Cheat day???

today was the first day in a month I've given myself a cheat day. Not so much a day, but a meal. I had 3 large scoops of ice cream and sprinkles. I will admit it was amazing and glorious.

But right after I felt guilty and in my mind I feel like I am really fat and just gained back the 9 lbs I lost.

I just want to hear how others incorporate cheat meals. I can't possibly do this new food lifestyle without giving in to temptation here and there. But j don't want to deal with guilt anymore.

Any thoughts? Thanks


  • jemhh
    jemhh Posts: 14,261 Member
    I take one day a week to eat at maintenance. I don't really do a cheat meal or cheat day, which I think of as a meal/day when you just eat whatever you want with no tracking (whether written down or not.) For me, that kind of thing can get too out of hand.

    I don't think that 3 large scoops of ice cream once a month is so terrible, really. I have a chocolate peanut butter ice cream sundae once a week. I think that you could fit a smaller cone or bowl into your diet every week or two. Maybe a smaller amount more often would feel better to you. But I also really believe that we shouldn't feel guilty about eating food. I always say that you should feel guilty about running over your neighbor's dog or stealing from grandma to buy cigarettes, not for eating.
  • HvymetalMG
    HvymetalMG Posts: 93 Member
  • Gturner81
    Gturner81 Posts: 22 Member
    Yeah especially in the beginning when you are trying to lose weight. Once a week is overkill at 1st.
  • tapwaters
    tapwaters Posts: 428 Member
    I don't do "cheat" meals or days. Some days, particularly those I work exceptionally hard, I'll indulge a little, but always within my calorie limits. I think "cheat" implies that what I'm doing is not permanent or normal eating behavior.

    You can have anything you want, so long as you keep it in moderation and log it so you can see how it affects other things. 3 scoops is not harmful, and it doesn't mean you are not on track.

    Keep going. You're doing okay.
  • LBuehrle8
    LBuehrle8 Posts: 4,044 Member
    I don't do cheat meal or day, the word cheat to me implies I did something bad which I turn makes me feel bad.

    If I want something I'll save room for it in my daily allowance or I'll put in a little more work at the gym. I'll even eat at maintenance for that day if I really want something.
  • rankinsect
    rankinsect Posts: 2,238 Member
    I work the foods I like into my daily diet. I can make cake, ice cream, donuts, etc. fit my calories sometimes - and I eat them sometimes.

    I do have days off, but these are preplanned special occasions (like birthday, etc.) and I feel no guilt over my food choices - I try to not go way overboard, but even if I do, eating badly for 10 days a year didn't make me fat, eating badly the other 355 did.
  • RainDrops930
    RainDrops930 Posts: 46 Member
    For the first few weeks, I did not indulge at all. But after a month, I started allowing cheat meals once a week. I've been doing this for almost 2 months now, and it has not impacted my weight loss at all. I've still been losing 1-2 pounds per week.

    My cheat meals are not the entire day, but just one meal, usually dinner. Also, they are planned ahead of time, so that I know what I will be eating. I do not count the calories of the dinner & dessert I indulge in. Usually, I get takeout or go to a restaurant, and then I eat any dessert that I am craving. ANYTHING. Again, I only do this once a week, for one meal. For some people, this may not work, but for me it has been working great. It allows me to stay on track during the week. I have a problem incorporating small snacks into my eating, because I tend to want much more than that, which is why I just limit it to once a week. The next day, I get right back on track :)
  • Gioeyebrow
    Gioeyebrow Posts: 404 Member
    I think its ok to have a cheat day every once in a while as long as you dont count the days till the next one you kno?
  • HvymetalMG
    HvymetalMG Posts: 93 Member
    Good to hear everyone's thoughts. Thanks
  • rockfordhomes
    rockfordhomes Posts: 4 Member
    HvymetalMG wrote: »
    today was the first day in a month I've given myself a cheat day. Not so much a day, but a meal. I had 3 large scoops of ice cream and sprinkles. I will admit it was amazing and glorious.

    But right after I felt guilty and in my mind I feel like I am really fat and just gained back the 9 lbs I lost.

    I just want to hear how others incorporate cheat meals. I can't possibly do this new food lifestyle without giving in to temptation here and there. But j don't want to deal with guilt anymore.

    Any thoughts? Thanks
    HvymetalMG wrote: »
    today was the first day in a month I've given myself a cheat day. Not so much a day, but a meal. I had 3 large scoops of ice cream and sprinkles. I will admit it was amazing and glorious.

