Eating Burned off calories?

thealexcormier Posts: 3
edited September 28 in Health and Weight Loss
I just started using this site/app on Sunday. But I have a question. My calories for weight loss are 1200. So when I exercise and burn off some of the 1200, leaving me with 1200-400 I burned=800 calories for the day, do I eat up to the 1200 again?


  • SueInAz
    SueInAz Posts: 6,592 Member
    That is the idea, yes. Just be sure that what you burned in exercise is really what you burned, and is not overestimated. MFP can be quite high for some things, so unless you have a heart rate monitor to tell you how many calories you really burned, it is a bit of a concern. A lot of people only eat back half of their exercise calories for that reason. :)
  • karenkwalker
    karenkwalker Posts: 155 Member
    I am the same - I have been eating back to 1200 and have been loosing. When I don't I plateau. There are tons of postings about this issue on here. I find some of them very confusing.
  • SimplyDeLish
    SimplyDeLish Posts: 539
    you should have a net 1200 minimum!
  • I think I will stick with that plan and see what happens. I've only been doing it 4 days, and never hopped on the scale yet. So we will see what next sunday brings. Thank you guys for your posts though, I have 35lbs to lose.
  • ShunkyDave
    ShunkyDave Posts: 190 Member
    Your body burns X calories a day. You tell MFP what you want to lose, they do the math and come up with a goal to lose that weight, bearing in mind your body's X burn. When you workout, which you should do, you burn more calories than the resting X. If you were to burn calories, and then intake a diminished amount, you could run the risk of dropping below what your body NEEDS. If this happens, your body will kick into 'survival mode' and your weight loss journey will be near impossible.

    You must eat your burned calories.

    You'll see when you exercise, your daily goal goes up. Plan on that when you're planning your meals. Eat your burned calories, hit the new goal, and you'll have the best results to your weight loss.

    Hit me with a message if this doesn't make sense, and I'll try again.
  • kdnewkirk
    kdnewkirk Posts: 2 Member
    It will alert you if you are eating too few calories when you log out at the end of the day.
  • Pebble321
    Pebble321 Posts: 6,423 Member
    Yes. Eat enough so your NET calories show 1200 (or you see 0 cals left to go).
    People will give you wildly varying opinions on this, but this is the basis of how the site it set up, so I recommend that you give it a try and change things after a month or so if you need to.
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