Brides on a Mission: June



  • skinnyack
    skinnyack Posts: 683
    1. Weight loss/inches lost this week: recovering from cruise- at 153.8
    2. Highlight of the past week: (not weight, just something exciting that happened): Got to show off my something blue- bought a tanzanite in the caribbean on my cruise. Lovin it!
    3. Lowlight of the past week (not weight, just something that you need support with): Work has been ridiculously busy and our new commission structure means I'm not getting paid ANY commission for our two busiest months. I'd planned to pay some bills with these two paychecks and for my wedding band (which I bought in the caribbean also- awesome deals on Diamonds). Needless to say money is stressful... and both me and the fiance are feeling it. Not having the best effect on our reltaionship right now.
    4. Any wedding news updates: I've decided since my wedding is outdoors to look into "fancy plastic" instead of renting china and utensils. We'll see if I change my mind back, but with my worries about money I'd rather have more money for the honeymoon and the stuff that lasts.

    5. Weekly wrap up: I'd say the key word is frustration. Have found myself thinking "why do we need a wedding? why do we need to get married? Why can't I have my own apartment and we just remain happily commited to each other from afar? haha- I'm hoping something gets me excited again. By the way I tend to want to hide in a hole when I get stressed about money- so this isn't a rare experience for me...
  • skinnyack
    skinnyack Posts: 683
    Welcome to all of our new members! It's great to see all of these new brides :flowerforyou:

    Brides on a Mission: JUNE
    1. Weight loss/inches lost this week: 0.6lbs :)

    2. Highlight of the past week: My dress came in! I was so scared it wouldn't fit (I ordered it two sizes smaller than I was in February) but it did! :love:

    3. Lowlight of the past week: So the dress fits but there's a bit of ugly spillage going on at the back. I've got the beginnings of a back flap :cry: Time for some serious toning!

    4. Any wedding news updates: Nothing other than the dress really. It's my main focus for the next little while.

    5. Weekly wrap up: This week's motto is just keep swimming

    Love this weeks motto- congrats on the two sizes down in the dress!:flowerforyou:
  • Bditbobcat
    Bditbobcat Posts: 171 Member
    @amandapratt: Two sizes down?!?! Holy Crap that is awesome!!! congrats!
  • jody0912
    jody0912 Posts: 33
    I'd like to join too!

    1. Name: Jody
    2. Age: 28
    3. City: Brooklyn
    4. Occupation: Attorney
    5. Wedding date: Not set - September 2012 or May 2013
    6. Fiancés name: Kyle
    7. How long you and your fiancé have been together: 7 years on July 4th
    8. Heaviest weight: 217.8
    9. Goal weight and date: 150 by wedding, if not sooner. Shooting for 1 pound/week for now.
    10. Favorite type of exercise: Elliptical
    11. Favorite healthy food: quinoa w/ avocado, tomato and light bals. vin :)

    Brides on a Mission: JUNE
    1. Weight loss/inches lost this week: down 1 pound
    2. Highlight of the past week: (not weight, just something exciting that happened): found out my gym has a free personal training program - signed up and got my butt kicked!
    3. Lowlight of the past week (not weight, just something that you need support with): somehow ended up with leftover cookies from a BBQ last weekend and have definitely had 2-3 each day since...throwing them out right now!
    4. Any wedding news updates: I've been unemployed since we got engaged but just got a job! (hooray!) so now I've worked out a budget based on our new combined salaries to see how much we can save for the wedding. a wedding seems possible now!
    5. Weekly wrap up: I'm committing to 4 workouts this week and to avoiding beer this weekend...
  • ksludwig
    ksludwig Posts: 304 Member
    Brides on a Mission: JUNE
    1. Weight loss/inches lost this week: not really changing up and dow the same 2 lbs, so I do not count that as a change, just stuck.

    2. Highlight of the past week: FH came back from house sitting out of town! :smooched:

    3. Lowlight of the past week: Found out our dish pattern is going to be discontinued :frown: , hope we can get it all before it's gone!

