Help please?

Hi Friends! I am new to this site (day 2). I need some help with something. You know at the begining when you sign up, you enter what type of work your do. Desk job or active... So I am a Letter Carrier and walk a few hours a day. Is this included in my excersice or do I enter this separtely? Thanks so much for helping. Hope you all are enjoying the road to health. oxox


  • ndarling
    Hi Friends! I am new to this site (day 2). I need some help with something. You know at the begining when you sign up, you enter what type of work your do. Desk job or active... So I am a Letter Carrier and walk a few hours a day. Is this included in my excersice or do I enter this separtely? Thanks so much for helping. Hope you all are enjoying the road to health. oxox
  • verifire
    put it in your exercise! that's awesome. built in burning :) welcome, by the way. this is a great site. i love the food journal; it keeps me honest!
  • rkblueyes
    Your exercise should be above what your normal activity is. In order to lose you need to increase your exercise above what you have been doing. Your body is use to your normal activity. It still helps that you walk, but you need to do more...

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  • ndarling
    Thanks so much for your reply. It feels as though I am starving although I am eating quite a bit and often.
  • ndarling
    I know! The food journal is awesome. It's really eye opening. Thanks for your reply!
  • Dave198lbs
    Dave198lbs Posts: 8,810 Member
    you can deliver my mail anytime...

    I would think that all that walking should go as exercise...I cant see that this program would consider that amount as a regular deal for a job...

    good luck