Time for Exercise

There is no excuse for not doing more exercise and I must try and change my ways if I want to get fit ,but i am honest when i say that i find it difficult to fit time in for exercise . I have two young children of two and one and although I spend all day running around after them, it doesn't allow me to attend any classes or do any really energetic exercise.

I do attend a Zumba Class on a Wednesday and Sunday evening which is fine because the kids are in bed at 7 pm and my husband is home from work to make sure they are alright but I would love to be able to do more. When i put the kids down for the evening then catch up on housework etc I really don't want to think about going out running or cycling. Suppose my attitude to exercise has to change.


  • olag00
    olag00 Posts: 222
    Have you tried sacrificing your sleep time? I wake up at 4:15am to get the workout done before everyone else gets up. Gives me the opportunity to get it out of the way and feel great the rest of the day. This way nothing will interfere with your day to miss your workout.
  • Mairgheal
    Mairgheal Posts: 385 Member
    You're probably going to get some replies of people getting up at 4.30am to fit in exercise and fair play to them, but I reckon that's not feasible for most people.

    I work fulltime and have a husband and two kids, so finding time for exercise is definitely an issue for me too. I got some workout-dvd's, the 30 day shred for example is brilliant, takes only 20 minutes - and you will see result after the 30 days.
    I also walk in my lunchbreaks and in the weekends we try to be active as a family anyway and besides that and I can go on walks/runs/bikerides when my husband is at home.
  • 2chubby4now
    2chubby4now Posts: 93 Member
    Your family is young. Just grab what time you can fit in for exercise. Keep working in physical activity around you kids (walks, trips to the park). As they grow you will find more and more opportunities for exercise. It will all balance out eventually!
  • Carey2011
    Carey2011 Posts: 15
    I would love to sacrifice time in the morning but my youngest has me up several times a night then they are both up at 6 am every morning. If I'm honest, there is no way on Earth I could get up at 4.30 am to exercise then carry on for the rest of the day.
  • FL_Nettie
    FL_Nettie Posts: 265 Member
    What about maybe getting a jogging stroller or one of those baby carrier bike trailers? I know they can be expensive, but you might be able to find a less expensive one at a yard sale or consignment shop. That way it also gets the kids out of the house!

    If those aren't options, what about exercising when they're down for naps? There are many exercise vidoes that have quick 10-15 minute workouts.
  • Carey2011
    Carey2011 Posts: 15
    Unfortunatley only the 1 yr old goes for a nap but I have been considering buying one of those bike carriers. I need to find a double one though...sure Amazon will have something