Hello! Looking to do triathlon in September

seth8a Posts: 3 Member
Not sure if anyone has been in a relevant situation, but please comment if you have! A year ago I suffered a mild traumatic brain injury in an accident, and had a very prolonged, scary and painful recovery. At first, I lost weight, because I was nauseous a lot of the time, and then this autumn when my appetite came back I started eating again, but was still not working out much because of the injury. Hence the weight gain.

I am back now (well, back to a "new" normal, as it were) and starting a fitness regime. I am at 239 pounds and want to get down to my competition weight of around 190 by September. I would love to have some friends on the journey on the way. I have used MFP before with some good success, but never stuck with it past a month or so.

I am aiming to do a short course triathlon in mid September, and want to get down to my goal weight by mid August.



  • cammy_b3
    cammy_b3 Posts: 44 Member
    There are a lot of tri clubs around
    3 main distances . Just start a training programme and do some brick training .
    September plenty of time
  • seth8a
    seth8a Posts: 3 Member
    Any good programmes you can recommend. I was at one time a middling ranked amateur bike racer...but know next to nothing about tri.