Need fast, easy low(er) carb dinner suggestions for one

I've been chugging along, losing about a half pound per week, and eating back my exercise calories. So far, so good. But now I need to tweak my diet. I am a T2 diabetic, and my doctor wants me to restrict my meals to 45 g of carbs. She also wants me to cook for myself more, and not depend so much on eating out and eating frozen entrées because of the sodium.

Most days, I go to the gym after work, and then have dinner. So, if I'm going to cook, it has to be fast and easy: something that doesn't require a lot of thought. One thing I know I can do is prepare a fish fillet and zap some frozen veggies.

Do you have any favorite meals that would fit my needs? I should mention that I *can* cook; I just don't always feel up to the bother. Also, I have a variety of kitchen toys like a pressure cooker and a rice cooker.



  • squatdeadrun
    squatdeadrun Posts: 22 Member
    Last night I sautéed some shrimp in a little butter, minced garlic, and red pepper flakes. I added spiralized zucchini at the end and some salt/ black pepper and tossed together. It was tasty and quick.
  • emilycat214
    emilycat214 Posts: 84 Member
    Shrimp... yum! Thanks for the suggestion.
  • lorrpb
    lorrpb Posts: 11,464 Member
    You can grill just about anything, like boneless chicken breast, flank steak, any fish, lean burgers, pork loin, etc. You can marinade it while the grill is heating, mike some veggies, and throw together a green salad. 10 min to fix. That's what I do almost every day.
  • NaturalNancy
    NaturalNancy Posts: 1,093 Member
    Any kind of dry beans in the slow cooker with salt pepper, chopped onions and chopped tomato... Then eat with avacado and hot sauce if you like.

    A fried egg with tomatoes.

    Baked tofu with frozen broccoli.

    Those zoodles (zucchini noodles) with marinara sauce and a little low fat cheese

    Peppers stuffed w mushrooms and cheese.

    Trader joes sells a good low carb bread called Eziekiel bread, I like it toasted with earth balance whipped butter spread.
  • Rick_Nelson81
    Rick_Nelson81 Posts: 205 Member
    Check out the DASH diet 30 minute cookbook (the diet is in terms of long-term health, not a temporary eating plan type of "diet"). DASH stands for Dietary Approach to Stopping Hypertension and has "176 recipes in 30 min or less" and according to the studies surrounding it, has been shown to reduce cholesterol, hypertension and prevent/control diabetes. It's not the holy grail, it's just one of an infinite number resources, and I recommend you take a look at what it has to offer and decide for yourself, but it's a great place to start.
  • H_Ock12
    H_Ock12 Posts: 1,152 Member
    Try cooking enough food for a week of dinners on a day you have time and feel good...then just freeze or fridge them, pop them in the micro and tada! Baked chicken, broccoli, mashed cauliflower, steak, burger without bun, carrots, salads, squash, green beans, okra, ground turkey/turkey burgers.
  • emilycat214
    emilycat214 Posts: 84 Member
    Thanks for the suggestions! It looks as though pre--cooking is the way to go, since I don't have much patience for cooking when I come home from work.
  • LazSommer
    LazSommer Posts: 1,851 Member
    Sliced turkey with some hummus.
  • nvmomketo
    nvmomketo Posts: 12,019 Member
    Leftovers definitely help.

    I like Dr Bernstein's Diabetes Solutions for some low carb ideas. Great book.

    A meal for me may be bacon and eggs, egg fritatta with veggies, a bowl of tuna with avocado, celery and some mayo, burger without the bun with side veggies, chilli, taco without the shell, steak and roasted veggies, cheese and pepperoni or nuts for snacks.
  • Sabine_Stroehm
    Sabine_Stroehm Posts: 19,263 Member
    edited March 2016
    45 per meal? That's really liberal. You should have lots of great options.

    When I was single, lots of baked or grilled fish and vegetables was my go to.

    When hubs is gone, I throw a bunch of chicken breasts in the crock pot. And then make burritos with the flat out wraps and some cheese.
  • sarabushby
    sarabushby Posts: 784 Member
    Crab & Chilli linguine with Asparagus. Just swap out the pasta for spiralised vegetables like courgette. Make a dressing with lime juice, a smidge of brown sugar, dash of fish sauce, sesame oil & chopped red chilli. Stir it through with 1inch sections of steamed asparagus spears & a tin of white crab meat. Lush.