Not losing weight - why?

For 41 days I've been religious about tracking my intake. I'm a male, 5ft8, 198lb. I'm averaging 1782 cal/day over this period after deducting my expenditure. Even if not counting expenditure, I am intaking 2077/day, which should still result in 1-2lb loss/week. Over these 41 days I've managed to only lose 1 pound. What am I missing?

Because of work I do have a bit of an abnormal eating schedule. My first meal of the day is usually lunch, around noon, I rarely eat breakfast as I sleep late. Then I work from about 5-10pm. After work I have dinner around 11pm, then I'm in bed by about 1am. So I mainly eat two big meals a day with a few snacks in between and I often eat close to bedtime.

Full disclosure, I do drink a good amount of beer/wine on the weekends, but again, I track everything religiously. I am guilty of taking a bit of a feast or famine approach as well. Some days I'll binge and have over 3000 calories followed by a very conservative recovery day of 1500 calories, for example. Sometimes I throw a fasting day in the mix as well. So my intake does go through peaks and valleys. But again, I have worked out the averages and by all accounts I "should" be losing more than I am...



  • Jacob1020
    Jacob1020 Posts: 115 Member
    Personally, I'd first start to look at "what" exactly I'm eating & my macronutrients
  • Jacob1020
    Jacob1020 Posts: 115 Member
    I'm curious to know if you are possibly following a diet plan and if so what kind?
  • StaciMarie1974
    StaciMarie1974 Posts: 4,138 Member
    Summary: you've averaged 2077 cals in, and have lost 1 pound in 6 weeks.

    Are you consistent/thorough in your logging? Using a food scale for solids, accurately logging the alcohol, etc.? Are you consistent in your weighins? Such as for the 1st and most recent weighin, are they equivalent in time of day, schedule, clothing level, etc.? Have you begun any workout routines in the recent 2-3 weeks, or increased workout intensity or frequency?
  • mitch16
    mitch16 Posts: 2,113 Member
    Time of day that you eat, or even the number of meals you eat per day doesn't matter. What matters is that you are probably still eating more than you think you are, or are burning less calories than you think you are. Your diary isn't open so it's hard to tell how well you are tracking.
  • Rwalkowski
    Rwalkowski Posts: 3 Member
    Are u tracking the nutrition chart to follow fat, carb and protein levels that your intakes are within suggested goals? Maybe that will work.
  • Mathsrunner
    Mathsrunner Posts: 93 Member
    Going on a TDEE calculator I get you maintain at 2187 calories/day with minimal exercise, so not sure why you think 2077/day is 1-2lbs/week. Even if you burn 400 cals/day which you seem to indicate this would translate to 1lb/week, which is lower than your other estimate. I would guess a few things, one is that you are taking your exercise burn from MFP or a piece of gym equipment which are known to overestimate and you are not accurately measuring everything you take in. On top of this taking in a good amount of alcohol could well lead to you making mistakes, either through memory or motor skills, when logging.
  • Jacob1020
    Jacob1020 Posts: 115 Member
    I think alot of people put their emphasis on calorie intake and not reasonably track their macros. Depending on what you want to do, what you eat and the amount of it matters.
  • StaciMarie1974
    StaciMarie1974 Posts: 4,138 Member
    This could be an issue - bad math to start. TDEE based on stated stats is 1823. So yes, if sedentary in lifestyle total daily burn before exercise would be ~2200. But we don't know the lifestyle. And its hard to know for sure how many cals are burned during exercise so its easy to overestimate there.

    SO the low weight loss could be a matter of overestimating calories in, and underestimating calories out. Hopefully Ezmaz will come back and share more details about how he's tracking his numbers.

    Going on a TDEE calculator I get you maintain at 2187 calories/day with minimal exercise, so not sure why you think 2077/day is 1-2lbs/week. Even if you burn 400 cals/day which you seem to indicate this would translate to 1lb/week, which is lower than your other estimate. I would guess a few things, one is that you are taking your exercise burn from MFP or a piece of gym equipment which are known to overestimate and you are not accurately measuring everything you take in. On top of this taking in a good amount of alcohol could well lead to you making mistakes, either through memory or motor skills, when logging.

  • ezmaz
    ezmaz Posts: 7 Member
    Not following any specific diet plan. I am a carnivore by nature so I'm usually pretty protein/fat heavy, often coming under the usual recommends carb intake. But sometimes I will have a binge day and crush some pizza which will shoot my carbs up high.

    How do I open up my diary for others to see? Would love to have it criticized actually. I'm pretty confident that it's not my tracking that's the problem. As I said, I'm pretty anal about it. I do suspect that maybe the MFP calories burned estimate might be off. I don't go to the gym but I work as a waiter at a large restaurant where I'm power walking for like 4-6hrs straight, 3-4 nights/week. My phone is always in my pocket so I have been relying on the pedometer. Sometimes after a busy shift I'll see that I've earned close to 600 extra calories. Maybe this is an over estimate?

