Looking for supportive friends

I got 60 lbs to go and id like to lose it i was diagnosed with hypothyroidism so part of my significant weight gain came from that and also the anti deppressant meds i was on. I have a food addiction to fast food burgers and pizza and chips
im trying to cut down on alcohol as well as quit smoking weed which will be a challenge for me. I used to be able to go on long runs and workout twice a day and have almost a six pack i hope to be the way i was i felt i was happier and now i hate my reflection im hoping to gain more energy and be happy and healthy. I also am a beachbody coach and have beachbody on demand so message me if your interested in that aswell or to just be fitness buddies.



  • Preshy999
    Preshy999 Posts: 18 Member
    Hey i just started a week back and got into my fitness pal 2 days ago. How are you doing? Yesterday was my cheat day and i still didnt feel good about eating pizza hut or a club sandwich. Add me up ! They say the more the merrier
  • StevenOliver850
    StevenOliver850 Posts: 19 Member
    To reach your goals is epic and u feel better for it.i started at 83 kg and now 74.4 my target now is to get to 70 kg X
  • kez277
    kez277 Posts: 15 Member
    Hi! I have hypothyroidism also. I started on here a week ago and have now lost 4lb!! Feel free to add me as a friend, it's always good to have others motivate you. Good luck x
  • meganxorenee
    meganxorenee Posts: 13 Member
    I have hypothyroidism as well and despite being in the target zone now I still do not feel like my old self. I have about 80lbs I want to lose and have just started this journey yet again. Feel free to add me
  • roa_bkairat
    roa_bkairat Posts: 1 Member
    I'm a nutritionist and it will be my pleasure to have a new friends here