Slip ups over the weekend

Friday I had a planned night out, I kept within my calorie goal for eating but I knew on the night when I was drinking alcohol that I was likely to go over my calories. Saturday I woke up pretty hungover so I didn't want to eat to begin with and then my appetite shot back so I splurged on a big kfc, crisps etc... :/ now I'm feeling like iv let myself down by going over my calories 2days in a row. This is my 2nd week starting back and I just hope the weekends aren't always going to end up like this :/ anyone else get this happen?


  • Darjaurhziva
    Darjaurhziva Posts: 28 Member
    I am bad with nutrition on weekends too.
  • LBuehrle8
    LBuehrle8 Posts: 4,044 Member
    I used to when I started but realized I was undoing the defecit I'd created during the week on the weekends. I'm short and don't have much to lose so I have to be very strict with my calories and tight on my logging.

    Two days could ruin your weekly efforts but it just depends on how much you're going over your maintenance calories by. Log it, move on, and maybe try and make better choices if that's what works for you.
  • Traveling_Kimw
    Traveling_Kimw Posts: 38 Member
    If you average the calories out over the week you will probably see that you are still just fine. If you are a few hundred calories over you can plan some extra cardio to compensate. In the future if you know you will be going out one night then maybe you can pre-track your food for the next day. We all know our "morning after" go-to foods so have them in the house ready to go. You are doing great. Just shake it off and move on!!
  • StealthHealth
    StealthHealth Posts: 2,417 Member
    LBuehrle8 wrote: »
    I used to when I started but realized I was undoing the defecit I'd created during the week on the weekends. I'm short and don't have much to lose so I have to be very strict with my calories and tight on my logging.

    Two days could ruin your weekly efforts but it just depends on how much you're going over your maintenance calories by. Log it, move on, and maybe try and make better choices if that's what works for you.

    ^^ good advice IMHO.

    I'd also say - pre-log your food on Saturday and allocate yourself and evening meal that you really enjoy. If you're a fan of KFC make your own grilled or baked chicken breast version with some home made potato wedges "fries". It is possible to really enjoy your weekend foods and still hit your calorie targets.
  • JeromeBarry1
    JeromeBarry1 Posts: 10,179 Member
    I have learned to not ever skip a good breakfast. I operate on a tight caloric budget and there isn't any way I know of to get the nutrients I need with the empty calories of alcohol unless it was a single Lite beer, which doesn't count as drinking anyway.
  • Francl27
    Francl27 Posts: 26,371 Member
    LBuehrle8 wrote: »
    I used to when I started but realized I was undoing the defecit I'd created during the week on the weekends. I'm short and don't have much to lose so I have to be very strict with my calories and tight on my logging.

    Two days could ruin your weekly efforts but it just depends on how much you're going over your maintenance calories by. Log it, move on, and maybe try and make better choices if that's what works for you.

    This. So easy to undo my whole week in a week end... not that I'm speaking from experience or anything :p

    What works for me is not to deprive myself during the week... just fit what I want within my calories (obviously smaller portions, lower calorie versions when possible etc). That way I'm less likely to feel the need to 'splurge' on week ends. For example yesterday it was my anniversary and I wanted a 'eat what I want' day and still ended up maybe 100 calories over maintenance... There were two things I had been craving at lunch so I went for the lower calorie one (broccoli/cheddar quiche with fruit vs fish'n chips) and I REALLY wanted dessert but there was nothing in the options that would have satisfied me (I wanted a pastry.. not cake or ice cream)... so I passed and ended up buying an eclair from a bakery later and skipping dinner because I wasn't hungry. Before I would have gone for the fish'n chips and got dessert AND got the eclair because I was not really satisfied.

    So... think about what you've been craving and try to fit that in your days. That way you're more satisfied and less likely to eat high calorie food just because... Like now I'm planning on buying some fish and make homemade fish'n chips this week (400ish calories vs 1200). You CAN make comfort food for less calories at home... I very rarely get the high calorie meals at restaurants for that reason now... it hardly seems worth it.

    Also yeah.. don't drink so much that you end up hangover, it's obviously a recipe for disaster (nor is that pleasant, frankly, I did it once and never again).

  • admckee486
    admckee486 Posts: 10 Member
    Weekends are SUCH challenge for me, too! :/
    LBuehrle8 wrote: »
    Log it, move on, and maybe try and make better choices if that's what works for you.

    ^^ But this is spot on. You've got to keep going. And try to do better next weekend. It usually helps me if I plan out my consumption before I go out or splurge. I'm much more likely to not go too crazy that way. And like kkibbles said, try to pre plan the next day and have those foods on hand, too.

    Good luck! And if you develop any tricks, please share! :)
  • booksandchocolate12
    booksandchocolate12 Posts: 1,741 Member
    I do eat more on the weekends.....but I also exercise more on the weekends. During the week, by the time I get home from work, make dinner, clean up, etc., I don't usually feel like going for a walk or a jog. Sometimes I can talk myself into it, but sometimes I can't. But on the weekends, when I have more free time, it's easier for me to get some exercise in. Or I'm doing something with friends/family that's more active, involves a lot of walking, etc.

    Don't go crazy with your food choices on weekends, but don't reduce your normal socializing either. Maybe get some more exercise in to make up for the extra calories you're consuming.
  • MalkienChrysantheum
    MalkienChrysantheum Posts: 14 Member
    edited March 2016
    Could it be that you feel pressure to eat and drink like everyone else around you on weekends because you feel like you'd be socially awkward if you didn't? I know that this would be the number 1 culprit when I was younger. If simply saying that you are watching what you eat doesn't seem to go over well (which is ridiculous and I'd be wary of your family and friends if they disapprove), simply say that you are training for a big athletic competition (even if you are not) and want to do your best by feeding your body the right foods.
  • kshama2001
    kshama2001 Posts: 28,052 Member
    edited March 2016
    Friday I had a planned night out, I kept within my calorie goal for eating but I knew on the night when I was drinking alcohol that I was likely to go over my calories. Saturday I woke up pretty hungover so I didn't want to eat to begin with and then my appetite shot back so I splurged on a big kfc, crisps etc... :/ now I'm feeling like iv let myself down by going over my calories 2days in a row. This is my 2nd week starting back and I just hope the weekends aren't always going to end up like this :/ anyone else get this happen?

    Ya, I tend to overeat when I drink as well as the next day and so last night was the first time I've had three drinks in an evening in six months.

    I do plan on more exercise for these days. After breakfast, I'm off to do some hiking trail maintenance. Yesterday, my mother, brother and I picked up trash along a road in the state forest and hiked in the trails off the road.
  • kat_para_
    kat_para_ Posts: 34 Member
    Funny how a few drinks can make you completely blow your diet. I've cut down on drinking significantly, so I don't get those midnight munchies.
  • ahoy_m8
    ahoy_m8 Posts: 3,053 Member
    The day after drinking a lot feels to me like a day after not enough sleep-- seriously ravenous all day. Pre logging is normally quite helpful to me, but historically, I just don't stick to it if sleep deprived or hung over. I'm another one with a low TDEE and small deficit, so I can undo a whole week of discipline *easily* on the weekend.

    What's done is done, so do what you need to to feel better (hydrate, extra magnesium) and log it all. But remember it for future ref. When you plan for a night out, plan realistically for the following day as well. I've learned by trial and a lot of error when to stop drinking to have a prayer of staying on plan. Extra exercise helps me in this situation, too. You will be maintaining, hopefully, for the rest of your life, and there will be special occasions to enjoy, so learning the best way to manage for you is a part of the process. Cheers!