any gamers who love the outdoors?

Hey, everyone! I'm hoping to find and make friends who are active (either commenting or posting) and into things that I'm into. I want accountability, but I also want community.

I love video games and play something or other every day (XBox 360, PC: Gears of War, Mass Effect, Halo, Portal, Skyrim, etc). But I also love being outdoors; my favorite activities besides gaming are hiking and fishing. I try to do at least one activity every year that's adrenaline heavy (like skydiving) as well.

I'm not active in either the gaming or outdoors community, though. (If everything works out, I'll attend my second ever con this year, but I wouldn't be too put out if I don't get to go for example.) So I probably won't know every detail every gaming or outdoors thing. :p

I'm going back to school for CS this fall.


  • treehopper1987
    treehopper1987 Posts: 505 Member
    edited March 2016
    I am not into gaming, myself, but I am married to a gamer. I do, however, love the outdoors, particularly hiking and tent camping, as well as gardening. My husband and I spent our 1 year anniversary skydiving. :smiley:

    I am trying to determine if I want to go back to school as well, but for DS.
  • tnthuynh
    tnthuynh Posts: 4 Member
    edited March 2016
    Is gaming just something that you never had the opportunity to get into and the learning curve seems too harsh? Or did you get into and decide, "Nah, no thanks"?

    I'm trying to be better about hiking. The mountains are only an hour from where I live so I want to get into hiking regularly. I love the quiet and the feeling of accomplishment when I finish a particularly difficult part of a trail. I'm not so into camping, and therefore have yet to complete more than one night of backpacking, but it seems like something that I'll eventually get into just because it's such a natural extension of hiking.

    Adding. :)
  • tnthuynh
    tnthuynh Posts: 4 Member
    Uh, that is, if you wanted the add.
  • treehopper1987
    treehopper1987 Posts: 505 Member
    Sure, add me.

    To answer your question, I don't like how gaming makes me. I become an angry person lol! So, I can enjoy watching it from the sidelines more than actually playing. When I do play it's sillier games like Rabbids.

    I have never backpacked, but it is something I want to get into. It's a little more difficult with a toddler, but I hope to have my first backpacking trip soon.
  • ChampCrucial
    ChampCrucial Posts: 120 Member
    Feel free to add me. I love to bike, play basketball, throw my discus, and walk. Trying to get into rucking. I play games a little every 2-3 days but I have no where near the amount of time I would like to play these days now that I have a little girl that is almost 2. I play call of duty, sonic, and midnight club mostly. I tend to go for games I can't get sucked into for hours and hours like mass effect since I am always on the go.
  • rsclause
    rsclause Posts: 3,103 Member
    I have the perfect game for you, It is a GPS based game from google that you have to move around to play. Its kind of like a global game of capture the flag. Most people drive while playing but I run. I live near downtown and have lots of portals to attack. I started walking, then short running between portals. I got so into it I made four laps around town and then took off to hit two college campuses. I lost 50 pounds and now run half marathons. Oh, you may want to join the green "Enlightened" team.
  • King_Spicy
    King_Spicy Posts: 821 Member
    I'm into FPS and Forza 6 when inside. Beer, mountain biking, surfing, or snowboarding when outside
  • peachyfuzzle
    peachyfuzzle Posts: 1,122 Member
    Finally just starting to get back into gaming after a long hiatus. I have a little bit of free time, and had the money to splurge on a PS4. Currently playing through Fallout 4 in the mornings before work, and on the weekends.

    I am trying to be more active in the outdoors (more than just playing golf at least), but it's still too crappy outside to get into anything.
  • ImChipper
    ImChipper Posts: 44 Member
    rsclause wrote: »
    I have the perfect game for you, It is a GPS based game from google that you have to move around to play. Its kind of like a global game of capture the flag. Most people drive while playing but I run. I live near downtown and have lots of portals to attack. I started walking, then short running between portals. I got so into it I made four laps around town and then took off to hit two college campuses. I lost 50 pounds and now run half marathons. Oh, you may want to join the green "Enlightened" team.

    I didn't like it as much, lol. But then again, the app confused me. You guys do any geocaching? Here in SoCal, the hikes are really fun to get to the 'treasure hunt' :D
  • gwayby
    gwayby Posts: 42 Member
    Oh hey, what's up! I'm not as big a gamer as I was in high school/college, but I do still play and I'm getting pretty big into hiking too. I live in downtown Chicago though, so I mostly go on long "urban hikes" with my husband every day, but we try to go out I the woods or places like the Indiana Dunes on weekends. We usually try to walk least 6-10 miles a day. We are also planning a trip to Zion and Grand Canyon National Parks in late April, which will be mostly hiking (can't wait!!). I just bought my first real hiking boots last week B)

