Here I start again

benedict91 Posts: 77 Member
I find myself out of control and making excuses not to workout or eat properly. I am a busy mother of 2 and my 2 year old keeps me hopping! I just need to find motivation and time to focus on me and losing 47 lbs. I need to see what healthy eating looks like again! Keep a food journal has opened my eyes! But, I have to get and stay healthy for my 2 girls! Any advice?


  • Anniewaheed
    Anniewaheed Posts: 2 Member
    HI, i just started community posts and it feels like its not only me who is worrying about good healthy life :) im a mother of 2 like you and by reading your post it encourage me also to keep on track and follow it. are u following and diet plans or just trying to eat healthy ??? (as we dont have much time to prepare special diet meal for us ) :):)
  • Whiptgirl
    Whiptgirl Posts: 10 Member
    I've started again for the billionth time. I'm a mom to a severely developmentally disabled daughter, and life is often crazy with her, but I'm approaching 44 and I have to take care of myself to take care of her! I've lost 33 lbs since 12/28, and have much more to go. Finding support here definitely helps. Especially people who know how tricky it is to balance kids and your own needs. Feel free to add me if you'd like. ☺️ - Jess
  • HlthDtour
    HlthDtour Posts: 20 Member
    Starting over as well, although I wish I could say it is because of small children and a busy family life. My daughters are adults, my husband is a gem who loves me regardless of size and I have just been lying to myself while being completely miserable with the way my clothes look on me. I started again this morning, back on the proverbial horse and would love friends that are interactive as well as truth tellers. Don't sugar coat it cuz chances are I'll eat that too...
  • Ginny218
    Ginny218 Posts: 194 Member
    search bento lunches for you and the girls - they will love them and you will get portion control and variety - search it on the community section. 4nf3az81xgfm.jpg
    i am a part of it and i love it ... gives me a great start for my 1st 2 meals to make supper what i want more. 435 cal my lunch
  • benedict91
    benedict91 Posts: 77 Member
    Thank you!
  • benedict91
    benedict91 Posts: 77 Member
    I deleted a request by accident- I apologize and I did not mean to do that! Joys of a 2 year old in you!