accountability buddy-less

Just taking this journey is hard. One minute my family is on boardboard the next they not. Friends AMD family talk lifestyle change and weight loss until they see it's hard. Then they resort to quick fixes. All the diet teas, pills etc. I've tried them as well. Yet I see now that the effort it takes to be healthy is working and worth it. These short cuts do nothing but slow the process to being healthy down by making you dependant on them instead of relying on your own behavior changes. What ways can I stay focused and motivated when everyone around seems to be like a bad drug or a downer?


  • jsmit17
    jsmit17 Posts: 28 Member
    I understand the struggle! Losing wieght was easier for me when I lived alone and was eating my way which was small pre-portioned meals and very little bread! I recently moved home and my family members are the least corporative people i have ever met! What seems to help me is surrounding myself with people that have the same goal, because I feel as if I need to keep up and dont want to let them down. I go to the gym with the same friend most days and post my workouts to snap chat for some of my other friends to see. I also make sure that I record my calories in MFP and keep my diary public so I am more motivated to eat better. It is all about having those people who will hold you accountable!