200lbs you say.....

I'm 28 years old and it's high time for a change.
All of my life I've been overweight. I was chubby kid, went through some pretty big health challenges, and became an overweight adult and eventually morbidly obese.
I've tried many many times to lose weight. Usually adopting some sort of gimmick diet that I only stuck with for about a week or two or some sort of insane exercise regimen that would work to a certain degree and then fizzle out. But eventually everything failed and I continued to gain weight.
This time is different. I know realistically that my health can't keep up with my weight for much longer. I'm on the verge of type 2 diabetes and live in chronic pain partially due to my weight. After talking with my doctor we came up with a daily calorie goal and Ive stuck with it since the end of January.
So far I've managed to lose 25 pounds. Part of me knows that that's an amazing accomplishment but I still struggle everyday knowing that I'm looking down the barrel of 200 pounds.
They say it took a long time to put on the weight so it'll take a long time to take it off. I'm not looking for some sort of miracle, not this time. I'm just looking for support while I take this journey to a better life. I realize now that it'll take a lot of hard work but I'm willing to do that.
If you, like me, have a lot of work ahead of you and need someone to talk to, someone for support and motivation, feel free to add me. More so feel free to message me and talk to me. Tell me that you've lost that stubborn pound, or you're proud that you turned down a brownie, or if you're having a hard day or you broke down and doubled your calories, because trust me I've done it too. I'm not here to judge I'm just looking for a positive environment and support.


  • improvedchristine
    improvedchristine Posts: 39 Member
    congrats on the loss. I started about 3 weeks ago but I dont know how much I have lost because my scale at home doesnt go that high
  • SarahsFitMess
    SarahsFitMess Posts: 261 Member
    congrats on the loss. I started about 3 weeks ago but I dont know how much I have lost because my scale at home doesnt go that high

    A lot of people don't go by the scale anyway. It's how you feel and for me how my clothes fit. Awesome that you're sticking with it
  • BlueAfternoon
    BlueAfternoon Posts: 40 Member
    Congratulations- it sounds like a cliche, but it's absolutely true: starting is the hardest part. And boy, is it the hardest.

    I know it sounds daunting ("200 pounds") but I promise, you'll get to a place very very soon where the lifestyle and all the benefits feeling better brings, will compel you on and then before you know it, you've lost it all. I know this is true, because although I haven't got as big of a goal as you, that's what was going through my head. And now I'm incredibly close to the end.

    I'm going to add you and comment on everything you post and by hell, we are getting you through this.

    I can say this because I have been there. People look at overweight people and make comments every which way. But often the reasons why people become overweight in the first place (unhappy, bad habits etc.) are reasons that deserve a little sympathy and understanding.

    It is *kitten* hard and it's long and boring and stupid most of the time. But anyway you can, you have to push yourself through. And do not stop. Ever.

    Message me if you need any support :)
  • Unknown
    edited March 2016
    This content has been removed.
  • sarahbjerke
    sarahbjerke Posts: 1 Member
    I totally understand where you are coming from. Congratulations on your loss so far! Keep it up! I am also trying to loose a fair amount of weight and it has been a real struggle to stay committed to any type of plan. Especially when faced with stress and emotional situations. You are not alone! I hope you find all the support and encouragement you need for your journey!
  • WaterBunnie
    WaterBunnie Posts: 1,371 Member
    I started here 4 years ago and have lost 144 pounds so far, but have at least another 45 to go, more if I was to follow BMI guidelines... If you want to friend me for inspiration and accountability along the way please do. I promise you all the effort is worth it. You will find your true self in the process and spring out of bed in the morning! I just wish I did it years ago.
  • ddavenport63
    ddavenport63 Posts: 74 Member
    i know how you feel, its taken me 10 months to lose 50lb and im only half way but i just keep telling myself not to give up . every now and then i get a bit fed up but i know how much better i feel now so i keep telling myself how much better i will be when i get to my goal. try and keep thinking positive, the time actually does go quite fast so keep up the good work and good luck
  • size102b
    size102b Posts: 1,370 Member
    I personally hate scales they make this journey harsh
    Here's to a healthy future :)
  • behnybaby
    behnybaby Posts: 106 Member
    It is a long journey but you can do it for you. Please do not re live my over weight life. Here at 62 I am finally making an effort I have made before but this time I will keep it off. I have been using MFP since June, starting my loss and cycle gain and in September woke up and stayed consistent. Make a daily menu focus on each day get a scale and weigh every morsel. Drink water not juice. Get up and move, start with simple walking, a block and back tomorrow 2 on and on. Please, I am sure you have heard it all before, make a plan and do your best to stick with it. You have a choice be your own worst enemy or be your own best friend. :) I know you can do this, I am at 42 pound loss at 10 months and I didn't lose it, I threw it away, because I have no intention of finding it again. It has been a hard journey, one I will not redo. Friend me if you like, wishing a beautiful journey to a new and better you.
  • WTealA
    WTealA Posts: 8 Member
    Slow and steady. Make small, permanent changes. They add up. Educate yourself on nutrition. Understand that you'll have to change your routines. Understand that it will never be easy. I've lost 120 lbs. It's taken me 5 years. I do not regret the amount of time, I do not regret the work I've put in. Learn to love yourself no matter what. Have compassion for yourself during your times of failure. Celebrate your successes. Get outside, every single day. Eat more vegetables, every day. Register for races. They are fun, something to look forward to, and it puts a monetary investment into your health. After a few of those, add in longer distance races.

    I'm currently training for a marathon! Up to distances of 15 miles on my long run training, and it blows my mind that 5 years ago I was a 282 lb woman who never, ever left her house, and that most of my exercise included walking to my fridge for more food.

    Love yourself. Keep trying. You'll get there. Everything you have to succeed is inside you. You just have to invest the time in yourself. You're worth it.
  • RunawayCurves
    RunawayCurves Posts: 688 Member
    congrats on the loss. I started about 3 weeks ago but I dont know how much I have lost because my scale at home doesnt go that high

    I had that with my old scales, they just flashed error at me because I was over the limit. I got some new ones and am trying to look at them less often and only do weigh in every 4 weeks. I get too easily frustrated if keep looking.
    For anyone who has ever been near or over 300lb I started a new accountability group for staying motivated. http://community.myfitnesspal.com/en/group/112934-over-300lb-daily-accountability-group
  • SarahsFitMess
    SarahsFitMess Posts: 261 Member
    Thank you all for the support and adds