New Mom needing more friends!

Hi guys-
Just started using MFP a few weeks ago and would love some new friends to help motivate each other. It's too hard on your own. Trying to lose 20 pounds to get back to my pre baby weight and feel like myself again. As a stay at home mom it's tough to stick to a diet but logging everything has made a huge difference. We can do this!


  • shawnaleigh210
    shawnaleigh210 Posts: 118 Member
    edited March 2016
    Adding you! Having friends on here has made such a huge difference for me. It helps to know that we're not in this alone. The more friends we have to motivate us and encourage us, the better. ;)
  • MikeKR91
    MikeKR91 Posts: 4 Member
    Also adding you haha! :)
    I'm new to this app too so I need all the friends I can get! Add me back!
  • Emcookohb
    Emcookohb Posts: 22 Member
    Gonna add!! :)
  • lalaleelou
    lalaleelou Posts: 35 Member
    Happy to have more friends for the journey
  • amyncle
    amyncle Posts: 8 Member
    Great to have you guys as friends! Thanks for adding me
  • jo201434
    jo201434 Posts: 6 Member
    Just had my 3rd baby 14 months ago. Ready to shed this baby weight too.
  • diniparamita_s
    diniparamita_s Posts: 18 Member
    Haii I still dont know how to add friends in this app :smiley: please feel free to add me!
  • Watch_Me_Shine416
    Watch_Me_Shine416 Posts: 138 Member
    I'm a stay at home mom too. I have 11 more pounds to lose and then I'll be back to pre pregnancy weight and I'm looking to lose 80 more after that so feel free to add me!
  • jamescatala
    jamescatala Posts: 5 Member
    I'm also adding. I need new ideas and strategies. I will use everyone's progress as motivation!!
  • ashley869
    ashley869 Posts: 2 Member
    Trying to lose baby weight too! Adding you!
  • kaye012282
    kaye012282 Posts: 4 Member
    I also need friend .. mother of 3 ...
  • hanjo285
    hanjo285 Posts: 10 Member
    Hi there, I'm also trying to lose about 20 lbs! Good luck, hope it's okay that I add you ☺️
  • lindz4ever
    lindz4ever Posts: 593 Member
    Mom of two toddlers here, I knew how you feel accepting allfriends