Loose Skin

flrancho Posts: 271 Member
edited March 2016 in Motivation and Support
I have lost around 130 pounds over a span of a year and a half, hitting my goal weight of 135. My weight loss was natural (calories in, calories out, eating healthier) - though I only started hitting the gym for probably the last 60 pounds to be lost. My body fat percentage is still 27%, and I'd like to get down to 17-22%. I've just started doing recomp.

Anyway I find that I now have loose, saggy skin, which I imagine will only get worse as my body fat percentage decreases. I have some on my inner thighs and a lot on the breasts. I can physically pull the skin away from my body. My underarms are saggy and so is my belly, but I'm confident that these areas are still from excess fat being carried rather than excess skin.

I find the loose skin disgusting. It looks nasty on my thighs and when I lay down in bed on my back, if I'm unclothed it looks like all the loose skin on my breasts pulls all the tissue towards the outside of my body and it doesn't even look like I have boobs anymore - and I'm a DD. Its horribly unattractive, especially looking at it from the perspective of that I am single, and I'm wondering if any future boyfriend of mine is going to see that and want to start running.

That said, I've read up on the surgeries for fixing sagging skin, especially with the breasts, and its really not something I want to or can have done. Yes, the people look better, but I can't afford the kind of prices I'm seeing, nor the time off from work, and I don't really want those kind of scars either. But I don't want the sagginess. I know, an oxymoron.

Is there anything I can do at all, besides the body recomp/weightlifting I am already doing to try to get tighter skin? Will my loose skin get worse as I continue to loose body fat and do recomp?

What are the odds of just giving my skin some time and it returning to normal within a few years? I've heard it can happen. I'm 29 now and have probably been overweight (100+ lbs) for about 12 years. Again, I lost my 130 pounds naturally over a span of a little less than a year and a half.


  • Gioeyebrow
    Gioeyebrow Posts: 404 Member
    Wow girl your awsome i cant belive you lost so much weight i wanna be you
  • overw8gosk8
    overw8gosk8 Posts: 457 Member
    Toning, toning and more toning. Most people who lose a lot of weight will have some loose skin. It can take up to 2 years for it to retract completely. If you still have loose skin after 2 years, then I would look into surgical means. Hope this helps :)
  • flrancho
    flrancho Posts: 271 Member
    Toning, toning and more toning. Most people who lose a lot of weight will have some loose skin. It can take up to 2 years for it to retract completely. If you still have loose skin after 2 years, then I would look into surgical means. Hope this helps :)

    How well would this work with the loose skin on my breasts? I keep reading that since these are mostly made up of fat anyway, that toning does very little to nothing to help loose skin here. If I ever did decide to do some sort of surgery, should I wait until I'm done with body recomp, or could I get it done sooner?
  • Be_Lively
    Be_Lively Posts: 145 Member
    Sorry, I don't have a remedy but would love to follow this thread. However, I am curious as to what price range the surgeries were at?
  • Mycophilia
    Mycophilia Posts: 1,225 Member
    Sadly, skin that has been under tension for a long time has grown new skin cells, permanently increasing the surface area of your skin. That being said, skin is also elastic, so it will retract to some degree once the tension is removed. And it won't sag as much once all the fat that is weighing it down is gone.

    I'd say you should reach your desired bodyfat % first and then decide if what you see is acceptable or if you want surgery.
  • flrancho
    flrancho Posts: 271 Member
    So would you all wait a year or so until deciding what to do after I reach my desired body fat percentage? Or wait a year from reaching my goal weight?

    I really wish this wasn't happening. I look like I'm on the verge of getting the first boyfriend of my life, and now I have saggy boobs with loose skin and loose skin on my thighs that no one sees (so wouldn't be expecting) when I'm clothed. I dread getting into a bathing suit, let alone anything less than that.
  • VisofSer
    VisofSer Posts: 130 Member
    Complete your recomposition goals first. The added muscle may help the skin retract further, and it does take a long time for the skin to retract as far as it will. Get to your goals, and then maintain them for six months. After that evaluate how if you want to go through with surgery and if you can accept the scars instead of the sag. It can happen that most/all of the skin retracts, but there is no way to tell other than to wait and do good work. As for your breasts, having stronger support on your chest and shoulder girdle will help with lift, but it depends on how you genetically carry fat and how your body responds. The skin itself you can do little about beyond wait and consider surgery.
  • mdrichardsons
    mdrichardsons Posts: 83 Member
    flrancho wrote: »
    So would you all wait a year or so until deciding what to do after I reach my desired body fat percentage? Or wait a year from reaching my goal weight?

    I really wish this wasn't happening. I look like I'm on the verge of getting the first boyfriend of my life, and now I have saggy boobs with loose skin and loose skin on my thighs that no one sees (so wouldn't be expecting) when I'm clothed. I dread getting into a bathing suit, let alone anything less than that.

