Searching for vegetarian friends ....

I love MFP. Great people here with tremendous knowledge and support. I joined the MFP community 3 months ago. I am a female photographer specializing in fine art photography with tentative plans to relocate to Italy in the fall. I also do a lot of biking for cardio benefit. I am 27 pounds from my goal weight. I am a vegetarian and would like to add a few vegetarian friends to my circle of MFP friends for sharing our diaries for ideas and suggestions. Thank you and I wish you continued success in your weight loss journey.


  • kmbaker1517
    kmbaker1517 Posts: 1 Member
    Hello! I am a vegetarian, I have been for about five years, and I am new to the MFP community. I would love to find a group of fellow vegetarians to get advice from, and to offer support!
  • bellabonbons
    bellabonbons Posts: 705 Member
    I have been a vegetarian for 11 years. Would love to add you. I am also new to MFP and not sure how to send to you s friend request.
  • sarahredhaira
    sarahredhaira Posts: 79 Member
    Been veggie for 30 years this year. Been here since October and lost about 38lbs so far. Still a way to go yet, but not sure of my ultimate goal.