    I got my calculation of 2077/day should be losing 1-2lb/week by using one of those simple online calculators and entering my activity level as moderate, not sedentary...again, I don't "work out" but at work I do a lot of power walking. My heart rate doesn't really go up but I am moving all the time for like 4-6hrs straight.
  • StaciMarie1974
    StaciMarie1974 Posts: 4,138 Member
    Go to settings. Go to Diary. Lower left of screen, choose to make diary public.
  • StaciMarie1974
    StaciMarie1974 Posts: 4,138 Member
    PS-working 4-6 hour shifts as a server means you're NOT sedentary. But whether you're lightly active vs active is hard to say. So instead of TDEE of 2200, perhaps 2400-2600. Which means 2077 intake should average .5-1 pound a week at least.

    Back to original questions. Do you weigh your solid food? Log everything, every day - including alcohol in accurate quantities.
  • Mathsrunner
    Mathsrunner Posts: 93 Member
    ezmaz wrote: »
    Not following any specific diet plan. I am a carnivore by nature so I'm usually pretty protein/fat heavy, often coming under the usual recommends carb intake. But sometimes I will have a binge day and crush some pizza which will shoot my carbs up high.

    How do I open up my diary for others to see? Would love to have it criticized actually. I'm pretty confident that it's not my tracking that's the problem. As I said, I'm pretty anal about it. I do suspect that maybe the MFP calories burned estimate might be off. I don't go to the gym but I work as a waiter at a large restaurant where I'm power walking for like 4-6hrs straight, 3-4 nights/week. My phone is always in my pocket so I have been relying on the pedometer. Sometimes after a busy shift I'll see that I've earned close to 600 extra calories. Maybe this is an over estimate?

    I got my calculation of 2077/day should be losing 1-2lb/week by using one of those simple online calculators and entering my activity level as moderate, not sedentary...again, I don't "work out" but at work I do a lot of power walking. My heart rate doesn't really go up but I am moving all the time for like 4-6hrs straight.

    A more accurate way of calculating how many calories you maintain at, since online calculators estimate and activity levels are not overly clear in the calculation, is to take all your data you have so far for food you've eaten, add up all 41 days worth of calories then add on 3500*weight lost and divide it all by 41. The number you get will be your maintenance calories (including the exercise you do), reduce that amount by 500 to lose a pound per week. As you lose weight you'll have to reduce it further, but it should give you a good idea of where you should start from.
  • SezxyStef
    SezxyStef Posts: 15,268 Member
  • SezxyStef
    SezxyStef Posts: 15,268 Member
    Jacob1020 wrote: »
    Personally, I'd first start to look at "what" exactly I'm eating & my macronutrients

    why? it's not about the what but the how much...
  • ezmaz
    ezmaz Posts: 7 Member
    I just made my diary public. I do weigh my solids when I can. I've also tested myself multiple times by estimating how much I think a piece of food weighs, then I weigh it to confirm, and I'm almost always spot on. This is a talent I've acquired after many many years working as a waiter and having to learn to tell how much something weighs by looking at it. I work at a steakhouse and we have many different protein options and I'm trained to know exactly how much each weighs so I can accurately describe it to guests.
  • ezmaz
    ezmaz Posts: 7 Member
    Oh and the same as above goes with alcohol. I am truly very accurate when entering my booze consumption. I know exactly how many ounces are in most types of glasses simply by looking. I know full bottle of wine is 26oz. A regular bottle of beer is 12oz...etc
  • ezmaz
    ezmaz Posts: 7 Member
    That flow chart is great. I followed it and it lead me directly to this part:

  • leggup
    leggup Posts: 2,942 Member
    Looking at your diary:
    -Basmati - Basmati Rice (White) Cooked, 487.5 g (1 Cup): Things like rice should be weighed uncooked.
    -Sauza Tequila - Sauza Tequila Gold, 4 oz: You sure it was 4 oz? A shot is 1.5 oz, so it's typical to get 1.5 oz, 3 oz, 4.5 oz...
    -Generic - Sliced Vanilla Pound Cake, 1 slice: This is not accurate.
    -Ice creams - Vanilla, 1 cup: Not accurate, what brand??
    -Morrison - Roasted Herb Potatoes, 4 fluid ounce: I wouldn't trust this entry. Fluid oz? Is this soup?
    -Eggs - Fried (whole egg), 1 large: I see a fried egg but no oil measurements.
    -Quick Add, 1 serving(s): Not accurate
    -Pepsi - Drink, 0.25 can: should be fl oz, unless you perfectly poured it into 4 even servings.

    Most of your meat is listed as exactly 4 oz, 6 oz, etc. That seems unlikely unless everything you eat is pre-portioned. Normally, when i see an accurate journal, I see, "Chicken 4 oz; Serving: 1.58"
  • smotheredincheese
    smotheredincheese Posts: 559 Member
    edited March 2016
    Yesterday you went 2000 calories over your goal. Last Tuesday you were over by 1500. The sunday before you were over by 1200.
    Sure you have some days where you are a few hundred under goal, but I'll bet that deficit is being completely wiped out by the days you go so massively over.
  • Jacob1020
    Jacob1020 Posts: 115 Member
    SezxyStef wrote: »
    SezxyStef wrote: »
    Jacob1020 wrote: »
    Personally, I'd first start to look at "what" exactly I'm eating & my macronutrients

    why? it's not about the what but the how much...

    Most defiantly, What & How much goes hand in hand.