    But right after I felt guilty and in my mind I feel like I am really fat and just gained back the 9 lbs I lost.

    I just want to hear how others incorporate cheat meals. I can't possibly do this new food lifestyle without giving in to temptation here and there. But j don't want to deal with guilt anymore.

    Any thoughts? Thanks

  • rockfordhomes
    rockfordhomes Posts: 4 Member
    i used to pull epic cheat days when i was much larger and it didnt hinder my weight loss. now that i have shed some pounds i cheat on a meal or have a beer maybe two. seems like i loose faster after a heavy calorie day. its weird
  • fiddletime
    fiddletime Posts: 1,868 Member
    If you spend most of the time at your calorie count, and only slip once in awhile, you'll get a feel for how/if it impacts your weight loss. When I was in weight loss mode I had a major slip about twice a month. Now that I'm in maintenance I have a minor slip on the weekends, few hundred calories over, and it doesn't cause me to gain. It takes awhile for you to get a feel for how accurate you are in counting and logging, and what you can get away with when you eat over calories.
  • monicaale38
    monicaale38 Posts: 23 Member
    edited March 2016
    I eat out on weekends only for luch, but the rest of the week I eat super clean
  • courtniekrebs
    courtniekrebs Posts: 79 Member
    I try and reserve one meal a week. I enjoy it and savor it so I don't feel guilty. I feel if I'm too restrictive I binge.
  • meggers123
    meggers123 Posts: 711 Member
    Not sure if it's a cheat day, but we (my husband and I) do one day of maintenance eating (so a full 1800-2200 calories). Then we do 3 days strictly limited calories (12-1400) followed by 3 of general (15-1600). (These are my numbers, his calories are higher, of course).

    The "cheat day" let's us not feel burnt out and we choose to do any celebrations on that day (birthdays, anniversary, etc).
  • wrenegade64
    wrenegade64 Posts: 410 Member
    I think there is a fine line between a "CHEAT" and an "INDULGENCE". For me, a cheat is something like having a bottle or two of a hard root beer (root beer with alcohol), or eating a hamburger on a bun instead of wrapped in a lettuce leaf, or having a large cherry ICEE. Indulging, for me, is doing this all day or multiple days in the same week. We ALL need a cheat. Some won't admit it and personally, I think they are fooling themselves and likely are doing it anyway. The whole key is to simply keep it at bay and don't go bonkers AND compensate for it. Plan ahead for it if you can. The day you are going to have that ice cream or slice of cheesecake or that hunk of lasagna or whatever, offset it that day with extra time at the gym or 20 extra minutes on your walk. Taking in extra water will also help to keep you fuller so you won't need as much of that "cheat" to satisfy you.
  • Rick_Nelson81
    Rick_Nelson81 Posts: 205 Member
    The way I see it, if I'm trying to lose weight, than doing exercise and watching what I eat EITHER earns me a few lost pounds OR a cheat meal, not both. I happen to like my healthy food, so I don't feel the need to indulge in food that is "unhealthy" whatever that means to you. For long term, sustainable progress, I would recommend you not take a cheat meal, cause you're just taking a step backwards, but if that's what it takes to maintain healthy eating habits long-term, than do what you feel you must.
  • writerchickplus5
    writerchickplus5 Posts: 14 Member
    Generally, when I have cheat days. I let myself eat whatever I want, as much as I want. Don't beat yourself up. I can understand how you feel, but, if you are doing good all month long, I say go ahead-enjoy yourself then the next day, brush the dust off of yourself and eat healthy. I have had cheat days at least once a month for the past thirteen weeks and I have lost 41 pounds. Don't get upset for being human. Just move on and watch as you lose the weight! We can do this crazy thing! Add me as a friend if you would like! I love to encourage others and to be encouraged as well!
  • leahkathleen13
    leahkathleen13 Posts: 272 Member
    When I have family events, I don't want to miss out. I enjoy the food and the wine But I attempt to log it all. It's hard to stop sometimes, but satisfying to have a goal day afterward. It slows my progress for the week but to me it's worth it for the long run.
  • valente347
    valente347 Posts: 201 Member
    I couldn't have done this as long as I have if I felt guilty going over my calories occasionally. I log it the best I can and sometimes eat a little less the next week if necessary. I balance my calories by week anyway, but sometimes a holiday puts me over. I think that's a pretty normal way to eat, and I focus on making good decisions in the future.