Up and down!

Anyone else lose 2 pounds, gain a pound? Lose 1 pound, gain 1.5 pounds? Lose 2.4 pounds, maintain. Gain 1 pound? I'm not depressed over this! I just keep on keeping on but this merry go round ride is driving me slightly insane!!!!!!


  • kthompson601
    kthompson601 Posts: 174 Member
    Absolutely! Don't go insane--weight loss is not linear. Frustrating but too!

    I definitely can be up and down. If it stresses you out, weigh just once a week. I used to weigh every day but the up/down roller coaster gave me anxiety. Some people feel better weighing every day, but it wasn't for me, and if it's not for you, cut back.
  • meonlybetterDUH
    meonlybetterDUH Posts: 25 Member
    I love your photo!!! :) That's the look I give the scale! The part that drives me crazy is I'm always right around my designated calorie allotment for the day. Exercise. Yet the scale goes up, the scale goes down! But I'm stubborn as hell and will never give up! Never!!!!!! >:)
  • Sherriediva1
    Sherriediva1 Posts: 345 Member
    "STUBBORN" is a Great quality for weight loss! :)
  • elroyalty
    elroyalty Posts: 30 Member
    I found that what helps for me is actually to keep weighing in everyday but to log it into a trend weight calculator like trend weight.com or the online tool at the Hacker's diet. In fact there's a description of this up and down and the frustration it can lead to if you don't focus on the trends in the Hacker's diet book which is free online and funny and down-to-earth. It helps me over my emotional ups and downs going with the scale every morning and now I can focus on progress and not the mornings number necessarily
  • elroyalty
    elroyalty Posts: 30 Member
    Meant to add that weighing in once a week for me made me more crazy because I found that I could be the same weight or even up a little from exactly a week before on a particular week even though I may have been down two pounds in the middle of the week and that was my real trend. But some people swear by once a week weigh in to try a couple different and see what works for you
  • leanne0627
    leanne0627 Posts: 109 Member
    I also use trendweight and find it helpful. As long as my graph goes down I don't worry about the numbers. Also found measuring and taking pictures weekly a big help. When the scale hasn't moved in awhile I will look at a picture and compare it to one a couple months old and I can see the difference there that I can't see in the mirror. Helps with motivation.
  • madhatter2013
    madhatter2013 Posts: 1,547 Member
    Oh yeah but I'll gain 7 lbs overnight then lose 6 of it the next day. My body fluctuates to the extreme, however, the trend of loss is pretty steady (when I am losing).
  • kshama2001
    kshama2001 Posts: 28,052 Member
    What's your overall trend? I gain at ovulation and premenstrually, but overall the trend is downward.

  • Jruzer
    Jruzer Posts: 3,501 Member
    I'll add mine. I've got daily, weekly, and even yearly ups and downs. Variatoins are the norm because your body is a complex machine with many elements contributing to weight, with water being particularly important ("A pint's a pound the world around.")
