Feeling low, but still going

Mersie1 Posts: 329 Member
edited March 2016 in Motivation and Support
Hi all! So my big beach trip w my kids and husband has arrived. We leave today. Trying hard to not feel defeated. I have worked really hard to stick to my meal plan (it was set by a nutritionist that specializes in eating disorders.) I have continued to learn how to use better coping skills when stressed, I've been able to not go overboard w my exercise, and I've not slipped back into some dangerous behaviors that I once used like restricting. However, I cannot kick bingeing completely. I seem to be able to go about a week or so, then have a day where I'm triggered to binge and can't use better coping. So frustrating. As such, my weight has remained higher than it will when I no longer binge. I assumed by this trip I would have made greater progress w bingeing. Bingeing is so dangerous for my health. I understood when I would restrict how that would lead to bingeing, but I actually nourish my body now. But sometimes the effort I have to make to not restrict I think sets me up. Trying to lose the diet mentality and just live my life and nourish myself in a balanced way, but wow is it hard!

I'm not giving up! I'm trying to set myself up for success. I will continue to push hard to normalize my eating and follow the plan. Visualizing how great it could feel when I get back after the trip if I've been binge free!

Just needed to vent I guess!


  • Zombella
    Zombella Posts: 490 Member
    edited March 2016
    I'm sorry that you are having a rough time. I also binge, especially when I am stressed out/anxious and I know it is hard and really bad for my health. Do your best, but especially Try to enjoy your beach vacation with the kids.
  • RainDrops930
    RainDrops930 Posts: 46 Member
    I completely understand. I struggle with binge eating, too. I can go a week or 2, but it's an incredibly difficult behavior to break. I've incorporated one cheat meal a week now, sort of a "mini-binge," and that's really helped me. I get right back on track the next day. Just keep on going, remember how far you've come, and find what works for you. Best of luck!