    I know how you feel I had my first daughter with another guy early in life and I got horrible stretch marks... Like I'm not just saying that their like nothing I've seen before. When I met my now husband I was super insecure about it but I decided that if it was really a problem for him then we need to part now because this is life and not movies. Real life is I had a baby and stretch marks came and when I had another one with him more came. He also had to watch really gross stuff when I gave birth to 2 more babies with him so if he couldn't have handled the bad stretch marks he wasn't the guy for me. Luckily he was and he's been great. It may sound weird but I feel like I am closer with him because of it. Because he has seen me at my worst and still loves me for me. If it's all about looks don't plan on that lasting very long. Beauty will fade and life will happen. Personally I want a man who I can count on to be there whatever comes kids cancer weight gain car accident. Whatever.
  • Preshy999
    Preshy999 Posts: 18 Member
    I've heard callanetics works for skin tightening. Its a slow exercise with relative and good stretches. You do feel the difference in days. Hope it works for you if you give it a try
  • chica79
    chica79 Posts: 1 Member
    Try lavender essential oil mixed into coconut oil. I have notice my breast are perkier than when when I was 20 ( I'm now 37) I apply it every night before bed and I sleep like a baby too.! Also I have heard to stay away from tanning and to also reduce your water temp when showering or bathing. In the summer when we go swimming in the creek and the water is really cold I have notice my skin feels really TIGHT for the rest of the day.
  • marinagraber
    marinagraber Posts: 49 Member
    First, you need to be super proud of yourself for the hard work and dedication you put into changing bad habits. Second, any man who truly cares for you should also be proud of you and have interest in you for more than your body. That being said, I know our vanity gets in the way and insecuities will always pop up. Just love your self and be proud and the right man will too.
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,618 Member
    Toning, toning and more toning. Most people who lose a lot of weight will have some loose skin. It can take up to 2 years for it to retract completely. If you still have loose skin after 2 years, then I would look into surgical means. Hope this helps :)
    What do you mean by "toning"? Lifting weights? That would just condition the muscle underneath, unless the OP is intently trying to put on muscle, which would then need progressive resistance along with a calorie surplus.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal and Group Fitness Trainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness for 30 years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition

  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,618 Member
    Preshy999 wrote: »
    I've heard callanetics works for skin tightening. Its a slow exercise with relative and good stretches. You do feel the difference in days. Hope it works for you if you give it a try
    That would be a no.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal and Group Fitness Trainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness for 30 years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition


  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,618 Member
    chica79 wrote: »
    Try lavender essential oil mixed into coconut oil. I have notice my breast are perkier than when when I was 20 ( I'm now 37) I apply it every night before bed and I sleep like a baby too.! Also I have heard to stay away from tanning and to also reduce your water temp when showering or bathing. In the summer when we go swimming in the creek and the water is really cold I have notice my skin feels really TIGHT for the rest of the day.
    Topicals do nothing for the dermis (which is where the problem lies) and skin retraction from cold is a physical reaction and is only temporary. Ask any guy who get into really cold water.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal and Group Fitness Trainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness for 30 years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition


  • Wickedfaery73
    Wickedfaery73 Posts: 184 Member
    ninerbuff wrote: »
    Ask any guy who get into really cold water.


  • toddmcarter
    toddmcarter Posts: 15 Member
    Thanks for starting this post and congratulations on the amazing weight loss. I hope you are crazy proud of yourself! I am not an expert but am not aware of a non-surgical way to reduce what has become "extra" skin. If you do try out any of the different ideas you are getting here I hope you will update the thread with any results you experience. Thank you again and keep up the great work!!
  • fatfudgery
    fatfudgery Posts: 449 Member
    Contrary to popular belief, loose skin doesn't retract beyond the initial weight loss, and creams and lotions and wraps and supplements don't do anything for it. Losing more body fat will make you look smaller and putting on muscle will help you look better, but don't expect miracles. Your stretched skin is stretched for good, unfortunately.

    If it really bothers you, surgery is the only option.
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,618 Member
    Skin is an organ. Unlike muscle, it's not directly affected by exercise, so you can't "make" it change voluntarily. Genetics, how much you have to lose, and age will all be factors on how much loose skin gets. After 2 years, if retraction hasn't met desired look, surgery or acceptance are the next options.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal and Group Fitness Trainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness for 30 years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition

  • Paulina1230
    Paulina1230 Posts: 215 Member
    Ive lost 70+ with 50 more to go and I have noticed the skin is flappier under my arms and upper thighs. I have been using 3 pound dumbells to work my upper arms while watching tv in the evenings and I swear its helping some...maybe not, but they feel better and tighter. Also I have been riding my stationary bike alot and I think thats helping my thighs. I use alot of coco butter and although its probably not helping the stretchy skin, it makes my skin feel bettter....softer and smoother. There are quite a few videos on you tube for tightening up upper arms with light weights. Good luck in your journey and awesome job so far. You are an inspiration to us all.
  • brb_2013
    brb_2013 Posts: 1,197 Member
    flrancho wrote: »
    So would you all wait a year or so until deciding what to do after I reach my desired body fat percentage? Or wait a year from reaching my goal weight?

    I really wish this wasn't happening. I look like I'm on the verge of getting the first boyfriend of my life, and now I have saggy boobs with loose skin and loose skin on my thighs that no one sees (so wouldn't be expecting) when I'm clothed. I dread getting into a bathing suit, let alone anything less than that.

    I know it's easier to say than to do, but any man worth your time will see that loose skin as battle scars showing where you've been. Gaining and losing weight is a huge life altering process and you have marks to show for it. I'm going to have a ton of skin, it won't be feasible to have to removed for probably 10 years. I'm not even close to my goal of course, but I know it's coming. Use the loss as a part of your story, talk about it! Then as you move forward into trusting someone bring the skin up. Again any man who is actually going to be a good presence in your life will see YOU not some skin. Also work on some self love and acceptance. That SHINES through so much, and if you come from a place of owning and loving your body it will be how any partner also thinks of you and your body.

    I was up at over 300lbs before trying to make changes, and started dating after losing 30lbs. It wasn't even noticeable. But just knowing I had the power to change got me into dating and I told each guy I went out with about my losses and how I felt about my body- all positive!
    Sure, I didn't marry every guy. But they all respected me and found me plenty attractive. I met my future husband in there too! Be kind to yourself.