Feel like giving up

This is why I fail trying to change my lifestyle every single time. *kitten* water weight!! I treat myself to one thing and I gain 4lbs overnight. Sometimes I don't treat myself and I still gain water like crazy! This is so frustrating. I got down to 269.8 and now I'm back up to 273. All I ever seem to do is gain water weight. It takes a week to come off then it's back on the next day. I feel bloated all the time too. I'm so sick of it. I just want to lose weight but I keep retaining water


  • eldamiano
    eldamiano Posts: 2,667 Member
    No you dont. You just keep on consuming too much....
  • rileysowner
    rileysowner Posts: 8,239 Member
    Don't weigh yourself daily. If the changes on the scale which are completely normal bug you, go to once every two week or once a month. Eat your calorie goal, measuring your food carefully, ideally with a digital kitchen scale in grams. Logging everything you eat and drink. Oh, and don't set your loss goal at 2 pounds per week, try one instead.
  • rach3365
    rach3365 Posts: 29 Member
    Consuming too much what? I stay under my goal even if I treat myself.
  • vikinglander
    vikinglander Posts: 1,547 Member
    OK...lets start with your plan. Do you have one, and WHICH one?
  • ctraugh
    ctraugh Posts: 17 Member
    edited March 2016
    How is your sodium intake? If you are eating excess sodium, you will retain water. If you do eat excess sodium but best method to get rid of it is to drink lots of water. I put this to the test a couple weeks back. I ate an excess of sodium and didn't drink much water and gained 3 lbs over night. Then I ate the same amount of sodium and drank lots of water, much more than the recommended and I lost weight by the next morning. Now whenever my sodium levels are elevated, I drink more water to compensate and the water weight seams to stay away. Worth a shot, give it a try.

    Remember, as long as your in a caloric deficit you will loose weight over time so don't stress the short term numbers.
  • vikinglander
    vikinglander Posts: 1,547 Member
    I've lost 12 pounds since 2/6, from 298 to 286. I can share what I'm doing if you like.
  • klankton76
    klankton76 Posts: 12 Member
    I would be wondering why you are retaining water. Have you spoken to a doc about it? How is your sodium intake? Are you on medications that may cause this? How do you know it's water weight? How much water are you drinking (absurdly the more water you drink the less you generally retain, strange, I know)? How much time are you taking between weigh ins? Are you weighing yourself at the same time EVERY TIME? My personal preference is first thing in the morning, before getting dressed but after I pee (no sense in weighing what I'm about to get rid of).
  • gramarye
    gramarye Posts: 586 Member
    It's okay to feel angry and frustrated -- I have been there, lol -- but it sounds like you could benefit from not weighing yourself daily, emotionally. I find that weighing weekly or every other week also works in loss, so long as you're seeing a downward trend. If weighing daily is your thing, then you might also consider using an app that logs weight trends, which can help account for fluctuations.

    Also: while it's frustrating, just remember to channel that into continuing forward rather than stopping. :)
  • rach3365
    rach3365 Posts: 29 Member
    I don't weigh myself everyday. Once a week. Sometimes I cheat and do it twice a week but mostly it's on Fridays first thing on the morning. I cheated this morning obviously. I try to stay away from sodium but it's in everything. I make a huge effort to cook dinner for myself Sunday nights and eat off of that for three whole week. I don't drink enough water and that's something I have to work on. I seem to run into this problem every single time I try and lose weight. Maybe I need to get rid of my scale and weigh in once a month....seriously feeling so frustrated.
  • eldamiano
    eldamiano Posts: 2,667 Member
    edited March 2016
    rach3365 wrote: »
    Consuming too much what? I stay under my goal even if I treat myself.

    The weight would be coming off then..... but you say it isnt.....
  • coalz
    coalz Posts: 308 Member
    Never give up! Never surrender! Everyone here has posted great advice & insight. Remember if you're exercising you could just be gaining muscle & that's good! Certain foods can make you bloat like dairy & broccoli & beans etc....& then there's always at least a week for TOM. Maybe go by measurements on a biweekly basis or just focus on how good you feel eating healthy & working out! Energized & Strong! Next thing you know, you'll realize you just went down a notch on your belt buckle!
  • Scamd83
    Scamd83 Posts: 808 Member
    edited March 2016
    rach3365 wrote: »
    I don't weigh myself everyday. Once a week. Sometimes I cheat and do it twice a week but mostly it's on Fridays first thing on the morning. I cheated this morning obviously. I try to stay away from sodium but it's in everything. I make a huge effort to cook dinner for myself Sunday nights and eat off of that for three whole week. I don't drink enough water and that's something I have to work on. I seem to run into this problem every single time I try and lose weight. Maybe I need to get rid of my scale and weigh in once a month....seriously feeling so frustrated.

    Those cheats (cheat meals?) are probably bigger than you think they are and are impacting your results. Especially if you're having two of them. Most people who are a lot closer to their goal or have already achieved it will generally have one cheat meal per week. And to be honest given the weight you're at (sorry, I hate saying stuff like that), I think you're at a point where a cheat meal should be avoided until you've made more progress. Instead fit a treat into your calories, I mean for example you'd be surprised how easy it is to fit a bar of chocolate into your day if you plan it out. That way you can enjoy stuff you really want, just in moderation, and be losing fat at the same time.
  • queenliz99
    queenliz99 Posts: 15,317 Member
    Don't weigh yourself daily. If the changes on the scale which are completely normal bug you, go to once every two week or once a month. Eat your calorie goal, measuring your food carefully, ideally with a digital kitchen scale in grams. Logging everything you eat and drink. Oh, and don't set your loss goal at 2 pounds per week, try one instead.

