guess if i started this 5 years ago i would have been able to lose my weight and not waiting for it too be gone by itself

    I would eat once a day eat snacks like chips chocolate nutella whenever i was hungry i would turn to junk food

    Most important is too break down your food eat many times a day small portions most important is breakfast :)
  • goodare34
    goodare34 Posts: 20 Member
    I have six kids, I had three in three years. It's hard when they're small because they're your focus, but I'd say make small changes at first then it's not overwhelming. X
  • ginamcy
    ginamcy Posts: 74 Member
    6 kids wow keeps you busy i have 3 and its hard but they are older now but i understand the struggle its hard to have time for yourself expecially when you need to take care of others i find the time when there at school or sleeping i send them to muay thay so i guess you can say that when its time to excercise they will gladly join me since there so active and makes me want to do my motivation even more
  • adalgarno28
    adalgarno28 Posts: 2 Member
    Thanks ladies ... I know I am struggling and looking at myself everyday wondering when am I going to see a change i need motivation that helps me drive myself day in and day out. Small changes no will keep that in mind I am kinda like most moms grab what every is handy chips is my weakness. And I love me some popcorn. I am trying to limit my self to treats as you say but I am finding it hard to get away from pop. I like the carbonation in it so I am trying to find an alternative. I think my motivation will be mostly my girls I want to be a mom that I am not going to loose my breathe trying to play with them or feel my stomachs jiggle, and for me I will be 28 in August and I need to feel good about myself