
Hello! I'm a HCLF vegan:) The abbreviation stands for "High Carb Low Fat". My diet consists of mainly 80% carbs, 10% protein, and 10% fat. However I would love to have any encouraging friends that I can also encourage on a plant based diet :-) #teamveg !!!! :)


  • josiebanks18
    josiebanks18 Posts: 37 Member
    Hey add me I am also a HCLF Vegan!
  • veganemily2015
    veganemily2015 Posts: 2 Member
    Not High carb (yet) but am vegan.
  • lilieslosinit
    lilieslosinit Posts: 101 Member
    Hello! I'm a "flexitarian." I'm trying to eat a mostly plant based diet, but I'm still figuring this whole thing out :) Some meals I eat vegan, some vegetarian, and some I eat meat. Previously when I have lost weight, I have stuck with high protein from animal sources. Anyway, I would love some support as I figure out the correct balance for me!
  • hekla90
    hekla90 Posts: 595 Member
    I'm vegetarian but I don't much look at my macros. I take care of the protein and trust the rest takes care of itself!