    OP, solid advice right here. THIS^^^^^^^^
  • vikinglander
    vikinglander Posts: 1,547 Member
    As stated, an evaluation of your plan is in order. It's not as simple as "calories in, calories out". Read the book called "Always Hungry?" by Dr. Ludwig.
  • mousie1973
    mousie1973 Posts: 438 Member
    Scamd83 wrote: »
    rach3365 wrote: »
    I don't weigh myself everyday. Once a week. Sometimes I cheat and do it twice a week but mostly it's on Fridays first thing on the morning. I cheated this morning obviously. I try to stay away from sodium but it's in everything. I make a huge effort to cook dinner for myself Sunday nights and eat off of that for three whole week. I don't drink enough water and that's something I have to work on. I seem to run into this problem every single time I try and lose weight. Maybe I need to get rid of my scale and weigh in once a month....seriously feeling so frustrated.

    Those cheats (cheat meals?) are probably bigger than you think they are and are impacting your results. Especially if you're having two of them. Most people who are a lot closer to their goal or have already achieved it will generally have one cheat meal per week. And to be honest given the weight you're at (sorry, I hate saying stuff like that), I think you're at a point where a cheat meal should be avoided until you've made more progress. Instead fit a treat into your calories, I mean for example you'd be surprised how easy it is to fit a bar of chocolate into your day if you plan it out. That way you can enjoy stuff you really want, just in moderation, and be losing fat at the same time.

    I think she meant the cheat is that she cheats by weighing herself more than once a week... not cheat meals.
  • coletteg67
    coletteg67 Posts: 4 Member
    Don't give up!!! Everyone hits plateaus. Be patient and try to set goals that you can control.

    Instead of concentrating on a number on the scale, set a goal to cook healthy meals or decide to exercise more often. These are goals that you can control which will also lead to weight loss. You can use a tape measure or the way your clothes fit to track your progress.

    I agree with the other posters about sodium and drinking a lot of water. Also look at portion sizes. When I started reading nutrition labels and measuring my food, I was shocked to find that I was eating more than I thought and underestimating how many calories I ate. And there's nothing wrong with occasional "treats". As long as you don't beat yourself up about it or binge.

    Keep at it! The fact that you're even trying puts you on the right track.
  • rach3365
    rach3365 Posts: 29 Member
    Scamd83 wrote: »
    rach3365 wrote: »
    I don't weigh myself everyday. Once a week. Sometimes I cheat and do it twice a week but mostly it's on Fridays first thing on the morning. I cheated this morning obviously. I try to stay away from sodium but it's in everything. I make a huge effort to cook dinner for myself Sunday nights and eat off of that for three whole week. I don't drink enough water and that's something I have to work on. I seem to run into this problem every single time I try and lose weight. Maybe I need to get rid of my scale and weigh in once a month....seriously feeling so frustrated.

    Those cheats (cheat meals?) are probably bigger than you think they are and are impacting your results. Especially if you're having two of them. Most people who are a lot closer to their goal or have already achieved it will generally have one cheat meal per week. And to be honest given the weight you're at (sorry, I hate saying stuff like that), I think you're at a point where a cheat meal should be avoided until you've made more progress. Instead fit a treat into your calories, I mean for example you'd be surprised how easy it is to fit a bar of chocolate into your day if you plan it out. That way you can enjoy stuff you really want, just in moderation, and be losing fat at the same time.

    I was talking about about weighing in twice per week...not cheat meals. Thanks though
  • JoshLibby
    JoshLibby Posts: 214 Member
    I don't mean to creep on you, but I went to your dairy, it looks like your sodium intake is the cause of the water weight. A huge problem with IIFYM. These things may not matter for everyone but it seems to matter for you. Another thing I notice is consistency of logging. If you take care of those things you'll be where you want be.

    One last thing take measurements to see if you're losing inches that is a better way to see if there are real changes. Great job so far! "Don't give up on something you can't stop thinking about everyday!"
  • vikinglander
    vikinglander Posts: 1,547 Member
    I have developed a personal plan that is a blend of Paleo, 'Eat Right for Your Blood Type' (I'm Type O+ so it dovetails nicely with Paleo), 'The Flat Belly Diet' and guidelines from 'Always Hungry?'.

    I'm right in the same weight range as you are. Here's what I do: I eat three 500 calorie meals (B/L/D) and two 250 calorie snacks (AM/PM). I plan my meals to be 50% fat, 25% protein and 25% carbs. I include at least one serving of Monounsaturated fatty acid (MUFA) in every meal or snack: avocado, olives, nuts/seeds, oils (walnut, avocado, sunflower, olive) or dark chocolate (organic, 70% or higher). I eat piles of fresh raw vegetables, 6 ounce servings of meat, and healthy fats (MUFAs).

    I'm never hungry, and the weight is melting off. Let me know if I can help.
  • Shann2016
    Shann2016 Posts: 2 Member
    Hang in there. I have the same issue with the water weight. I can gain 5lbs in a matter of days when I consume meals higher in carbs or when I have a cheat meal. My cheat meal is Sunday so I always see the water weight on my Monday morning weigh in. A trainer once told me a body generally holds on to 4 grams of water per carb. Lol, now whether there is truth to that, I don't know but it makes since. I have been off and on this fitness app since January and even though I have not seen a 10lb weight loss, I have seen a 4lb loss over all along with a change in measurements. So even though I deal with the water I do see a 1lb or .5lb loss between the weeks. I too have days I want to say the heck with it because what I see and what I think I should see in a loss, because of my efforts, differs. I've given up over the last 2 years, soda, artificial sweeteners and have cut the sugar intake considerably. I never saw a 10lb weight loss like some people see when giving these things up. I just try to ask myself, when I eat or think about activity, is this helping or hindering my efforts? It works most days