    4. Any wedding news updates: Working on the addresses for the invitations! I hope to have them in the mail by Monday! My bridal shower is this weekend, so I need to be extra good since I will probably cheat a little on Saturday :wink:

    5. Weekly wrap up: Overall just taking it one step at a time!
  • kgs0201
    kgs0201 Posts: 459 Member
    hey all!!! on my honeymoon now but while the husband slept in i was able to upload some of my wedding photos! enjoy and I hope this link works!
  • Bditbobcat
    Bditbobcat Posts: 171 Member
    @gainskb: Your wedding pics look amazing!!! Congrats!
  • brittaney10811
    brittaney10811 Posts: 588 Member
    1. Brittaney
    2. Age: 22
    3. City: Uhrichsville
    4. Occupation: CAD Engineer
    5. Wedding date: October 8th, 2011
    6. Fiancés name: Jake
    7. How long you and your fiancé have been together: 5 years by the wedding day
    8. Heaviest weight: 200.6
    9. Goal weight and date: 130 by 1-1-2012
    10. Favorite type of exercise: Zumba
    11. Favorite healthy food: Egg Whites (weird I know, lol)
  • NurseNatalie2011
    I am back all! I am so glad that Amanda was able to take over the board! Thank you soooo much for keeping it going, I was really hoping somone would be able to :smile:

    Well, I graduated from nursing school this past Saturday and I finally have a BSN!!!! I am still in study mode for the next 4-6 weeks; for state boards to get my RN licence. It is about 3-5 hours of studying per day, so not nearly intense as nursing school was.

    My fiance is moving in on July 15! I am super excited and can't wait...I feel like I am waiting to leave for Disney World or something when I was a kid hahah :blushing: I have been waiting so long for this and I am just so in love and exicted to be roomies with my fiance finally!! We are very mom is moving out of the townhouse her and I live in now and Greg will be moving in. We dont have to pay too much for rent. She wanted to be able to help us with something wedding related but she didn't have thousands of dollars to pay for the wedding. She is very happy to let us live in the townhouse! I will post pics after moving day :happy:

    I am so glad to be back on weight has stayed the same the past 3 weeks or so (between 156-158). I am ready to start loging again and getting my workout on 3 days a week! I have missed you all sooo much :tongue:

    Getting to know each other (I will fill this out again since I have been gone all month and there are so many wonderful new people)
    1. Name: Natalie
    2. Age: 23
    3. City: Chicago
    4. Occupation: I just graduated nursing school and looking for a job as an RN now
    5. Wedding date: 9-22-12
    6. Fiancés name: Greg
    7. How long you and your fiancé have been together: 7.5 years
    8. Heaviest weight: 216
    9. Goal weight and date: 140lbs by 9-22-11
    10. Favorite type of exercise: group classess, kickboxing, hot yoga
    11. Favorite healthy food: watermellon, apple, humus, baby bell cheese,

    Brides on a Mission: JUNE
    1. Weight loss/inches lost this week: I will weight in on Wed and post!

    2. Highlight of the past week: (not weight, just something exciting that happened): I have a BSN!!! and I got a GPS from Greg as a graduation gift!

    3. Lowlight of the past week (not weight, just something that you need support with): I have family in town and their parenting skills are just annoying!

    4. Any wedding news updates: We have our church, hall, DJ, and photographer. We are still not doing anything else until I take my state boards in 4-6 weeks. Then the first thing that will be worked on is invitations/STDs.

    5. Weekly wrap up: I had an awesome week. I graduated nursing school, had a great party with lots of friends and family, and Greg moves in in 19days! I am so glad to be back on MFP and ready to get rid of these last 16lbs!!!!!
  • Bditbobcat
    Bditbobcat Posts: 171 Member
    Weigh in: Lost 1.1 lbs last week!!! Yay!!!
  • amandapratt
    amandapratt Posts: 177 Member
    Brides on a Mission: JUNE

    1. Weight loss/inches lost this week: -0.2lbs Not great, but given the circumstances I'll take it

    2. Highlight of the past week: Ate well at work trade shows despite being surrounded by cookies and pastries. I resisted! :bigsmile:

    3. Lowlight of the past week: FH's grandfather died at the end of the week. We're all still reeling from it. Everything is just a blur.

    4. Any wedding news updates: n/a

    5. Weekly wrap up: Just keep swimming
  • NicolioRussell
    I'm excited! Tonight are our engagement pictures....Long time coming! We've been engaged for a year and a half...and the wedding is three months away. I can't wait. And I LOVE our photographer. She's so amazing.

    Anyways, not really any other news. Got my shoes, tiara, made my garter (yes, was a nightmare), and a handful of other things. I'm excited that we've really got the ball rolling now. We also purchased the bridesmaid's shoes. Payless had the dyeables shoes for buy one get one half and I had my girls were able to get their shoes for only $33. I thought this was a steal for dyed shoes!

    Hope everyone has a great 4th of July!
  • amandapratt
    amandapratt Posts: 177 Member
    July's topic is up! You can find it here: [html] [/html]