    As for gaming, I play mostly indie games on Steam nowadays, ie Binding of Isaac, Don't Starve, Undertale, etc. My husband usually plays newer stuff, Fallout 4, MGS5, Skyrim, etc, which I like to watch. I've also been replaying some games I played in highschool, recently Metal Gear Solid and FFX. The funny thing is that I used to be able to play for hours and hours without going outside, but now I feel guilty/depressed if I don't go for a walk or something before I play. I guess I need more balance in my life nowadays. Anyway, sounds like we have a lot in common, so feel free to add me!!
  • PrancingAlien
    PrancingAlien Posts: 1 Member
    It feels like the more focused I become on my fitness the less and less I have in common with my gamer friends. I used to love gaming and I'd like to think I still do. I can't really marathon games anymore and the love I once had for MMOs seems to be faded, but I still get a kick out of most games. I love dota and league of legends, but it's difficult to find people to play with as the community tends to drive people away and not really foster a positive attitude. So lately I've been getting my fill with Hearthstone and whatever puzzle games I have on my tablet.
  • OmarGallegos20255
    OmarGallegos20255 Posts: 16 Member
    I play a lot of league of legends for the past two years I've been sitting on my *kitten* playing for hours and eating fast food and drinking soda. I've completely flipped my diet and started working out every day I'm down 10 pounds. Keep working hard guys
  • Penthesilea514
    Penthesilea514 Posts: 1,189 Member
    It feels like the more focused I become on my fitness the less and less I have in common with my gamer friends. I used to love gaming and I'd like to think I still do. I can't really marathon games anymore and the love I once had for MMOs seems to be faded, but I still get a kick out of most games. I love dota and league of legends, but it's difficult to find people to play with as the community tends to drive people away and not really foster a positive attitude. So lately I've been getting my fill with Hearthstone and whatever puzzle games I have on my tablet.

    I feel this so much! My husband and I met playing DnD, and played a lot of MMOs together, but it can be hard when I no longer want to marathon game with him. I still like gaming, but I am focused on fitness more now and it is hard for some of my friends to understand(its like I am judging them when really I am just trying to get healthy for myself). I never played dota or LoL, more of GW2, WoW, Rift, DA, Skyrim, etc. person though :)

    If you haven't checked it out, look at Nerd Fitness too. I am not a member but I read his articles and stuff. I am not really into specific diets (this guy likes Paleo) but I like his gaming spin on fitness and nutrition. He also has a book I read about Leveling Up your Life and talks about thinking of challenges that level you up like a video game does. My library had it so it was easy to get.

    There are also a few apps out there for fitness that have that kind of leveling up/gaming spin to them. I like Zombies, Run! because I like the storytelling during my runs and that you collect items and build up your town. There are several seasons out I think.

    Anyway, always looking for fun, motivational friends so add if you like :) And good luck on your journey!!
  • fochizzy87
    fochizzy87 Posts: 51 Member
    tnthuynh wrote: »
    Hey, everyone! I'm hoping to find and make friends who are active (either commenting or posting) and into things that I'm into. I want accountability, but I also want community.

    I love video games and play something or other every day (XBox 360, PC: Gears of War, Mass Effect, Halo, Portal, Skyrim, etc). But I also love being outdoors; my favorite activities besides gaming are hiking and fishing. I try to do at least one activity every year that's adrenaline heavy (like skydiving) as well.

    I'm not active in either the gaming or outdoors community, though. (If everything works out, I'll attend my second ever con this year, but I wouldn't be too put out if I don't get to go for example.) So I probably won't know every detail every gaming or outdoors thing. :p

    I'm going back to school for CS this fall.

    What con are you going to attend? I staff NYCC and C2E2 every year. YAY CONS!
  • LazSommer
    LazSommer Posts: 1,851 Member
    I prefer Azeroth and a flying mount, but I get outside on my bike or the trail some days. It's a balance.
  • CrazyComicLady
    CrazyComicLady Posts: 98 Member
    I'm more of a retro gamer ^_^ sega megadrive being my all time favourite console. I don't play a whole lot these days, although I'm sure I might be dragged into the 21st century when they release the ff7 remake, that was one of my all time favourite childhood games.
  • TheBigLeMeowski
    TheBigLeMeowski Posts: 13 Member
    I play WoW and lots of stuff on the Xbox One. I'm currently into The Division and I'm about to start back at Fallout 4. I'm very competitive and I'm looking for friends that like to game as well!! Glad I found this thread :). I've never been to a con but I have a few cosplays I REALLY want to do. That's my end game reward for achieving my weight loss goal. Feel free to add me :smiley:
  • MinmoInk
    MinmoInk Posts: 345 Member
    I love cycling, going on nature walks, dark souls, bloodborne, demons souls, and sometimes I play non-souls games too LOL
  • voidantics
    voidantics Posts: 16 Member
    i'm a big gamer so add me up! i mostly play a lot on steam these days but i like my playstation 1/2/3 titles too. been playing a lot of darkest dungeon & kingdom hearts lately. i like being outdoors as well, mostly walking for me on the active side but i love stargazing so much... i wish i had more people to be active with because all my friends are the gamer types and they never want to go out. i can convince them to get just dance titles out every now and again though :D